The following sequence will be followed in discussing each of the problems:
- Explanation of the control panel hubs to
be used in the problem and not previously used
in a preceding example.
- Read cycle wiring under the heading Read.
This wiring concerns only the punch unit.
- Program wiring under the program number
itself. This wiring concerns only the calculating
- Punch and other wiring on the punch control
panel not previously described.
IBM 604, Crossfooting, starting page 0013
A - B = +- T
The NUMBER of factors that may be crossfooted is limited
only by the number of factors which may be stored
the machine on the read cycle. This example shows a simple
crossfooting operation in which factor B is
subtracted from A to give a plus or minus result T. If T is minus,
the Type 604 will punch it as a true figure
and identify it as minus by punching an X over the units position.
Factor Storage Entry (Pch A, 25-44). These hubs
are entries to the factor storage units for factors
read from the card. They are normally wired
from first reading, second reading or from the
digit selectors. Factors read into the factor storage
units may be held until required in the
calculation, but may not be punched from these
units. An X punch over any column, or over the
units position for reasons other than sign control,
must eliminated by a column split. Without
elimination in other than units positions,
an incorrect zero may be entered. More than a single
digit in a column causes the sum of the digits to
enter storage without a carry. Factor storage entry
or exit during calculation is controlled by the
calculator control panel.
First Reading (Pch S, 25-44). These hubs are exits for factors read
from the 80 columns of the card at the first read station.
Counter Exit (Pch S, 31-44). The result of a calculation
is always obtained in a 13-position eletronic counter.
The counter receives impulses
only during a calculation, not from the card.
Results can punched from counter exit hubs.
Punching (Pch T-W, 25-44). The punching hubs are entries
for punching results in any assigned columns of
the card. These hubs are wired for all punching, including gang punching.
Calc (Pch A-B, 1-2). The calculate switch must be ON whenever
the calculation punch units are used
together. It must be wired OFF wen the punch unit is used
independently of the calculating unit for gang
punching operation
Card Cycles (Pch P-Q, 11-22) . The 24 common card
cycles hubs emit an impulse after 12 through 9 on
each card reading cycle. Since card movement is synchronized,
a card cycles impulse may be used to
control functions at all three stations at the same time.
Factor Storage Read In (Pch R-S, 15-18). Each
factor storage unit has a pair of common read in hubs which
accept only an X impulse to perform two functions:
1. Clear r nut the = r vin >'e reading,
2. Enter a new reading.
They are normally wired from card cycles to enter factors from the card.
Ctr R & R - Counter Read Out and Reset (Pcb T, 11-14).
The four common counter read out and reset
hubs accept card cycles impulses to read information out
of a counter for punching and to reset the
{This is the end of page 13, and the end of the sample of the manual.)