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*** Please note: This website (comp-hist) was completed before I found out about Wikipedia in 2002.
Since then I have added material occasionally.
Items are certainly not complete, and may be inaccurate.
Your information, comments, corrections, etc. are eagerly requested.
Send e-mail to Ed Thelen. Please include the URL under discussion. Thank you ***
Manufacturer DEC - Digital Equipment Corporation Identification,ID PDP-4 Date of first manufacture 1962 Number produced - Estimated price or cost - location in museum - donor - Contents of this page:
- Photo
- Placard
- Architecture
- Special Features
- Historical Notes
- This Specimen
- Interesting Web Sites
- Other information
see Architecture at PDP-1. See Instruction List of PDP-9
- Historical Notes
see Timeline at PDP-1. This Specimen
- Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-4 Manual, 1962 @3.8MB.
If you have comments or suggestions, Send e-mail to Ed Thelen
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Updated February 6, 2002