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Why I would be a Suicide Bomber if I were a young Muslim.

Background: There are about as many girls born as boys - Right?

If top level guys get say 4 girls, there aren't any left for you and me. Right?

Consider the environment in our Muslim world.

- the males have as many wives as they can afford - up to the authorized limit of four
- if you have the bride price, you are basically irresistible ;-)) Papa and momma will see to that.
- and if four women isn't enough face for some rich guy, he can gather harem of more.
- and all the girls are covered and sequestered.

You and I am a penniless young males. We are unemployed as our skills are limited to:

- reading the Koran,
- listening to hate,
- and throwing rocks.

Just how the hell are you and I going to find a "date"??

All the girls are taken or covered or hidden or all of the above.

You and I are wired to be horny. Charles Darwin can give the reasons. ;-))

You and I have heard all our lives that if we kill some folks

- a few Muslims of the wrong sect or who aren't serious enough
- or even better a Westerner/infidel or two -
the killer will be instantly transported to a much better place
and given more cuties and goodies than even the wheels here on earth have.

Even Osama Bin laden has only 20 or so -

Hell - it is a no brainer. - What are our options?

a) Sit around and be broke and horny for years and not have much reward later.
b) Go for it, blow up some folks, and get to the best kind of paradise "right now".

Where is that bomb? :-)) What are you waiting for?

Don't you have any faith, ambition??
Didn't the martyrdom movies move you at all?

Is there something I don't understand? Is there something you don't understand?