BRL 1964, PACKARD BELL 440, starting page 0206 |
PACKARD BELL 440 MANUFACTURER Packard Bell ComputerPhoto by Packard Bell Computer APPLICATIONS The PB x+40 can do both Scientific and Data Systems computing. Because of the relative ease of interchanging commands or instruction sets, a single PB 440 Computer can be used for both scientific and systems computing without the expected compromise for either application. Once a command list has been defined, reading it into Logic Memory is as simple as reading in a standard program. In terms of computer usage this means that, in installations where scheduling permits, only a single PB 440 will have to be purchased, thus eliminating the need for a second computer. This important dual capability of the PB 440 also widens the area of possible interchanges of programs within an organization or between organizations. The Dual Memory Stored Logic makes the PB 440 useful as a satellite computer. The variable command list of the PB 41+0 makes it useful for satellite computing operations where large-scale computing systems must be freed from time consuming routine. Since the PB 440 can duplicate the commands and format of another computer, programs for large computers can be checked out and debugged simply and economically. And because command lists are so readily interchangeable, the PB 440 can serve as a satellite computer as required and as a general purpose computer the rest of the time. The PB x+40 is ideally suited for open-loop system control, command and control systems, data acquisition, automatic checkout, real-time computing, multiple computer work control, satellite computing and other systems applications. PROGRAMMING AND NUMERICAL SYSTEM Internal number system Binary Binary digits/word 24 + Parity Binary digits/instruction 12 (Micro level) Instructions/word 2 (Micro instruction) Instructions decoded 64 (At any given time) Arithmetic system Fixed and floating point Instruction time One or two address One address at macro level and two address at microlevel. Number range 2-127 to 2+127 Instruction word format +--------+----------+---------+ | 0 5 | 6 8 | 9 23 | +--------+----------+---------+ | OP | Index | Address | | Code | Register | | +--------+----------+---------+
BRL 1964, PACKARD BELL 440, starting page 0207 |
Photo by Packard Bell Computer Automatic built-in subroutines No limit with micro-programming approach. Logarithmic and trigonometric are standard. These functions may be executed as a single macrocommand. Automatic coding FORTRAN II Registers and B-Boxes 4 Arithmetic 2 Address Registers 1 Exponent or Repeat Count Registers 1 Command Register ARITHMETIC UNIT Fixed Point Floating Point Incl. Stor. Access Incl. Stor. Access Microsec Microsec Add 1 to 11 35 Mult 23 to 38 111 Div 47 to 57 224 Arithmetic mode Parallel Timing Asynchronous Operation Sequential STORAGE Access Medium No. of Words Microsec Biaxial Core 256 to 4,096 1 Magnetic Core 4,096 to 32,768 2 5 microsecond core storage cycle time. Magnetic tape No. of units that can be connected 256 Units No. of chars/linear inch 800 Chars/inch Channels or tracks on the tape 7 Track/tape Blank tape separating each record 0.75 Inches Tape speed 150 Inches/sec Transfer rate 120,000 Chars/sec Start time 3 Millisec Stop time 2 Millisec Average time for for experienced operator to change reel of tape 15 Seconds Physical properties of tape Width 0.5 Inches Length of reel 2,400 Feet Composition (1 1/2 mil base) Mylar INPUT Medium Speed Selectric Typewriter 16 chars/sec Card Reader 800 cards/min Tape Reader 500 chars/sec High-Speed I/0 Option 800,000 chars/sec (Using a 4,096 word core module as a "Buffer"). OUTPUT Medium Speed Selectric Typewriter 16 chars/sec Card Punch 250 cards/min Tape Punch 110 chars/sec Line Printer 1,000 lines/min CIRCUIT ELEMENTS OF ENTIRE SYSTEM There are 25 x 4,096 plus 25 x 256 magnetic cores in the basic system.
BRL 1964, PACKARD BELL 440, starting page 0208 |
POWER, SPACE, WEIGHT, AND SITE PREPARATION Volume, computer 118 cu ft Area, computer 23 sq ft PRODUCTION RECORD Number produced to date 1 Number in current operation 1 Number in current production 15 Number or, order 10 Anticipated production rate 2/month Time required for delivery 6 months COST, PRICE AND RENTAL RATES Basic System consisting of: Selectric Typewriter, 4,096 Word Main Memory and 256 Biax Memory $115,000. Rental rate for Basic System 3,360. PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS Training made available by the manufacturer to the user includes a 2 week programming school and a 10 week maintenance school. RELIABILITY, OPERATING EXPERIENCE The PB 440 is being constructed of Packard Bell modules that have been proven and tested over a period of four years. ADDITIONAL FEATURES AND REMARKS Dual memory stored logic using a biax memory expandable from 256 to 4,096 words and a main memory (core type) expandable from 4,096 to 28,672 words. Unique input/output bus enabling up to 64 controllers operate various devices (magnetic tape units, card read/punch stations, off-line printers, etc. INSTALLATIONS Douglas Aircraft Company (2), Santa Monica, Calif. Armour Research Center, IITRI, Chicago, Illinois NASA, Huntsville, Alabama NASA, Houston, Texas![]()
BRL 1964, PACKARD BELL 440, starting page 0209 |
BRL 1964, PACKARD BELL 440, starting page 0210 |
QUANTITY DISCOUNT: Quantity (PB440 Units) Discount 1 - 2 No Discount 3 - 5 5,% Discount 6 or more 10% Discount These quantity discounts apply when multiple computers are ordered on a single purchase order. * Lease rates apply as follows: 1. Customer may lease on minimum one year contract and thereafter on month to month basis at "1st year rate". 2. Customer may lease on a minimum one year contract and renew for an additional one year period 30 days prior to the conclusion of the first year. The "1st year" and "2d year" rates would then apply respectively to the 1st and 2d years. This can be renewed again for a 3d year 30 days prior to the end of the 2d year to qualify for the "3d year" rate. Renewal for the 4th year qualifies for the "4th year" rate which will apply thereafter. 3. The customer may initially sign a noncancellable 3 year lease at the "3 year rate" or he may convert to a non-cancellable 3 year lease at any time. 4. Regular PBC maintenance service will be included in the lease at no extra cost. The Card Read/Punch Station will be available on lease from another company. Packard Bell will arrange this lease for the customer. PURCHASE OPTION: If the purchase option for an item of equipment is exercised during the first year of the Lease, 70,% of the total lease amount paid for rental of that item of equipment may be deducted from the then current sale price of that item. If the purchase option for an item of equipment is exercised during the second year of the Lease, 50% of the total Lease amount paid for rental of that item of equipment during the first and second years may be deducted from the then current sale price of that item. If the purchase option for an item of equipment is exercised during the third or succe ding years of the Lease, 40% of the total lease amount paid for rental of that item of equipment during the first, second, third, and succeeding years may be deducted from the then current sale price of that item. The maximum amount, computed from the above schedule that may be applied against the then current sale price for each item of equipment may not exceed 65% of the then current sale price of that item.
two possible instruction sets from microcode - 181 k bytes
BRL 1964, PDS 1020, starting page 0212 |
PDS 1020 Engineering Computer MANUFACTURER Pacific Data Systems, Inc. APPLICATIONS An engineering digital computer which combines slide-rule convenience and calculator simplicity with the versatility and capacity of the modern general purpose digital computer. It can be used effectively to solve a broad spectrum of engineering problems. PROGRAMMING AND NUMERICAL SYSTEM Internal number system Decimal Decimal digits/word Variable Word lengths of 4, 8, or 12 digits + sign. Instructions decoded 31 The program may be stored internally or it may be externally programmed. There are 6 keyboard commands, 31 machine commands, and 10 macro-commands. ARITHMETIC UNIT Incl. Stor. Access Microsec Add 11,500 Mult 40,000 Div 40,000 Arithmetic mode Serial STORAGE No. of No. of Bin. Access Medium Words Digits/Word Microsec Magnetostrictive 1,024 - 4,096 17 2,300 Delay Line INPUT Medium Speed Keyboard Manual Paper Tape 50 chars/sec Four Switches (Branch) Manual Ten Macrocommand Switches Manual OUTPUT Medium Speed Typewriter 15 chars/sec Paper Tape 50 chars/sec CIRCUIT ELEMENTS OF ENTIRE SYSTEM Completely solid-state circuitry. CHECKING FEATURES Parity checking. ADDITIONAL FEATURES AND REMARKS A versatile computer designed to be used directly by engineers. Keyboard operation for rapid problem solving. Internal program storage for solving more complex problems. The computer features a self-contained engineeringoriented keyboard which will allow the user to easily solve problems ranging from simple questions to more complex iterative problems. Functions such as squrare root, , COS, SIN, LOG, etc., can automatically be executed from the keyboard, as well as ADD, SUB, MULTIPLY and DIVIDE. Operator generated sequences can be internally stored and executed by pushing a single key.
BRL 1964, PDS 1020, starting page 0213 |
BRL 1964, PDS 1068, starting page 0214 |
PDS 1068 General Purpose Control Computer MANUFACTURER Pacific Data Systems, Inc. APPLICATIONS A general purpose control computer for standarized control plus the added advantage of arithmetic oper- ations. The input/output structure of the computer allows it to communicate easily with standard instru- mentation systems components such as analog-to-digit converters and counters for automatic checkout, data logging, process control, data conversion, quality control, simulation, machine tool control, automatic warehousing and traffic control. PROGRAMMING AND NUMERICAL SYSTEM Internal number system Decimal Decimal digits/word Variable A field of 4, 8, or 12 digits, plus sign. Instructions decoded 31 (16 variations) Instruction type One address Registers and B-Boxes One index register. Program may be internally stored or externally programmed. A program jump may be made and a link specified.. ARITHMETIC UNIT Incl. Stor. Access Microsec Add 11,500 Mult 40,000 Div 40,000 Arithmetic modem Serial Timing Synchronous Operation Sequential STORAGE No. of No. of Bin. Access Words Digits/Word Microsec Magnetostrictive 51.2 - 4,096 17 2,300 (Avg) Delay Line INPUT Medium 17 Parallel Lines Serial Line 2 Control Lines 0 and -6 Voltage Level 4 Branch Switches A maximum of 200 chars/second may be fed. OUTPUT Medium 17 Parallel Lines 2 Control Lines 0 and -6 Voltage Level A maximum of 60 chars/second output rate. CIRCUIT ELEMENTS OF ENTIRE SYSTEM Solid state circuitry. CHECKING FEATURES Parity checking is used. POWER, SPACE, WEIGHT, AND SITE PREPARATION A standard 19 x 21 inch standard relay-rack mounting assembly is used. ADDITIONAL FEATURES AND REMARKS Low cost, versatile computer for use as a systems component. Eliminates need for design of special purpose computers. Communicates directly with standard instrumentation system components.
BRL 1964, PDS 1068, starting page 0215 |
BRL 1964, PHILC0 210 & 211, starting page 0216 |
PHILCO 210 & 211 PHILCO 210 & 211 Electronic Data Processing Systems MANUFACTURER Philco Communications & Electronics DivisionPhoto by PHILCO APPLICATIONS The Philco 210 and 211 Computer Systems are general purpose, solid-state systems designed for high-speed scientific, business, or real-time data processing applications. PROGRAMMING AND NUMERICAL SYSTEM Internal number system Binary Binary digits/word 48 Binary digits/instruction 24 Instructions/word 2 Arithmetic system Fixed and floating point Instruction type One address Number range ±10±616 +----------+----------+---------+---------+ | 1 | 2 4 | 5 16 | 17 24 | +----------+----------+---------+---------+ | | Index | Address | Command | | Selector | Register | | | +----------+----------+---------+---------+ Instruction word format Automatic coding TAC - Translator Assembler Compiler ALTAC III - Algebraic Translator into TAC TOPS - Total Operating and Programming System IOPS - Input/Output Programming System FORTRAN IV PIGS - Programming Input/Output System STAT - Statistical Programming System LP-2000 - Linear Programming System PERT III CPS -Critical Path System SAT - Philco 1000 Simulator Program COBOL Registers and B-Boxes 3 Arithmetic Registers-- A, Q, D (48-bits each} with 3 associated slave registers A*, Q*, D*. 8 Index Registers (72 -15 bits each - can increment or decrement by any value up to 32,767. 3 Special Registers: Program, Memory Address, Jump Address
BRL 1964, PHILC0 210 & 211, starting page 0217 |
ARITHMETIC UNIT Incl. Stor. Access Excl. Stor. Access System 210 211 210 211 Microsec Microsec Add 14.8 4.1 4.8 2.1 Mult 70.0 36.0 60.0 33.0 Div 73.8 36.7 63.8 34.7 Construction (Arithmetic unit only) Transistors and Magnetic Cores. Arithmetic mode Parallel Timing Asynchronous Operation Sequential STORAGE No. of Model No.of Alphanum. Access Cycle No. Words Chars. Microsec 210 Magnetic 8,196* 262,144* 4.0 10 Core to (Max) 211 Magnetic 32,768 0.7 1.5 Core *Same for both systems Magnetic Tape No. of units that can be connected 256 Units No. of chars/linear inch 750 Chars/inch Channels or tracks on the tape 16 Track/tape Blank tape separating each record 9 Inches Tape speed 150 Inches/sec Transfer rate 90,000 Chars/sec Start time 5 Millisec Stop time 5 Millisec Average time for experienced operator to change reel of tape 30 Seconds Physical properties of tape Width 1 Inch Length of reel 3,600 Feet Composition Mylar INPUT Medium Speed Magnetic Tapes 90,000 chars/sec Magnetic Drums & Disks 17 microsec/word Paper Tape Reader 1,000 chars/sec Real Time Scanner Card Reader 2,000 cards/min Typewriter Manual Disk File 960,000 chars/sec OUTPUT Medium Speed Magnetic Tape 90,000 chars/sec Magnetic Drums 17 microsec/word Paper Tape Punch 60 chars/sec Printer 900 lines/min Card Punch 100 cards/min Plotter 300 points/min Typewriter 10 chars/sec Disk File 960,000 chars/sec CHECKING FEATURES Input/output and memory parity checking. All input and output devices provide additional data and operational error checking. POWER, SPACE, WEIGH T, AND SITE PREPARATION Power, computer 1.5 Kw 1.8 KVA (210) 0.8 pf 2.9 KVA (211) Volume, computer 108 cu ft Area, computer 27 sq ft Room size 1,800 sq ft Floor loading 40 lbs/sq ft Air conditioner capacity 10-15 Tons Weight, computer 2,000 lbs (approx.) Air conditioning is required for the computer installation between 10 and 15 ons. Power supplies must supply 0.2-8V/120V, 60 cycle, 3 phase power from a separate source. False floors raised one foot recommended. Door opening required for installation should be at least 6 feet wide and 7 feet high. PRODUCTION RECORD Number produced to date 18 Number in current operation 18 Number on order 2 Time required for delivery 9 months COST, PRICE AND RENTAL RATES Models 210, 2208, 235, and 234 compose the basic system. Basic System Maintenance Costs - $1,500 plus $200 for each additional 90KC Tape Unit. (Prices for other equipment included below).![]()
BRL 1964, PHILC0 210 & 211, starting page 0218 |
BRL 1964, PHILC0 210 & 211, starting page 0219 |
General Terms and Conditions (Price List July 1, 1963 Minimum rental period - 12 months All prices F.O.B. Willow Grove, Pa. All prices subject to change without notice. Delivery - 9 months after receipt of order. Federal, state, and local taxes not included in prices. Rental prices include maintenance and spare parts; purchase prices do not. Second and Third Shift rental - 400 of Prime Shift Rental. Second and Third Shift maintenance - 50% of Prime Shift maintenance. Purchase option for rented equipment - 50% credit up to 50øx) of Sale Price. This schedule contains domestic prices only. Export prices will be furnished upon request. PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS One 8-Hour Two 8-Hour Three 8-Hour Shift Shifts Shifts Supervisors 1 1 1 Analysts 2-3 2-3 2-3 Programmers 4-6 4-6 4-6 Librarians 1 1 1 Operators 1-2 2-3 3-4 In-Output Oper 1 2 3 Training made available by the manufacturer to the user includes operator, programming, and management training courses. RELIABILITY, OPERATING EXPERIENCE System efficiency is between. 96% and 99% of total operational use time with less than 3% unscheduled maintenance time. INSTALLATIONS USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Houston, Texas Defense Communications Agency, Arlington, Va. US Array Signal Missile Support, Agency, White Sands, New Mexico WS 425L, Colorado Springs, Colorado Spacetrack, NORAD, Colorado Springs, Colorado Barber Coleman Company, Rockford, Illinois System Development Corp., Santa Monica, Calif. General Electric Co., San Jose, Calif. Chrysler Corp., Missile Div., Warren, Mich. Philco Comm. & Elec. Div., Willow Grove, Pa. Philco Western Development Labs., Palo Alto, Calif. Department of Motor Vehicles, Sacramento, Calif. Ampex Corporation., Culver City, Calif. Babcock & Wilcox, Lynchburg, Va. USN Supply Service, Oakland, Calif. Government of Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Michigan Ford. Aeronutronics Dov., Newport Beach, Calif.
BRL 1964, PHILC0 212, starting page 0220 |
PHILCO 212 MANUFACTURER Philco Communications & Electronics DivisionPhoto by Philco APPLICATIONS The Philco 212 is a general-purpose, high speed, on-line computer. It is designed for scientific, real-time, and data processing applications. PROGRAMMING AND NUMERICAL SYSTEM Internal number system Binary Binary digits/word 48 Binary digits/instruction 24 Instructions/word 2 Instructions decoded 250 Arithmetic system Fixed and floating point Instruction type One address Number range ±10±616 Instruction word format +----------+----------+---------+---------+ | 1 | 2 4 | 5 16 | 17 24 | +----------+----------+---------+---------+ | | Index | Address | Command | | Selector | Register | | | +----------+----------+---------+---------+ Automatic coding FORTRAN IV PERT III COBOL JOVIAL TAC -Translator Assembler Compiler ALTAC - Algebraic Translator into TAC ALTAC3X -Speedy ALTAC TOPS -Total Operating and Programming IOPS - Input/Output Programming System STAT -Statistical Programming System SAT - Philco 1000 Simulator Program LP-2000 Linear Programming System PIGS - Programming Input-Output System CPS -Critical Path System Registers and B-Boxes Program Address Memory Address Operand Registers 3 Arithmetic Registers - A, Q, D (48-bits each with 3 associated slave registers A*, Q*, D*. 8 Index Registers (12-16-bits each - can increment or decrement by any value up to 65,535. ARITHMETIC UNIT Incl. Stor Access Excl. Stor. Access Microsec Microsec Add 0.6 0.4 Mult 7.5 4.82 Div 12.55 12.0 Construction (Arithmetic unit only Transistors and magnetic cores are used. Arithmetic mode Parallel Timing Asynchronous Operation Sequential and Concurrent STORAGE No. of No. of Alpha- Access Medium Words numeric Char. Microsec Magnetic Core 32,768 - Up to 524,288 0.9 65 536 The cycle time is 1.5 microseconds. Magnetic Tape No. of units that can be connected 16 Units No. of chars/linear inch 750 Chars/inch Channels or tracks on the tape 16 Track/tape Blank tape separating each record 0.9 Inches Tape speed 150 Inches/sec Transfer rate 90,000 Chars/sec Start time 0.25 Millisec Stop time 0.65 Millisec Average time for experienced operator to change reel of tape 30 Seconds Physical properties of tape Width 1 Inch Length of reel 3,600 Feet Composition Mylar Up to 64 magnetic tapes with transfer rates of 240,000 characters per second (Model 334) may be specified. All other specifications listed above apply to the units except that density is 2,200 characters per inch and permit variable-length records. INPUT Medium Speed Magnetic Tape 90,000 and 240,000 chars/sec Paper Tape 100 chars/sec
BRL 1964, PHILC0 212, starting page 0221 |
Disk File Units 960,000 chars/sec Real-Time Scanner Card Reader 2,000 cards/min Typewriter Manual OUTPUT Medium Speed Magnetic Tape 90,000 and 240,000 chars/sec Paper Tape 60 chars/sec Disk File Units 960,000 chars/sec Console Typewriter 10 chars/sec Card punches, printers and X-Y plotters may be used for off- line output. CHECKING FEATURES Input-output parity and memory parity checking. All input and output devices provide additional data and operational error checks. POWER, SPACE, WEIGHT, AND SITE PREPARATION Power, computer 4.8 Kw6 KVA 0.8 pf Area, computer 39 sq ft Room size 1,800 Sq ft Floor loading 40 lbs/sq ft Air conditioner capacity 10 - 20 Ton Weight, computer 6,500 lbs (approx.) Air conditioning, false floors and separate power supplies are required. Power must be 208Volt/120Volt, 60 cycles, 3 phase. Door opening required is 7 ft. high and 6 ft. wide. PRODUCTION RECORD Number produced to date 4 Number in current operation 4 Number in current production 3 Number on order 2 Time required for delivery 9 months COST, PRICE AND RENTAL RATES Models 212, 235, 234-2 compose the basic system. Prime shift monthly maintenance costs up to 36 months for basic system as above is approximately $5,200.00. PERSONNEL REQU I REMENTS One 8-Hour Two 8-Hour Three 8-Hour Shift Shifts Shifts Supervisors 1 1 1 Analysts 2-3 2-3 2-3 Programmers 4-6 4-6 4-6 Librarians 1 1 1 Operators 1-2 2-3 3-4 In-Output Oper 1 2 3 Training made available by the manufacturer to the user includes a complete program of customer training courses including Programming, Operating, Maintenance, and Management courses. COST, PRICE AND RENTAL RATES
BRL 1964, PHILC0 212, starting page 0222 |
Minimum rental period - 12 months All prices F.O.B. Willow Grove, Pa. All prices subject to change without notice. Delivery-9 months after receipt of order Federal, state, and local taxes not included in prices. Rental prices include maintenance and spare parts; purchase prices do not. Second and Third Shift rental - 40% of Prime Shift Rental. Second and Third Shift maintenance - 50ø0 of Prime Shift maintenance. Purchase option for rented equipment - 50% credit up to 50% of Sale Price. This schedule contains domestic prices only. Export prices will be furnished upon request. RELIABILITY, OPERATING EXPERIENCE Unscheduled maintenance is less than 3% of total operating time. System efficiency is between 96% and 99%. INSTALLATIONS General Electric Company (KAPL) Schenectady, N.Y. Westinghouse Electric Co., (BAPL), Pittsburgh, Pa. Spacetrack WS 425L, Colorado Springs, Colorado Space Track, WS 496L, Bedford, Mass. Philco Communications and Electronics Div., Willow Grove, Pa.
BRL 1964, PHILC0 212, starting page 0223 |
BRL 1964, PHILC0 1000, starting page 0224 |
PHILCO 1000 Electronic Data Processing System MANUFACTURER Philco Communications & Electronics DivisionPhoto by Philco APPLICATIONS The Philco 1000 is a solid-state, stored-program computer system which processes variable-length data on a character basis. The Philco 1000 performs input format functions, verification, file search, card-to-tape and tape-to-printer conversions, and editing of output for printing. This is a general-purpose computer system which may be used as an on-line or off-line satellite system to the large- scale Philco 211 or 212 systems. PROGRAMMING AND NUMERICAL SYSTEM Internal number system Binary & Decimal Binary digits/word 6 Binary digits/instruction 24 Instructions/word 1 Four characters are required per instruction. Arithmetic system Fixed point Instruction type Variable address (One thru four) Number range Variable Almost infinite (±224,570) +-----------+------------+-------------+-------------+ | 0 5 | 6 11 | 12 17 | 18 23 | +-----------+------------+-------------+-------------+ | Operation | Registers/ | Address, Operand length, | | code | Options | or other value designated | +-----------+------------+---------------------------+ Instruction word format Automatic built-in subroutines Binary to BCD BCD to Binary Binary to Octal Octal to Finary Philco Code (6-bit) to Hollerith Code (12-bit) Hollerith to Philco Code Automatic coding OPAL - automatic assembler-compiler Registers and B-Boxes 4 - Index Registers (15-bit) 4 - Special Registers (6-bit) (Fault, Logic, and Status Registers) 1 - N (Number) Register (12-bit) ARITHMETIC UNIT Incl. Stor. Access Excl. Stor. Access Microsec Microsec. Add 39 (3 character) 9 (per char. 6-bit) Construction (Arithmetic unit only) Transistors and magnetic cores Arithmetic mode Serial by char. (Bin. or BCD) Timing Asynchronous Operation Sequential STORAGE No. of Access Alphanum Char. Microsec Magnetic Core 8,192 to 32,768 3 Magnetic tape No. of units that can be connected 32 Units No. of chars/linear inch 750 Chars/inch Channels or tracks on the tape 14 Track/tape
BRL 1964, PHILC0 1000, starting page 0225 |
Blank tape separating each record 0.9 Inches Tape speed 120 Inches/sec Transfer rate 90,000 Chars/sec Start time 5 Millisec Stop time 5 Millisec Average time for experienced operator to change reel of tape 30 Seconds Physical properties of tape Width 1 Inch Length of reel 3,600 Feet Compositon Mylar base Other tapes available include 25,000, 240,000, and IBM 729-Compatible Tapes. INPUT Medium Speed Card Readers 2,000 cards/min 600 cards/min Paper Tape Reader 1,000 chars/sec Magnetic Tape 90,000 chars/sec 25,020 chars/sec 240,000 chars/sec Data Links Typewriter 15 chars/sec OUTPUT Medium Speed Card Puncher 100 cards/min 200 cards/min Printer 900 lines/min 300 lines/min X-Y Plotter 300 points/sec Paper Tape Punch 60 chars/sec Magnetic Tape 90,000 chars/sec 25,020 chars/sec 240,000 chars/sec Data Links Typewriter 15 chars/sec CHECKING FEATURES A logic register is used, where bits are set by certain instructions indicating greater than, less than or equal to conditions; end-of-field, illegal Hollerith character, field length errors, non-numeric BCD character, field of zeros and overflow. A fault register is used where bits are set to indicate I/0 faults. Status register - bit settings indicate status of Card Punch and I/0 device when CON attempted. POWER, SPACE, WEIGHT, AND SITE. PREPARATION Power, computer 0.3 Kw 0.37 KVA 0.8 pf Volume, computer 100 cu ft Area, computer 15 sq ft Room size 10 x 12 (120 sq ft) Floor loading 27.5 lbs/sq ft Air conditioner capacity 3 - 4 Tons Weight, computer 1,650 lbs (Excluding memory and I/0 devices) PRODUCTION RECORD Number produced to date 6 Number in current operation 6 Number on order 9 Time required for delivery 9 months COST, PRICE AND RENTAL RATES Maintenance costs for optional equipment is as follows: Model Model 140 $ 12.00 105 or 106 $ 31.00 141 217.00 130-1 30.00 18o 8.50 133 24.00 181 30.00 137-3 346.00 234 200.00 139-1 25.00![]()
BRL 1964, PHILC0 1000, starting page 0226 |
BRL 1964, PHILC0 1000, starting page 0227 |
PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS One 8-HourTwo 8-HourThree 8-Hour Shift Shifts Shifts Supervisors 1 1 1 Analysts 1 1 1 Programmers 2 2 - 3 2 - 3 Librarians 1 1 1 Operators 1 2 3 In-Output Oper 1 2 3 Programming courses, maintenance training courses, operator's training courses, management orientation programs. RELIABILITY, OPERATING EXPERIENCE All transistorized and solid-state circuits provide reliability. Component packaging in modules provides ease of checkout and maintenance. Productive time for Philco systems is between 970 and 99,% of machine use time. ADDITIONAL FEATURES AND REMARKS Complete flexibility and ease of machine operation, large instruction repertoire with binary and decimal arithmetic. Instructions provide up to four addresses and are variable length. Up to 65,536 core locations and a large variety of input-output operations and devices are available. Asynchronous operations and multiple program processing. Tapes must be stored at temperature range of 55 F. to 100 F. in a humidity range of 25% to 90%. Tapes are operated at a temperature range of 60 F. to 80 F. in a humidity range of 25% to 35%. FUTURE PLANS These systems may be expanded by future requirements to include Data Links, Disk File units and magnetic ink recognition devices. INSTALLATIONS Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan Philco C&E Div., Willow Grove, Pa. Defense Communications Agency, Washington D.C. U.S. 425L, Colorado Springs, Colorado General Electric Co., Knolls Atomic Power Labs., Schenectady, New York Westinghouse-BETTIS, Pittsburgh, Pa. Aeronutronics, Div. of Ford Motor Co., Newport Beach, California U.S. 496L NORAD, SPACETRACK, Colorado Springs, Colo.
BRL 1964, PROGRAMMED DATA PROCESSOR 4, starting page 0228 |
PROGRAMMED DATA PROCESSOR 4 MANUFACTURER Digital Equipment CorporationPhoto by Digital Equipment Corporation APPLICATIONS The system is usea as a general purposed computer for such applications as medical research, psychological research, nuclear research, telemetry data reduction, reactor controls, automatic checkout, communication switching, on-line control and format inversion. PROGRAMMING AND NUMERICAL SYSTEM Internal number system Binary Binary digits/word 18 Binary digits/instruction 4 instructions/word 1 Instructions decoded 16 basic instructions 50 micro coded instructions Expandable in/out instructions Arithmetic system Fixed point Instruction type One address Number range ±217 or 131,072 Instruction word format +------+----------+-----------------------+ | 1 4 | 5 | 6 18 | +------+----------+-----------------------+ | OP | Indirect | Address or Microcoded | | Code | Address | or I/0 Variation | +------+----------+-----------------------+ Automatic built-in subroutines Automatic multiply, divide and normalize are optional. Automatic coding A Symbolic Assembler and a FORTRAN II compiler are available. One's or Two's complement arithmetic is used. There are 7 pseudo-index registers for table searching. A link bit is used to facilitate double precision two's complement arithmetic.
BRL 1964, PROGRAMMED DATA PROCESSOR 4, starting page 0229 |
ARITHMETIC UNIT Incl. Stor. Access Excl. Stor. Access Micro sec Microsec Add 16 16 (max) Malt 200 160 (max) (With hardware option). Div 256 200 (max) (With hardware option). Construction (Arithmetic unit only) Solid state components are used. Arithmetic mode Parallel Timing Synchronous Operation Sequential STORAGE No. of No. of Bin. Access Medium Words Bits/WordMicrosec Magnetic Core 8,192 18 8 Magnetic Core 32,768 18 16 Magnetic Drum 131,072 19 16,300 Magnetic Drum 65,536 19 8,150 Magnetic Tape No. of units that can be connected 8 Units No. of chars/linear inch 556 Chars/inch Channels or tracks on the tape 7 Track/tape Blank tape separating each record 0.75 Inches Tape speed 112.4 Inches/sec Transfer rate 62,500 Chars/sec Start time 3.5 Millisec Stop time 3.5 Millisec Physical properties of tape Width 0.5 Inches Length of reel 2,400 Feet Composition Mylar A pneumatic positive-pressure tape drive system is used. INPUT Medium Speed Paper Tape 300 lines/sec Cards 200 cards/sec Programmed Input Variable (To accomodate many different devices. Direct Memory 125,000 words/sec OUTPUT Medium Speed Paper Tape 63.3 lines/sec Cards 100 cards/sec Programmed Output Variable (To accomodate many different devices). Direct Memory 125,000 words/sec (mar) Optional devices that may be connected as input output are line printing, CRT displays, micro type, direct access to large computer, relay buffers, analog-to-digital converter, digital-to- analog converter, multiplexors, and plotters. CHECKING FEATURES A built-in marginal check system is used. POWER, SPACE, WEIGHT, AND SITE PREPARATION Power, computer 0.9 Kw Area, computer 8 sq ft Weight, computer 1,090 lbs No special site preparation or air conditioner is necessary. PRODUCTION RECORD Time required for delivery 3 months All equipment is operational and many organizations have multiple installations. COST, PRICE AND RENTAL RATES Components of basic system Central Processor & Real-Time Control 4,096 Word Core Memory 300 lines/sec Paper Tape Reader 63.3 lines/sec Paper Tape Punch 10 chars/sec Typewriter Total Cost: $65,500 List of additional equipment IBM compatible Magnetic Tape System 16,000 Micro Tape System 16,800 CRT Displays 14,800 Lease arrangements are negotiated. Maintenance contracts are available. PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS Training made available by the manufacturer to the user includes maintenance training and program training. A very simple computer to operate, program, and maintain. The man who is properly trained could handle all of these chores. RELIABILITY, OPERATING EXPERIENCE The system is built from Digital Equipment Corporation's digital circuit modules. Easy access and simple construction, with maintenance procedures and marginal checking all contribute to the reduction of down time. The MTBF figure is reduced with built-in marginal checking features. ADDITIONAL FEATURES AND REMARKS All hardware and programs are fully operational. Real-Time Control greatly simplifies interface requirements. Auto-indexing. A link-bit is used to facilitate multiple precision. Economical expansion.
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