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Visit SF-88, being restored

"We are OPEN on all Federal Holidays except Christmas and Thanksgiving."

Table of contents:
     - How to get to SF-88
     - Visiting hours
     - (Please note: the telephone answering machine also says "closed when raining".

How to get to SF-88
Nike Site SF-88L is just north of San Francisco, CA.
You may visit this site! It is in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area on the Marin Headlands, just across the Golden Gate Bridge. This is part of the National Park Service - Department of the Interior.
How to get to SF-88 - N 37.82698°, W 122.52753°

The site was restored to about its present condition by over 20 volunteers during the years 1990 through 2000. This included trips to Pennsylvania and China Lake Naval Weapons Station for equipment and spares. Many of those volunteers are now in the Nike Historical Society. Many of those volunteers helped setup and contributed to the SF-88 Museum now removed. One veteran said "It is sterile and austere."

Site manager is: Ranger Vassar Terry
Site telephone number is: (415)331-1540
Site official web site is:

Low Resolution Maps

General Area

54 K Bytes

54 K Bytes
Aerial image of area including
SF-88 Launcher Area
124 K Bytes, 50 yards/inch
N 37.82698°, W 122.52753°
More details

54 K Bytes
High Resolution Maps
General Area

450 K Bytes

350 K Bytes

The descriptions courtesy Bud Halsey.

"From the south: Traveling north on route 101, 
	after crossing the Golden Gate Bridge,
	take the Alexander Avenue exit then turn right.
	Travel approximately 100 yards then take the first left
	which is Bunker Road.

	Continue for about 200 yards to the tunnel.
	After exiting the tunnel continue west on Bunker Road
	for approximately 2.5 miles.  
	You will reach a fork in the road.  Veer to the left.  
	About 150 yards after the fork you will see the
	Park Visitors Center on you right.
	Site SF-88L will be the first  right you come to
	beyond the Visitors Center.

 From the north: Traveling south on route 101, 
	take the last exit (Sausalito) before the Golden Gate Bridge. 
	Turn right onto the frontage road 
	then proceed under the freeway approximately 200 yards
	then take the first left which is Bunker Road.

	Continue for about 200 yards to the tunnel.
	After exiting the tunnel continue west on Bunker Road
	for approximately 2.5 miles.  
	You will reach a fork in the road.  Veer to the left.  
	About 150 yards after the fork you will see the
	Park Visitors Center on you right.
	Site SF-88L will be the first  right you come to
	beyond the Visitors Center."    

Visiting Hours at the Nike Site are: as per Aug 4, 2018, for latest days and hours see NPS site.
Saturdays 12:00 - 3:00 PM, Thursdays and Fridays 12:00 - 3:00 PM
Please note that the Nike Missile Site is closed during inclement weather.

Note: Arrangements can be made for special tours (school groups, etc.) for other times. Call Ranger Vassar Terry (415) 331-1540.
On the first Saturday of each month, see hours above, Nike veteran tour guides are available and most functioning equipment will be powered up and ready to demonstrate. Currently the following equipment is available for viewing
  • Underground facilities, launcher elevator works - (You can't ride on it since May 2013)
  • A launcher can go from horizontal to vertical firing position (that took some doing also!)
  • Several Nike Hercules missiles and a Nike Ajax missile
  • Launch Control Simulation
  • (not available) Guard Dog Kennels and exercise facilities (some visiting days police dogs and trainers give a show)
  • LOPAR Radar rotates - 1
  • Battery Control (BC) Van - 1
  • Radar Control (RC) Van - 1
  • A missile tracking radar - 1
1 These units would have been on Wolf Ridge, about 960 feet to the NorthWest. (Radar likes to be high to see far ;-)) These units are located here in the launcher area for convenience, and because part of the road up to Wolf Ridge has slid down the hill.

The Nike Site postal address is:
     Nike Site
     National Park Service
     Golden Gate National Recreation Area
     964 Fort Barry
     Sausalito, CA 94965-2609

The Marin Headlands Visitors Center (which can answer non-technical questions) Drive toward Rodeo Beach, near the parking lot at building 1056 And if you wish to contribute, we of course accept all "sweat labor"-- the greatest source of our volunteer work force. If someone wants to donate money, we accept that also. If someone were to send a check, it should be made payable to the
and earmarked "Nike Site" and sent to the above address.

The Fort Point and Presidio Historical Association, who handles our restoration account, is a 501(c)3 organization under federal and state tax codes, so contributions are fully tax deductible.

If you have comments or suggestions, Send e-mail to Ed Thelen

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Updated January, 2020