BRL 1964, BRLESC, starting page 0036 |
BRLESC Ballistic Research Laboratories Electronic Scientific Computer MANUFACTURER Ballistic Research LaboratoriesPhoto by U.S. Army APPLICATIONS Exterior ballistics problems such as high altitude, solar and lunar trajectories, computation for the preparation of firing tables and guidance control data for Ordnance weapons, including free flight and guided missiles. Interior ballistic problems, including projectile, propellant and launcher behavior, e.g. physical characteristics of solid propellants, equilibrium composition and thermodynamic properties of rocket propellants, computation of detonation waves for reflected shock waves, vibration of gun barrels and the flow of fluids in porous media. Terminal ballistic problems, including nuclear, fragmentation and penetration effects in such areas as explosion kinetics, shaped charge behavior, ignition, and heat transfer. Ballistic measurement problems, including photogrammetric, ionospheric, and damping of satellite spin calculations, reduction of satellite doppler tracking data, and computation of satellite orbital elements. Weapon systems evaluation problems, including antiaircraft and anti-missile evaluation, war game proproblems, linear programming for solution of Army logistical problems, probabilities of mine detonations, and lethal area and kill probability studies of missiles. PROGRAMMING AND NUMERICAL SYSTEM Internal number system Binary (2's complement) Binary digits/word 68 + 1+ parity Binary digits/instruction 68 Instructions/word 1 Instructions/decoded 44 Arithmetic system Fixed and floating point Instruction type Three-address
BRL 1964, BRLESC, starting page 0037 |
Photo by U.S. Army Instruction word format +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | 4 | 4 | 6 | 14 | 6 | 14 | 6 | 14 | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | Order | Para- | Index | a-Ad- | Index | b-Ad- | Index | y-Ad | | type | meter | a | dress | b | dress | c | dress | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ Number word format Fixed Point +-----+------+--------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | 1 | 4 6o | +-----+------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Tag | Sign | Binary | | | | Point | +-----+------+--------------------------------------------------+ Number word format Floating Point +-----+------+--------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | 1 | 4 52 | 8 | +-----+------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Tag | Sign | Binary Coefficient | Biased | | | | Point | Exp of 16 | +-----+------+--------------------------------------------------+ Registers and B-Boxes The machine has 63-one microsecond access index registers which are also addressable as part of the memory. The parameter bits of the instruction word are used to indicate variations of the basic order type. All three arithmetic registers are 68-bits. Tag bits enter these registers only on the logical instructions and the shift instruction if it is cyclic or is a Boolean shift. On arithmetic orders, the tag bits are saved in a separate three-bit register and the three extra bits in the arithmetic registers are used for checking overflow. Thus the range of numbers in the arithmetic unit is -128 <= N <128. Memory position 000 is a high-speed register. ARITHMETIC UNIT Microseconds Operation Excl. Access Incl. Access Fixed point add or subtract 1 5 Fixed or floating multiply 20 25 Fixed or floating divide 60 65 Floating add or subtract 1 to 5 5 to 10 Boolean logic operation 1 5 Indexing and control NA 4 to 9 Construction (Arithmetic unit only) The arithmetic unit is constructed of standard vacuum tube logical packages, with tube driven, crystal diode logical gating. The arithmetic unit only is constructed of 1,727 vacuum tubes of 4 types, 853 transistors of 3 types, 46,500 diodes of 2 types, and 1,600 pulse transformers of 1 type. Arithmetic mode Parallel Timing Synchronous Logical events are controlled by a five-phase clock, permitting decisions at 5 megacycles/second. Operation Concurrent Indexing and control will be concurrent with arithmetic operations.
BRL 1964, BRLESC, starting page 0038 |
The IBM 1401 ADDS used as a Photo by U.S. Army satellite system for the BRLESC. Except for arithmetic or Boolean compare instructions, the test overflow instructions with P33 = 1, or any arithmetic order that stores in any index register or stores in the location of the next instruction, the machine always gets its next instruction from the memory while it is doing the previous instruction. If this next instruction is one of the control and indexing orders, it is immediately done, unless it is an input-output order or a test overflow order. If it is done, it proceeds to get another instruction and do it, if possible. Thus almost all of the control and indexing orders can be done concurrently with the arithmetic or logical orders. Only the arithmetic and logical orders require the use of the main arithmetic unit of the machine. All types of input-output orders can be done concurrently with other instructions. Automatic interlocks are provided so as to prevent timing conflict. Reference to a main memory position within the range of either an input or output instruction will halt the computer until the input or output transfer has occurred at that memory position. The computer is released as soon as the transfer of that particular word has been made and does not wait for the entire transfer to be completed. There is no interlock on the index memory when it is used as index registers. As many as five input-output orders can be operating concurrently with computing and with each other. There is a separate trunk for reading cards, punching cards, using drum, and two separate trunks for using magnetic tape and all five of these trunks can operate concurrently. STORAGE No. of Digits/ Cycle Time Medium Words Word Microsec Magnetic Core (Main) 53,248 72 binary 1 Magnetic Core (Index) 63 24 binary 1 Magnetic Drums (Two) 24,576 Magnetic Tapes (Six) No. of units that can be connected 16 Units No. of bits/linear inch/channel 400 Bits/inch Channels or tracks on the tape 16 Track/tape Blank tape separating each record 2.5 Inches Tape speed 150 Inches /Sec Transfer rate 120,000 Chars/sec Start time 6.3 Millisec Stop time 7.6 Millisec Average time for experienced operator to change reel of tape 60 Seconds
BRL 1964, BRLESC, starting page 0039 |
Physical properties of tape Width 1.0 Inch Length of reel 2,500 Feet Composition 0.43 Magnetic coating 220 Mil Provision is made for up to 1,048,576 words of high speed memory and system can be expanded to 16 tape stations. INPUT Medium Speed Card Reader 800 cards/min Magnetic Tape OUTPUT Medium Speed Card Punch 250 cards/min Magnetic Tape Peripheral equipment. A single unit that is capable of converting alphanumerical characters from cards to tape, tape to high-speed printer, tape to cards, cards to high-speed printer and paper to magnetic tape. An IBM 1401 System has been added. CIRCUIT ELEMENTS OF ENTIRE SYSTEM Type Quantity Tubes 5847 6,400 6197 110 6C4 110 6AQ5 220 Misc 80 Total 6,920 Diodes LD70/CTP309 12,600 LD71 100,000 Misc 13,700 Total 126,300 Transistors 2N697 600 2N1143 240 2N398 1,600 Misc 24,753 Total 27,193 CHECKING FEATURES Code checking features include stopping on any selected address, the display of the contents of any memory cell, the display of normal or abnormal conditions, the ability to manually store in any selected memory cell, and the ability to transfer control to any part of the system. Parity checking is performed in each of the four 17-bit groups in each word. POWER, SPACE, WEIGHT, AND SITE PREPARATION Power, computing system 35 Kw Power, air conditioner 20 Kw Space, computing system Plenum is 30 ft x 40 ft Space, air conditioner Chilled water is sent two flights up to computer site to heat exchanger, transferring heat from computer closed loop air to closed loop chilled water. On ground floor, compressor refrigerant absorbs heat from chilled water. An evaporative system absorbs heat from refrigerant in a cooling tower. Compressor located two floors below. Liquid coolant piped upstairs. Heat exchanger, computer closed-loop air-to-coolant at computer site, and coolant-to-outside air downstairs. Capacity, air conditioner 25 Tons PRODUCTION RECORD Number of systems produced to date 1 Operational date November 1961 COST, PRICE AND RENTAL RATES The approximate cost is $3,000,000 PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS Three 8-Hour Shifts Supervisors 2 Analysts 3 Programmers and Coders 18 Clerks 1 Engineers 2 Technicians 6 No engineers are assigned to the operation of the machhine, but are used for development and design of additions to the machine. The technicians consult the engineers when a total break-down occurs. RELIABILITY, OPERATING EXPERIENCE A high degree of reliability is achieved by utilizing standard logical plug-in packages, a ruggedized, long life, driver tube, derated components and point-to-point soldered connections, and by changing tubes. ADDITIONAL FEATURES A significant digit mode of floating point operations is provided in addition to the normalized mode. INSTALLATIONS Computing Laboratory, Ballistic Research Laboratories, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland
BRL 1964, B260/B270/B280, starting page 0040 |
BURROUGHS B260/B270/B280 MANUFACTURER Burroughs CorporationBurroughs B260 Photo by Burroughs Corporation APPLICATIONS Business data processing applications. B260 is an improved punched card EDP. The system can combine in a single run collating, calculating, summarizing, summary punching and printing operations which presently require multiple runs on conventional punched card equipment. B270 Financial EDP System provides a combination of MICR, punched. card, paper tape and magnetic tape capabilities adaptable for every type of financial application. The system can be used for proof and transit, general-purpose financial accounting, or as a satellite to a larger system. B280 EDP-System. This syetem combines high-speed magnetic tape units with high-speed punched card and paper tape capabilities. It can function as a low cost EDP system or as an off-line satellite for large scale computer systems. PROGRAMMING AND NUMERICAL SYSTEM Internal number system Binary coded decimal Decimal digits/word Character machine Decimal digits/instruction, 12, 6-bit characters Instructions/word 3 Instructions decoded 42 Arithmetic system Fixed point Instruction type Three address Number range 12 character operands Instruction word format +-------+-------+-------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 6 | 7 9 | 10 12 | +-------+-------+-------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | OP | M | N | AAA | BBB | CCC | +-------+-------+-------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | Oper- | Vari- | Vari- | A-Address | B-Address | C-Address | | ation | ant | ant | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ Automatic coding Report generators Multiprocessing package Assembler Tape sort generator Utility routines ARITHMETIC UNIT Incl. Stor. Access Microsec Add 10 4 + 4 (M + N) + 5L Mult 10 3 + 6N + 21MN Div 10 (M + 1 + M - N)(48 + 6 ON) Arithmetic mode Serial M & N variants of instruction. Add - M & N = number of digits in operands, Multiple - M = mumber of digits in multiplicand, N = number of digits in multiplier. Divide - M = number of digits in dividend, N = number of digits in divisor. Timing Asynchronous Operation Sequential Simultaneous program operation with multiprocessing software. STORAGE No. of No. of Access Characters Digits Microsec Magnetic Core 4,800 4,800 10 Magnetic Tape No. of units that can be connected 6 Units No. of chars/linear inch of tape 555.5 Chars/inch Channels or tracks on the tape 7 Track/tape
BRL 1964, B260/B270/B280, starting page 0041 |
Burroughs B 270 Photo by Burroughs Corporation Blank tape separating each record 0.75 Inches Tape speed 90 Inches/sec Transfer rate 18,000/50,000 Chars/sec Start time 6.7 Millisec Stop time 7.1 Millisec Average time for experienced operator to change reel of tape 25 Seconds Physical properties of tape Width 0.5 Inches Length of reel 2,400 Feet Composition Heavy-Duty Mylar The magnetic tape is compatible with the IBM 727, 729, and 7330 tape units. Tape rewind speed is 320 inches/second. Dual gap read-write heads provide lateral and longitudinal parity checking. INPUT Medium Model Speed Card Reader B 122 200 cards/min Card Reader B 124 800 cards/min (1 or 2 possible in system. Paper Tape Readers B 141 500 chars/min 1,000 chars/min (1 or 2 possible in system). Sorter-Reader B 102/103 1,600 items/min (Speed for flow mode. 1 possible in system. The cards are read photo-electrically. 51, 61, or 80 column cards in B 124 Card Reader, 80 columns only in the B 122 Card Reader. Can process MLP cards and post card thicknesses. Cards are read serially by character. OUTPUT Medium Model Speed Card Punch B 303 100 cards/min Card Punch B 304 300 cards/min (1 punch available in system. Line Printer B 321 Single space 700 lines/min Double space 650 lines/min (2 printers available in system. Multiple Tape Lister B 322 1,565 lines/min (2 listers available/system). Paper Tape Punch B 341 100 chars/min (1 available in system. The above listed peripherals use buffered operation permitting independent operation. The Line Printer Buffer is loaded in 1.3 millisec. The Multiple-Tape Lister Buffer is loaded in 0.7 millisec. All other units use buffers located in the processor. The Line Printer carriage skip speed is 25 to 40 inches/second controlled by a 12-channel punched carriage tape. The horizontal spacing is 10 chars inch, the vertical spacing is 6 or 8 lines/inch. The paper tape used is 5, 6, 7, or 8 level tape. Any code may be translated. CIRCUIT ELEMENTS OF ENTIRE SYSTEM Type Quantity Tubes 0 Magnetic Cores 5,044 (Usable) CHECKING FEATURES Fixed Core - each character checked for parity. Magnetic Tape - lateral and longitudinal parity check. Card Reader - validity check on all characters. Printer - parity and sychronization check. Card punch - hole and row count check. Paper Tape Reader - parity check on all characters. Paper Tape Punch - Validity check. POWER, SPACE, WEIGHT, AND SITE. PREPARATION Power, computer system 13.4 - 36.0 KVA Dependent on system configuration. Volume, computer system 247 - 2,076 cu ft Area, computer system 59 - 423 sq ft Room size 23 ft 6 in x 20 ft 6 in to 27ft 6 in x 27 ft 9 in Floor loading 30 lbs 500 lbs concen max Capacity, air conditioner 2.7 - 7.5 Tons Weight, computer system 6,073 - 14,190 lbs Site preparation requirements Temperature range - 72o F, + 8 - 7oF. Relative Humidity - 50°% + 10% The data processing rooms should be of adequate size to functionally layout the system units to achieve optimum operating efficiency.
BRL 1964, B260/B270/B280, starting page 0042 |
Burroughs B 280 Photo by Burroughs Corporation PRODUCTION RECORD Number produced to date 278 Number in current operation 278 Number in current production 200 Number on order 200 Anticipated production rate 18/month Time required for delivery 3 to 6 months RELIABILITY, OPERATING EXPERIENCE A complete checking and testing of the equipment is made before release to the customer. The system is deigned for easy maintenance. Completely equipped and educated field engineering personnel for preventive maintenance and support. COST, PRICE AND RENTAL RATES
COMPONENTS OF BASIC SYSTEM COST OF COMPONENTS B-260 B-270 B-280 B260/B27O/B28O Processor $ 51,000 $ 56,100 $ 55,475 B124 Card Reader 15,200 15,200 15,200 B304 Card Punch 27,000 27,000 27,000 B321 Line Printer 49,800 49,800 49,800 TOTAL $ 143,000 $ 148,100 $ 147,475 Additional equipment.: B102/B103 Sorter-Reader 68,000 B341 Paper Tape Punch 9,500 B122 Card Reader 8,800 B303 Card Punch 18,000 B322 Multiple Tape Lister 66,400 B421 Magnetic Tape 26,600 B141 Paper Tape Reader 16,800
MONTHLY RENTAL COST B-260 B-270 B-280 B260/B270/B280 Processor $ 1,500 $ 1,650 $ 1,585 B124 Card Reader $400 B304 Card Punch 650 B321 Line Printer 1,200 2,250 2,250 2,250 TOTAL $ 3,750 $ 3,900 $ 3,835 Additional equipment: B102/B103 Sorter-Reader $ 2,000 B322 Multiple Tape Lister 1,600 B122 Card Reader 220 B421 Magnetic Tape 700 B341 Paper Tape Punch 190 B303 Card Punch 450 B141 Paper Tape Reader 400
BRL 1964, B260/B270/B280, starting page 0043 |
COMPONENTS OF SYSTEM MAINTENANCE SERVICE CONTRACTING 0-36 mos. 37-72 mos. 73-108 mos. B260/ Processor $ 90 $ 96 $ 102 B270 Processor 95 102 109 B280 Processor 90 96 102 B124 Card Reader 90 96 102 B304 Card Punch 90 96 102 B321 Line Printer 150 160 170 B102/B103 Sorter-Reader 450 482 516 B122 Card Reader 35 38 41 B303 Card Punch 55 59 63 B322 Multiple Tape Lister 255 273 291 B421 Magnetic Tape Unit 130 139 148 B141 Paper Tape Reader 60 64 68 B341 Paper Tape Punch 30 32 34 PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS One 8-Hour Two 8-Hour Three 8-Hour Shift Shifts Shifts Supervisors 1 2 3 Analysts 3 3 4 Programmers 3 4 5 Clerks 1 1 1 Operators 1 2 3 Engineers 1 2 3 Technicians 1/2 3/4 1 In-Output Oper. 1 2 2 Training is made available by the manufacturer to the user. ADDITIONAL FEATURES AND REMARKS Outstanding features include multiprocessing through use of software routine supplied by Burroughs, ease of programming, compatibility with other systems, dual readers and printers, proven performance and less time per job. FUTURE PLANS The new B263/B273/B283 Series will feature faster operation, new commands, high-speed tapes, data communications, disk file, supervisory printer, and a larger memory to be available early in 1964.
BRL 1964, B263/8273/B283, starting page 0044 |
BURROUGHS B263/8273/B283 MANUFACTURER Burroughs Corporation APPLICATIONS Business data processing applications. PROGRAMMING AND NUMERICAL SYSTEM Internal number system Binary coded decimal Characters/word One Characters/instruction 12 Instructions decoded 54 Arithmetic system Fixed point Instruction type Three address Number range 12 character operands Instruction word format +-------+-------+-------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 6 | 7 9 | 10 12 | +-------+-------+-------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | OP | M | N | AAA | BBB | CCC | +-------+-------+-------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | Oper- | Vari- | Vari- | A-Address | B-Address | C-Address | | ation | ant | ant | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ Automatic coding Report generators Multiprocessing package Assembler Tape sort generator Utility routines ARITHMETIC UNIT Incl. Stor. Access Microsec Add 7 4 + 4 (M + N) + 5L Mult 7 3 + 6N + 21MN Div 7 (M + 1 + M - N)(48 + 6 ON) Arithmetic mode Serial M & N = M & N variants of instruction. L = the longer of the two. Add - M & N = number of digits in operands, Multiple - M = mumber of digits in multiplicand, N = number of digits in multiplier. Divide - M = number of digits in dividend, N = number of digits in divisor. Timing Asynchronous Operation Sequential Simultaneous program operation with multiprocessing software. STORAGE No. of No. of Access Characters Digits Microsec Magnetic Core 4,800 4,800 7 or 9,600 or 9,600 Magnetic Tape No. of units that can be connected 6 Units No. of chars/linear inch of tape 555.5 Chars/inch Channels or tracks on the tape 7 Track/tape Blank tape separating each record 0.75 Inches Tape speed 90 or 120 Inches/sec Transfer rate 18,000; 50,000; 24,000; 66,600 Chars/second Start time 6.7 - 6.8 Millisec Stop time 7.1 - 4.2 Millisec Average time for experienced operator to change reel of tape 25 Seconds Physical properties of tape Width 0.5 Inches Length of reel 2,400 Feet Composition Heavy-Duty Mylar The tapes are IBM compatible. Tape rewind speed is 320 inches/sec. Dual gap read-write heads provide lateral and longitudinal parity checking. Binary read and write is used. INPUT Medium Model Speed Card Reader B 122 200 cards/min Card Reader B 124 800 cards/min (1 or 2 possible in system). Paper Tape Readers B 141 500 chars/min 1 000 chars/min (1 or 2 possible in system . Sorter-Reader B 102-103 1,600 items/min (Speed for flow mode. 1 possible in system). The cards are read photo-electrically. 51, 61, or 80 column cards in B 124 Card Reader, 80 columns only in the B 122 Card Reader. Can process MLP cards and post card thicknesses. Cards are read serially by character. OUTPUT Medium Model Speed Card Punch B 303 100 cards/min Card Punch B 304 300 cards/min (1 punch available in system). Line Printer B 321 Single space 700 lines/min Double space 650 lines/min (2 printers available in system). Multiple Tape Lister B 322 1,565 lines/min (2 listers available/system). Paper Tape Punch B 341 100 chars/min (1 available in system). The above listed peripherals use buffered operation permitting independent operation. The Line Printer Buffer is loaded in 1.3 millisec. The Multiple-tape Lister Buffer is loaded in 0.7 millisec. All other units use buffers located in the processor. The Line Printer carriage skip speed is 25 to 40 inches/sec. controlled by a 12-channel punched carriage tape. The horizontal spacing is 10 chars inch, the vertical spacing is 6 or 8 lines/inch. The paper tape used 5, 6, 7, or 8 level tape. Any code may be translated. CIRCUIT ELEMENTS OF ENTIRE SYSTEM Type Quantity Tubes 0 Magnetic Cores 9,844 (Usable) CHECKING FEATURES Fixed Core - each character checked for parity. Magnetic Tape - lateral and longitudinal parity check. Card Reader - validity check on all characters. Printer - parity and sychronization check. Card punch - hole and row count check. Paper Tape Reader - parity check on all characters. Paper Tape Punch - Validity check.
BRL 1964, B263/8273/B283, starting page 0045 |
POWER, SPACE, WEIGHT, AND SITE. PREPARATION Power, computer system 13.4 - 36.0 KVA Dependent on system configuration. Volume, computer system 247 - 2,076 cu ft Area, computer system 59-- 423 sq ft Room size 23 ft 6 in x 20 ft 6 in to 27 ft 6 in x 27 ft 9 in Floor loading 30 lbs 500 lbs concen max Capacity, air conditioner 2.7 - 7.5 Tons Weight, computer system 6,073 - 14,190 lbs Site preparation requirements Temperature range - 72o F, + 8 - 7o F. Relative Humidity - 50% + 10% The data processing rooms should be of adequate size to functionally layout the system units to achieve optimum operating efficiency. PRODUCTION RECORD Scheduled for delivery in 1964 PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS One 8-Hour Two 8-Hour Three 8-Hour Shift Shifts Shifts Supervisors 1 2 3 Analysts 3 3 4 Programmers 3 4 5 Clerks 1 1 1 Operators 1 2 3 Engineers 1 2 3 Technicians 1/2 3/4 1 In-Output Oper 1 2 2 Training is made available by the manufacturer to the user. RELIABILITY, OPERATING EXPERIENCE A complete checking and testing of the equipment is made before release to the customer. The system is designed for easy maintenance.
COMPONENTS OF BASIC SYSTEM COST OF COMPONENTS B263/B273/B283 Processor $ 54,400 $ 62,900 $ 62,475 B124 Card Reader 15,200 15,200 15,200 B303 Card Punch 27,000 27,000 27,000 B321 Line Printer 44,800 49,800 49,800 --------- -------- -------- TOTAL $ 146,400 $ 154,900 $154,475 Additional equipment same as B260/B 270/B280 listed below: B102/B103 Sorter-Reader - B341 Paper Tape Punch $ 68,000 -9,500 B122 Card Reader - B303 Card Punch 8,800 - 18,000 B322 Multiple Tape Lister - B 421 Magnetic Tape 66,400 - 26,600 B141 Paper Tape Reader 16,800 - PLUS the following: B495 Supervisory Printer $ 15,200 B422 Magnetic Tape Unit (max. 6) 33,200 B466 Additional 4,800 character memory 18,700
B263/B273/B283 Processor $ 1,600 $ 1,850 $ 1,785 B124,B304,B321 Card Reader/Card Punch/Line Printer $400/650/1,200 2,250 2,250 2,250 ----- ----- ----- $ 3,850 4,100 4,035 Additional equipment same as B260/B270/B280 listed below: B102/B103 Sorter-Reader - B322 Multiple Tape Lister $ 2,000 1,600 13122 Card Reader - 13421 Mag. Tape 13341- Paper Tape Punch 220 700 190 13303 Card Punch- 13141 Paper Tape Reader 450 400 PLUS the following: B495/B422/B466 Supervis. Printer/Mag. Tape Unit/Addit. Memory 400 800 550
MAINTENANCE SERVICE CONTRACTING 0-36 mos. 37-72 mos. 7--108 mos.
B263/B273/B283 Processor $ 93/107/100 $100/115/107 $107/123/115 B124 Card Reader 60 64 68 B304 Card Punch 90 96 102 B321 Line Printer 150 160 170 B102/B103 Sorter-Reader 450 482 516 B122 Card Reader 35 38 41 B303 Card Punch 55 59 63 B322 Multiple Tape Lister 255 273 291 B421 Magazine Tape Unit 130 139 148 B141 Paper Tape Reader 60 64 68 B341 Paper Tape Punch 30 32 34 PLUS the following: B495 Supervisory Printer 30 32 34 B422 Magnetic Tape Unit 125 134 143 B466 Additional 4,800 Memory 16 17 20
ADDITIONAL FEATURES AND REMARKS Outstanding features include multiprocessing through use of software routine supplied by Burroughs, ease of programming, compatibility with other systems, dual readers and printers, proven performance and less time per job. The system contain all the advantages of the B 260, B 270, and B 280, plus larger core memory, increased speed, added or modified instructions, higher tape speed, disk file, data communication, supervisory printer and overseas compatibility. FUTURE PLANS Data Communications and Disk File abilities early in 1964.
BRL 1964, BURROUGHS B5000, starting page 0046 |
BURROUGHS B5000 MANUFACTURER Burroughs CorporationPhoto by Burroughs Corporation APPLICATIONS General purpose computing, on-line and real-time uses. Scientific and data processing applications. Capable of trap or interrupt on receipt of external signal. Second processor module optional for true parallel processing. Either or both processors will time-share two or more relocatable, segmented programs using relocatable data storage areas. Simultaneous read-writecompute on two or more channels; read-compute or writecompute possible on one channel. PROGRAMMING AND NUMERICAL SYSTEM Internal number system Binary coded decimal Decimal digits/word 48 +1 (parity) Decimal digits/instruction 12 (word or char. mode) Instructions/word 4 Instructions decoded 54 (word or char. mode) 7 for control state under Master Control Program. Arithmetic system Floating point 39 bit coefficient, 6 bit exponent, 1 bit coefficient, 1 bit exponent, 1 flag bit. Fixed point 39 bits/word Other,floating point coefficient represented same as fixed point number, made possible by signed exponent. Same arithmetic orders (except divide) are used for fixed and floating numbers. Double precision operation codes. Instruction type The B-5000 may be likened to a zero-address system, i.e. the instructions are independent of storage addresses. Operations are performed on contents of stack registers. 6-bit repeat field in character mode, 10-bit data or operational field in word mode. Number range Fixed point - (1- 2-39) to (239- 1) Floating point 8 -51 < n < 8 +76 Instruction word format Word Mode (4 instructions/word) +-------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | Inst No. 1 | No. 2 | No. 3 | No. 4 | +---------+---+-------+---+-------+---+-------+---+ | 10 Bits | 2 | 10 | 2 | 10 | 2 | 10 | 2 | +---------+---+-------+---+-------+---+-------+---+ | a | b | a | b | a | b | a | b | +---------+---+-------+---+-------+---+-------+---+ a - OP Code or Data Literal b - Syllable Type Code: 00 - Operator 01 - Literal 10 - Operand Call 11 - Descriptor Call
BRL 1964, BURROUGHS B5000, starting page 0047 |
Photo by Burroughs Corporation Character Mode (4 instructions/word) +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | Inst. No. 1 | Inst. No. 2 | Inst. No. 3 | Inst. No. 4 | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | 6 Bits | 6 Bits | 6 Bits | 6 Bits | 6 Bits | 6 Bits | 6 Bits | 6 Bits | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | a | b | a | b | a | b | a | b | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ a - Repeat or Count Field b - OP Code Automatic built-in subroutines BCD to binary conversion, in either direction. No fixed point to floating point conversion routines in either direction required. Automatic coding Master control program (MCP) on required drum is partially loaded to core at start. This routine schedules jobs automatically to maximize system produc- tivity (unless over-ridden by an optional priority.) Time-sharing programs in CPU when possible. True parallel processing possible through MCP with optional second processor. MCP handles all interrupt con- ditions and makes ALGOL-60 or COBOL compilers avail- able. For multi-processing (time sharing), segments from any independent programs may be in core simul- taneously. Jobs need not be specifically programmed for multi and/or parallel processing. Registers and B-Boxes No Index Registers required by internal logic of processor. A + B registers in stack are used during arithmetic computation. 13 more registers (per processor) are used for instruction address, character and bit position, etc. Items in data arrays are obtained and stored through use of data descriptor containing base address of array, incremented by array subscript. A check occurs to insure that items are fetched from or stored within the limiting array addresses. Pro- gramming is not required for the feature. ARITHMETIC UNIT Incl. Stor. Access Excl. Stor. Access Microseconds Microseconds Fixed Pt. Floating Pt. Fixed Pt. Floating Pt. Add 9 (Avg) 13 2 4 Mult 30 (Avg) - 19 - Div 61 (Avg) - 20 - Construction (Arithmetic unit only) Solid-state logic in processors, including registers. Arithmetic Mode Serial (by 6-bit BCD char) Arithmetic Mode Parallel Addition or subtraction in serial BCD mode when character operation is used. Parallel (binary) arithmetic in word mode. Timing Synchronous Operation Sequential Concurrent (via optional second processor) STORAGE No. of No. of Access Medium Words/Unit Bits/Word Microsec Magnetic Drum 32,768 48 + 6 (parity) 8,500 (Avg) (1 unit requred, 2d unit optional) Coincident Current 4,096 48 + 1 (parity) 3 Magnetic Core (1-8 units) Magnetic Tape No. of units that can be connected 16 Units No. of chars/linear inch 555.50 Chars/inch Channels or tracks on the tape 7 Track/tape
BRL 1964, BURROUGHS B5000, starting page 0048 |
Magnetic tape (cont'd) Blank tape separating each record 0.75 Inches Tape speed 120 Inches/sec Transfer rate 24,000/66,667 Chars/sec Start time 5 Millisec Stop time 5 Millisec Average time for experienced operator to change reel of tape 25 Seconds Physical properties of tape Width 0.5 Inches Length of reel 2,400 Feet Composition Accetate or mylar base, iron oxide coating. The magnetic tape is compatible with IBM 727, IBM 729, and IBM 7330 units. Four drum lockout switches, provided, each protecting 4,096 words on drum storage unit. Read-write rate of drum is 8.1 microsec/char. Tape rewind speed is 320 inches/second. Dual gap read-write heads provides lateral and longitudinal parity checking. INPUT Medium Model Speed Punched Cards B122 200 cards/min Punched Cards B124 800 cards/min 1 or 2 possible in system; 1 required (Immediate access clutch). Paper Tape B141 500 or 1,000 chars/min 1 or 2 possible in system. (Total 3 for reader and punch). Cards are read photoelectrically. 51, 61, 66 or 80 column cards may be read on the 800 cards/min. reader, only 80 column cards may be read on the 200 cards minute model. Can process MLP cards and postcard thickness. Immediate access clutch maintains high rate of speed. Character validity check on reader under operator control. Cards are read serially by columns and readers will accept column binary cards. Two 6-bit BCD characters/column. OUTPUT Medium Model Speed Punched Cards B304 300 cards/min Punched Cards B303 100 cards/min 1 punch optional in system. Immediate access clutch. Line Printers 700 lines/min single space or 650 lines/min double space Up to 2 printers optional in system, 120 chars/line. Supervisory Printer 10 chars/sec (Approx) 1 required (with console). Plotter 8-20 points/sec 1 optional in system 10" max. ordinate scale. Optional grid printing. Variable absissa scale. Paper Tape B341 100 chars/min 1 or 2 possible in system. (Total of 3 for reader and punch . Line printer carriage skip speed 25 - 40 inches/sec controlled by 12 channel punched paper carriage tape. Immediate access print cycle when buffer is filled. Horizontal spacing of line printer is 10 chars/inch, vertical spacing either 6 or 8 lines/inch. Printer is buffered, requiring I/0 channel only 1.5 millisec for buffer transfer. CIRCUIT ELEMENTS OF ENTIRE SYSTEM Type Quantity Tubes 0 Diodes 100,000 (Approx) Transistors 11,000 (Approx) Magnetic Cores 4,096 x 49 cores/module The above values are for a system consisting of: 1 Processor 2 Input/Output Channels 4 Memory Modules CHECKING FEATURES FIXED: Core - 1 bit/word parity check. Punch - checks characters punched. Tape - lateral and longitudinal parity check. Reader - alphabetical character validity check under operator control. Printer - drum synchronization check. OPTIONAL: DP and blank column detection on card punch. Punch validity check compares holes punched on modulo 8 basis and row count. Master control program recognizes various interrupt conditions, both processor dependent and processor independent. Job will be pulled with restart proocedures when necessary, if programmer has not specified a possible optional procedure. POWER, SPACE, WEIGHT, AND SITE PREPARATION Minimum Medium Maximum Power, computer KVA 29 59 103 Area, computer sq ft 625 900 1,600 Floor loading lbs sq ft 40 (Caster load) lbs concen max 500 Capacity, air conditioner, Tons 6 12 21 Weight, computer lbs 12,000 20,000 29,000 (Small) (Medium) (Large) Site preparation requirements. The B5000 should be installed in a free access floor, otherwise trenches are required. If a raised floor is utilized, it should also function as a cooling medium. A false ceiling serves as an ideal method to conceal return duct work. The customer furnishes and installs a main power disconnect near the power supply cabinet. PRODUCTION RECORD Number produced to date 12 Number in current operation 12 Number on order 24 Anticipated production rates 2/month Time required for delivery 9 to 12 months COST, PRICE AND RENTAL RATES MODEL IDENTITY OF ITEM PURCHASE B5000 Processor Module $ 265,600 B5282 I/0 Channel Subsystem (1 I/0 chan.) 93,375 (Maximum 4) B 460 Memory Module (Maximum 8) 51,875 B 430 Storage Drum (Maximum 2) 70,550 B 122 Card Reader 8,800 B 124 Card Reader 15,200 Additional Equipment B 422 Magnetic Tape Transport (each) 33,200 (Maximum of 16) B 303 Card Punch 18,000 B 304 Card Punch 27,000 B 321 Line Printer (Maximum of 2) 49,800 MONTHLY RENTAL B5280 Processor Module 6,400 B5282 I/0 Channel Subsystem 2,250 B 460 Memory Module 1,250 B 430 Storage Drum 1,700 B 122/B124 Card Reader 220/400 TOTAL $11,820 12,000
BRL 1964, BURROUGHS B5000, starting page 0049 |
MONTHLY RENTAL B 422 Magnetic Tape Unit $ 800 B 303 Card Punch 450 B 304 Card Punch 650 B 321 Line Printer 1,200 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT RATES $/MONTH 0-36 mo. 37-72 mo. 73-108 mo. B5280 Processor Module A $ 180 $ 193 $ 206 B5282 1/0 Channel 80 86 92 B 460 Memory Module 45 48 51 B 430 Storage Drum 50 53 56 B 122 Card Reader 35 38 41 B 124 Card Reader 60 64 68 B 422 Magnetic Tape 125 134 143 Transport B 303 Card Punch 55 59 63 B 304 Card Punch 90 96 102 B 321 Line Printer 150 160 170 B5281 Processor Module B 105 112 119 PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS Requirements in this area are felt to be largely application-dependent. It is believed that fewer programmers will be required to maintain a full "load" on the equipment, because of working at the problemoriented language level. Due to scheduling and supervision of the physical system by the master control program, on a large configuration fewer operating personnel may be required. Training is made available by the manufacturer to the user includes a system survey course; B 5000 COBOL, B 5000 ALGOL-60, and a systems operating course. Machine language programming classes are not contemplated for users in general, since virtually all programming and debugging will be at the problem-oriented language level. FUTURE PLANS Use of 800 character/inch tape likely to maintain compatibility with other systems. Look-ahead fetch of next program word during execution of last program syllable of a word. Disk file subsystem will be available in 1964. RELIABILITY, OPERATING EXPERIENCE Unit design contains features from defense computer systems, whose reliability and availability specifications are extremely high even for military equipment. All electronic package types and connectors were tested exhaustively for proper operation and life under severe environmental conditions, including shocks, vibration, and corrosive atmosphere. Automatic wire-wrap on back - plane assures consistent, dependable connections. System modularity allows a defective I/0 channel, Processor, or Memory to be switched off-line. System operation continues although at reduced speed, but no re-programming is required. ADDITIONAL FEATURES AND REMARKS Polish notation is used for computational logic facilitates manipulation of operands in stack. Stack logic is a relative addressing method, providing automatic allocation of intermediate storage. System features use of problem-oriented language and an integrated hardware-software approach, with MCP (master control program for system scheduling and efficiency). High program density in core storage. Maximum utilization of physical system (I/0 and processor). Physical system is capable of expansion or contraction (over and above minimum requirement) without reprogramming. Programs and data fully relocate and independent of core storage. Any I/0 channel available is usable by an I/0 device. Standard precautions for core of magnetic tape including temperature and humidity control and vertical storage in plastic cases on racks. Tape files are labelled at beginning for interrogation and recognition by programs. TYPICAL BURROUGHS B 6000 SYSTEM one processor six magnetic tape transports one memory module one high speed card reader one input/output channel one card punch one magnetic drum one wideline printer console keyboard with message printer MAXIMUM BURROUGHS B 5000 SYSTEM two processors sixteen magnetic tape transports eight memory modules two high speed card readers four input/output channels one card punch two magnetic drums two wideline printers console keyboard with message printer
BRL 1964, BURROUGHS D210, starting page 0050 |
BURROUGHS D210 MANUFACTURER Burroughs CorporationPhoto by Burroughs Corporation APPLICATIONS Real-time, general purpose, control computer, for aircraft, missile and satellite navigation and control applications. PROGRAMMING AND NUMERICAL SYSTEM Internal number system Binary Binary digits/word 24 Binary digits/instruction 16 Instructions/word Not a homogeneous memory. Instructions decoded 48 Arithmetic system Fixed-point (Two's complement). Instruction Type One address Number range (integer) 223 - 1 to -223 + 1 Instruction word format +-----------+---------+---------+ | 1 5 | 6 | 7 16 | +-----------+---------+---------+ | Operation | Variant | Operand | | Code | Bit | Address | +-----------+---------+---------+ Automatic built-in subroutines include multiplication, division, priority interrupt enter, interrupt return. Automatic coding Interpreter Registers and B-Boxes 16 (stored in data memory) ARITHMETIC UNIT Incl. Stor. Access Excl. Stor. Access Microsec Microsec Add 30 20 Mult 580 Div 680 Construction (Arithmetic unit only) Vacuum-Tubes 0 Transistors 275 Diodes 1,400 Magnetic Cores 800 Resistors 1,000 Arithmetic mode Parallel Timing Synchronous STORAGE No. of No. of Access Words Digits Microsec Magnetic Core 256 to 24 10 (Ferrite)(DRO) 1,024 Magnetic Core 1,024 to 16 10 (Rope)(NDRO) 16,384 Magnetic Core 256 to 24 10 (Rope)(NDRO) 1,024
BRL 1964, BURROUGHS D210, starting page 0051 |
Photo by Burroughs Corporation INPUT Medium Paper Tape Discrete Data Chanels OUTPUT Medium Paper Tape Discrete Data Channels CIRCUIT ELEMENTS OF ENTIRE SYSTEM Type Quantity Remarks Tubes 0 Diodes 2,736 5294, TND2020 Transistors 883 2N995, 2N2297, 2N1084 Magnetic Cores 2,409 4-79 Molypermalloy Component type numbers given are the closest commercial equivalent to the parts used. Burroughs specifications are used for all components. CHECKING FEATURES Programmed confidence check is automatic and programmed diagnostic routines are available. POWER, SPACE, WEIGHT, AND SITE PREPARATION Power, computer 0.1 Kw Volume. computer 0.6 cu ft Weight, computer 35 lbs Site preparation requirements An air-conditioner is not required. The power requirement varies with the clock rate. PRODUCTION RECORD Number produced to date 1 Number in current operation 1 Number in current production 1 ADDITIONAL FEATURES AND REMARKS Outstanding features include and extensive use of magnetic logic to reduce component count, especially semiconductors; very high calculated reliability; environmentally hardened; and the power consumption varies with the clock rate which can be controlled by the programmer.
BRL 1964, BURROUGHS D825, starting page 0052 |
BURROUGHS D825 MANUFACTURER Burroughs CorporationPhoto by Burroughs Corporation APPLICATIONS The system is a totally modular system featuring functionally independent computer, memory, and input-output control modules which are interconnected to form a flexible system capable of both multi-and-parallel processing. Each type of module can be utilized in various quantities of one, two, four, etc. up to sixteen depending on the particular type. System is designed for use in scientific and cormercial data processing, and real time applications as exemplified by large scale, command and control problems, communications store/forward and switching. PROGRAMMING AND NUMERICAL SYSTEM Internal number system Binary Binary digits/word 49 Binary digits/instruction 49 Instructions/word Variable, 1 to 4 Instructions decoded 64 (max) Arithmetic system Fixed and floating point Instruction type Variable One, two or three address. Number range Fixed - 248 N + 248 Floating - 22047 N + 22047 Instruction word format +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+ | 1 | 2 13 | 14 25 | 26 37 | 38 49 | +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+ | Parity | Add or | Add or | Add or | Add or | | | Oper | Oper | Oper | Oper | +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+ Format varies with types of instruction. Automatic coding Symbolic Assembler Jovial ALGOL Compilers Registers and B-Boxes There are three arithmetic registers (49-bits) and five control registers (12-bit length). In addition, there is a thin-film storage unit which contains a four-word operand stack (48-bits), 15 index registers, 15 comparison limit registers, and 21 miscellaneous registers from 12 to 64 bits in length to perform various other control and storage functions.
BRL 1964, BURROUGHS D825, starting page 0053 |
ARITHMETIC UNIT Fixed Point Floating Point Incl Stor Access Incl. Stor. Access Microsec/Module Microsec/Module Add 2.33 6.0 Mult 50.00 40.0 Div 95.00 70.0 Construction (Arithmetic unit only) Vacuum-Tubes 0 Transistors 5,000 Diodes 29,000 Resistors 17,000 Condensers 5,000 Four thin-film substrates are used. Arithmetic mode Parallel Timing Synchronous Operation Concurrent STORAGE No. of No. of Bin. Access Medium Words Digits/Word Microsec Magnetic Core 65,536 49 4.33 Magnetic Tape 2,000,000 characters/reel. Magnetic Drum 65,536 49 17,000 Magnetic Tape No. of units that can be connected 32 Units No. of chars/linear inch 555.5 Chars/inch Channels or tracks on the tape 7 Track/tape Blank tape separating each record 0.75 Inches Tape speed 120 Inches/sec Transfer rate 66,000 Chars/sec Start time 5 Millisec Stop time 5 Millisec Average time for experienced operator to change reel of tape 30 to 60 Seconds Physical properties of tape Width 0.5 Inches Length of reel 2,400 Feet Composition Mylar INPUT Medium Speed Remarks Cards 800 cards/min (On-Line) Paper Tape 1,000 chars/min (On-Line) OUTPUT Medium Speed Remarks Cards 300 cards/min (On-Line) Paper Tape 100 chars/min (On-Line) Line Printer 1,200 lines/min (On-Line) Magnetic Tape The Input/Output exchange can handle a variety of peripheral devices, up to 64 in number. The maximum rate at which any one I/0 module can accept information from any one terminal device is 500,000 chars second. The number of input/output operations which can be handled concurrently and on-line in this modular system is limited only by the number of I/0 control modules, up to a maximum of ten, and the number of data transfer busses available. CIRCUIT ELEMENTS OF ENTIRE SYSTEM Quantity Memory In/Out Control Computer Tubes 0 0 0 Diodes 15,300 11,800 29,300 Transistors 2,500 2,300 4,810 Magnetic Cores 200,000 0 0 Resistors 7,300 7,800 17,000 The above numbers are on a per/module basis. There are two memory modules per physical cabinet and two I/0 control modules per cabinet. CHECKING FEATURES Fixed checking features include accumulator overflow, horizontal and vertical check of magnetic tape, and parity on memory transfers. POWER, SPACE, WEIGHT, AND SITE PREPARATION MODULE KVA VOLUME AREA WEIGHT LOADING Computer 2.5 65'3" 6.5 sq ft 1,500 231/sq ft Memory* 2.6 65'3" 6.5 sq ft 1,450 223/sq ft Input/0utput* 2.4 65'3" 6.5 sq ft 1,600 247/sq ft *This includes two functional modules. All figures are on a cabinet basis. Size of room required is dependent upon number of cabinets employed in the central system as well as number of peripheral devices. No air conditioning is required for central processor. PRODUCTION RECORD Number produced to date 5 Number in current operation 4 Number in current production 32 Number on order 35 Anticipated production rates l/month RELIABILITY. OPERATING EXPERIENCE It is a modular, expansible system co-oriented by a master control program which schedules its own workload and automatically diagnoses and bypasses its own failures. It handles real-time interrupts and features automatic program restart after primary power failure. It is designed to MIL-specifications. This machine passed rigorous military acceptance test at Naval Research Laboratories with better than 95% up-time during a 30 day period at 24 hours/day. ADDITIONAL FEATURES AND REMARKS Outstanding features include truly modular hardware with parallel processing throughout; expandable without re- programming; fast compiling speeds; a power failure system with automatic restart feature; each module has the same individual power supply, completely interchangeable; and each power supply has a self over/under voltage indication. A central processor may consist of from 1 to 4 computer modules, 1 to 16 memory modules (4,096 words each and 1 to 10 input/output control modules. FUTURE PLANS The complement of compiling languages is to be expanded. INSTALLATIONS U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington,D.C. Mitre Corporation, Bedford, Mass. Systems Development Corp., Santa Monica, Calif. Burroughs Corporation, Paoli, Pa.
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