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BRL 1961, BENDIX CUBIC TRACKER, start page 0062
BENDIX G-15D and MTA-2 p/o AN/GSQ-29(x1-l)
Computer Division
Bendix Aviation Corporation
Cubic Corporation
Systems are located at Tyndall Air Force Base, Cape
San Blas, and Carabelle, Florida. Tracking Stations
at Cape San Blas and Carabelle develop direction
cosines measured from x & y base lines for up to
three targets, and a frequency correction word for
each target transmitter. Information is transmitted
via data link to computing site at Tyndall. Data
words are automatically converted to G-15D word
length and written directly on computer drum. Pro-
gram converts direction cosine information to (x,y,z)
position and controls automatic position plot of two
of the three targets.A command word is generated
at the computer site to instruct the program which
target trajectories to plot, the change being con-
trolled by transmission of a release signal from one
target (interce tor) and a burst signal from a second
target (missile.Burst also causes the program to
compute the vector miss distance from the 3rd target
(drone) to the missile in the velocity vector coord-
inate system of the drone, and the scalar escape dis-
tance between the missile and the interceptor in the
MATTS (AN/GSQ-29) coordinate system. Program modifi-
cations also permit computation of x, y, z coordinates
of any or all targets either on a sample by sample
basis (basic sample rate is 20/sec) in non-real time,
or at a rate of approximately one sample/sec either
real or non-real time.
Though the system was basically designed for scor-
ing air-to-air missile firings it has also been suc-
cessfully used to track missiles fired from the
Modifications made to the G-15D to permit on-line
data processing were accomplished so as to also per-
mit general purpose use of the computer. Part of
the high speed punch facility was utilized for an
additional long memory line for format conversion
and automatic data entry, and the DA-2 circuitry was
modified in a minor way to permit data to be written
on the M16 and M17 long lines separately.
No. of No. of Access
Media Words Digits Microsec
Computer Drum long line 108 3,132 19,500 avg
Computer Drum 4 wd. line 4 116 504 avg
Computer Drum 2 wd. line 2 58 270 avg
Computer Drum 1 wd. line 1 1 270
Media Speed
Photo Tape Reader 200 hex char/sec
MTA-2 (Bendix) 427 hex char/sec
300,000 words/unit
max of 4 units
IBM Typewriter Modified Manual
Matta Buffer & Input Register
Buffer "reads" incoming data at rate of 20 samples
sec max,.stores twelve 19 bit cosine words and six
10 bit calibrate words at 3kc bit rate, "write" data
onto computer drum at 110kc clock rate under auto-
matic control of computer and converts words into
computer word length of 29 bits. Maximum time between end of
"read" and start of "write" 19,500 microsec. (1/2 drum rev).
Write time = 4860 microsec (18 word times),Input register
automatically reads one word onto computer Early Buss under
program control. Maximum access time is 4 wt (1,080 microsec
including ready test.
Media Speed
Photo Tape Punch 17 hex char/sec
MIA-2 427 hex char/sec Max. of 4 units
IBM Typewriter 8 hex char/sec
Output Register 270 microsec/word Under program
Minimum program time for (x, y, z) plot of two targets via
output register is 16 word times (4320 microsec) including
transfer from storage and transfer to output register.
Output register operates automatically under computer
Power, computer 4.3 Kw 4.5 KVA
0.95 Pf
Power, air conditioner 6 Kw 7.5 KVA
0.80 pf
Volume, computer 60 cu ft
Volume, MTA-2 30 cu ft
Volume, MATTS System 130 cu ft
Volume, sir conditioner 192 cu ft
Area, computer 10 sq ft
Area, MTA-2 6 sq ft
Area, MATTS System 18 sq ft
Area, air conditioner 24 sq ft
Room size, systemVan 30 x 8 x 7.5 ft
Room size, air conditioner 4 x 6 x 8 ft
Floor loading, system 45 lbs/sq ft
Weight, computer 450 lbs
Capacity, air conditioner 6 Tons
Parking pad is approximately 30 x 10 ft
Power is 220 v, 60 cycle, 3-wire; 80 amps.
Components distribution
Computer Site
(1) Data Handli
(2) Data Link
(3) Tape Recorders
(4) Computer and Typewriter
(5) MTA-2
(6) D/A Converters (3 ea)
(7) Plotting Boards (2 ea)
Tracking Sites
(l) Tracking System
(2) Data Handling
(3) Tape Recorders (2 ea/site)
(4) Data Link (GFE)
Airborne Transmitters
(1) Interceptor
(2) Target
(3) Missile
BRL 1961, BENDIX CUBIC TRACKER, start page 0063
Maintenance available on system through Cubic Corp.
Maintenance available on computer through Bendix Computer
One 8-Hour Two 8-Hour Three 8-Hour
Shift Shifts Shifts
Used Recom Used Recom Used Recom
Programmers 1 1 1 1 1 1
Operator 3 4 3 8 0 12
Operation tends toward open shop.
Methods of training used includes formal classroom plus
on-the-job training under qualified personnel, teaching
operation and maintenance. Customer personnel (USAF),
includes 1 Supervisor, 2 Programmers (Computer Operators)
and 10 Technicians.
Average error-free running period 40 Hours
Good time 12 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time 12.1 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating Ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.99
Above figures based on period l Mar 60 to 1 Aug 60
Date this system passed customer acceptance test:
undergoing acceptance tests.
Time is probably available to other AF organizations
on an availability basis.
System utilizes GP computer for special purpose
application yet permits utilization of computer for GP
applications by merely rotating a switch.
System measures spatial position to 50 parts million,
less than 40 ft. error in vector miss distance.
Special purpose system utilizing GP computer system
designed for scoring air-to-air missile firing, with
latitude in design to permit modification to other related
Replacement of electro-mechanical servo system and
data handling system at tracking sites with Cubic
Electronic Digital Phase Meters.
System distributed between Tyndall AFB, Cape San
Blas, and Carabelle, Florida..
BRL 1961, BENDIX D12, start page 0064
Bendix D12 Digital Differential Analyzer
Bendix Computer Division of Bendix Aviation Corp.
Photo, 18 K bytes
Photo by Griffiss Air Force Base
Solution of differential equations.
Statistical Services Div., Hq RADC, Griffiss AFB The
system is used for the solution of scientific problems,
involving differential-integral equations (orbits,
trajectories, Bessel functions, etc).
Internal number system Binary coded decimal
Decimal. digits/word 8
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Number range -5.0000000 to +4.9999999
As this system is a digital differential analyzer, usual
digital computer instructions are not used.
The computer employs a semi-fixed program.
Add time (exclud stor access) 43
Construction Vacuum tubes
Basic pulse repetition rate 200 Kc/sec
Arithmetic mode Serial
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
Decimal digits are treated serially, whereas their binary
codes are held in parallel.
Media Words Binary Digits
Magnetic Drum 550 22,000
Access times are not relevant because of the fixed
Griffiss AFB
Magnetic Drum 2408 plus sign
This system has 60 integrators.
Media Speed
Paper Tape 6 dig/sec
Griffiss AFB
Paper Tape 6 dig/sec
Typewriter KeyboardManual
Curve Follower 20 dig/sec (Imperical Input)
BRL 1961, BENDIX D12, start page 0065
Media Speed
Typewriter 10 dig/sec
Graph Plotter 20 dig/sec, 100 steps/inch
Griffiss AFB
Typewriter (IBM) 10 dig/sec
Paper Tape 10 dig/sec
Graph Plotter 20 dig/sec, 100 steps/inch
Tubes 700
Tube types 6
Crystal diodes2,200
Separate cabinets 2
Overflow in addition
' Prescribed code as a result of addition
Power, computer 7.5 Kw
Power, air conditioner 105 cu ft 25 sq ft
Weight, computer 2,000 lbs
A desk is provided in addition to the computer con-
sole proper.
Griffiss AFB
Power, computer 7.5 Kw
Vole, computer 125 cu ft
Area, computer 42.5 sq ft
Room size, computer 400 sq ft
Located on false floor. Air conditioner is shared
with other equipment.
Manufacturer The Bendix D-12 is no longer in
production and is manufactured only when a customer's needs
can not be met by any other equipment. The DA-1 used with
the G-15D General Purpose Computer System is based on the D-
12 and uses the memory of the G-15D for combined GPC and DDA
operation. The DA-1, while lowpriced, is therefore equipped
with 108 integrators and 108 constant multipliers.
Manufacturer Approximate cost of basic system
$55,000, including one graph plotter unit. Approximate
cost of additional equipment $8,035 for unit for
interconnecting two computers. Griffiss AFB The basic
computer cost $48,000. The extra coding unit, graph
plotters and curve follower cost $20,000.
Griffiss AFB System requires one engineer and 1
operator. Operation tends toward closed shop. Method of
training includes the use of maintenance manuals and on-the-job
Good time 500 Hours
Attempted to run time 600 Hours
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.83
Passed Customer Acceptance Test1 Aug 54
Griffiss AFB
Average error-free running period 40 Hours
Good time 1,000 Hours
Above figures based on period 15 Mar 56 to 1 Nov 56.
Passed Customer Acceptance Test 15 Mar 56
Manufacturer The system is unusually easy to code
and operate, since it is a fixed code machine.
Products Division
Bendix Aviation Corporation
Mishawaka, Indiana
Wright Air Development Center
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
Dayton, Ohio
Redstone Arsenal
Huntsville, Alabama
Lockheed Aircraft Company
Marietta, Georgia
Griffiss Air Force Base
Rome, New York
BRL 1961, BENDIX G15, start page 0066
Bendix G15
Bendix Corporation
Bendix Computer Division
Photo, 45 K bytes
Photo by North American Aviation, Inc.
Manufacturer General purpose and scientific computing.
U. S. A. Artillery & Missile School, Ft. Sill Located
in Bldg. 900, Gunnery/Cannon/Rocket Dept., Fort Sill,
Oklahoma, the system is used for cannon and rocket
research studies.
U. S. A. Command and General Staff College
Located in Room 345, Bell Hall, USACGSC, the system
is used for curve fit analysis of nuclear data for
instructional and operational purposes, various con-
version tables, and production of data for tables of
preco umnuclear target analyses (Weapon Selection
Tables .
U. S. A. Engineer District, Little Rock Located at 300
Broadway, Little Rock, Arkansas, the system is used for
reservoir and flood routing, earthwork quantities for
embankments and highways, stability analysis for dams and
walls, traverse closure in surveys, moment distribution,
reinforced concrete design cantilever wall, and pile foundation
U. S. A. Engineer District, Los Angeles Located at the Los
Angeles District Office, the system is used for engineering
computations in the fields of surveying, soils, hydrology,
hydraulics, structural design and miscellaneous engineering
U. S. A. Map Service, Americas Division Located at Army
Map Service, Americas Division, 6500 Brooks Lane, Washington
25, D. C., the system is used for geodetic, astronomic, and
photogrammetric computations.
U. S. A. Ord. Frankford Arsenal - ORDRA-6230
Located at Frank ford Arsenal Bldg. 220-1st floor,
the system is used for optical design - 95,%, and
miscellaneous technical - 5,%.
U. S. A. Ordnance Mission, White Sands Missile
Located at the Structures Branch, the system is used
for calculation of structural response, stress anal-
ysis calculations in structural members, processing
of structural data collected from missile range fir-
ings, processing of structural data collected from
laboratory tests of structural items, calculations
involving simulations of missile systems, and research
BRL 1961, BENDIX G15, start page 0067
Photo, 45 K bytes
Photo by Naval Supersonic laboratory, MIT
into transient loading at missile structures. This computer
is to be used to reduce the engineering time required for
structural analyses calculations resulting from measurements
collected during missile range operations and structural
laboratory testing.
U.S.A. Snow Ice Permafrost Research Establish-
Located at 1215 Washington Ave., Wilmette, Illinois,
the system is used for engineering analysis.
U. S. N, Air Development Center Located at the
Aeronautical Computer Laboratory, Johnsville, Pa., the
system is used for scientific computations and scientific
data processing.
U. S. N. Bureau of Weapons Located in Temporary "W"
Bldg., Room 2W91, 18th & Constitution Avenue, N. W.,
Washington, D. C. the system is used for the solution of
scientific problems only.
U. S. N. Charleston Shipyard Located at the Design
Division, Planning Department, the system is used for polemast
stress analyses, longitudinal strength calculations, transverse
strength calculations, shear and moment curves for simply
supported beams, A.C. power analysis, A.C. lighting analysis,
angle-arc analysis, list and stability calculations, natural
frequency of resilient mounts, inclining experiments, weight
and moment calculations, lighting system fixtures analysis,
moment distributions, star tracker, trochoidal wave, curve
expansions, and properties of simply supported beams.
U. S.N. Engineering Experiment Station
Located in Building 113 the system is used for noise
spectrum analysis, magnetic fields-data reduction and
statistical analysis, bearings computations, harmonic
tables computation, thermoconductivity-regression
analysis, "one-shot" type engineering problems, and
training of station personnel.
U. S. N. Hydrographic Office, Suitland Located at the
Geodetic Computing Unit, Survey Branch, Chart Construction
Division, system is used for position determination,
triangulation computations, electronic aids to navigation
computations, statistical studies, astro and azimuth
computations and distance computations.
U. S. N. Mine Defense Laboratory System is used as an on
line computer in a navigation system to provide positional
data on a real time basis.
U. S. N. Missile Center Point Mugu System is used for the
solution of engineering problems, particularly those of
guided missile design and analysis, and satellite and probe
U. S. N. Supersonic Laboratory, M.I.T. Located at 560
Memorial Drive, Cambridge, Mass., system is used mainly for on
line processing of experimental wind tunnel data; e.g. force
and moment aerodynamic tests, pressure distribution tests,
heat transfer testing, nozzle block calibration, and strain
gage balance calibration.
BRL 1961, BENDIX G15, start page 0068
Photo, 45 K bytes
Photo by U.S.A.F. Patrick AFB
U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Salt Lake City
Located at 32 Exchange Place, Salt Lake City, Utah,
the system is used for representative civil engineer-
ing computer applications in design, office engineer-
ing, project development and construction contract
administration work, such as earthwork volumes for
roads, canals, borrow pits, multiple linear corre-
lation-forecasting runoff, drain spacing analysis,
triangulation and traverse computations, operation
studies for reservoirs and related facilities, water
surface profiles, and flood routing through a reser-
Illinois Division of Highways
Located at the Illinois Division of Highways, Bureau
of Research and Planning, State Office Building,
Springfield, Illinois, the computer is used for com-
putation of highway cut and fill quantities and perti-
nent earthwork design data, moment influence line
ordinates for 3 and 4-span continuous beams, bridge
deck elevations adjusted for dead load deflections,
traverse closure and coordinate adjustment, areas,
etc., earthwork embankment stability analysis, rectan-
gular and circular column analysis, azimuth determina-
tion from sun observation, geodetic position from
State plane coordinates and vice versa, and highway
letting cost distribution.
This computer is used for the solution of engineering
problems only, - problems which require a relatively
small amount of input data, but a great amount of
complex mathematical computation.
Michigan State Highway Department
Located on the 8th Floor of the S. T. Mason Building,
Lansing, Michigan, the system is used by the Michigan
State Highway Department, Road Design Division, for
earthwork computations, vertical alinement computa-
tions, circle-circle, circle-line intersections,
BRL 1961, BENDIX G15, start page 0069
Photo, 45 K bytes
Photo by Michigan State Highway Department
traverse closure computations, and storm sewer design.
It isused by the Traffic Division for traffic pattern
classification and loadometer. It is used by the
Bridge Design Division for circular bridge geometry,
vertical alignment, pier design, composite beam de-
sign,plate girder design, slab and screed data for
the straight bridge, straight bridge elevations,
abutment design, and 3, 4, and 5 span girder calcula-
tions. The system is also used for bid checking.
AiResearch Mfg. Co. of Arizona
Located at 402 South 36th Street, Phoenix, Arizona,
the system is used for test data reduction for gas
turbines, starters, pneumatic controls, engineering
design problems for various aircraft components, and
engineering research problems relative to aircraft
and missile components.
Bendix Aviation Corp., Eclipse-Pioneer Division Located
at Plant One, Teterboro, N.J., the system is used for the
numerical solution of differential equations, amplitude and
polar angles of complex rational functions to facilitate
Bode and Nyquist stability analysis, and inverse
interpolation programming to find the roots of
transcendental equations.
Bendix Radio Division, Bendix Aviation Corp. Located in
the Engineering Bldg., Towson, Md., the system is used for
all sorts of scientific, physical
problems. The majority have to do with radar systems
Bendix Systems Division, The Bendix Corporation Located
at the Data Processing and Display Dept., Bendix Systems
Div., Ann Arbor, Michigan, the Bendix G-15A Computer is used
in conjunction with CRT Display equipment for the COMPAC
Contract. This general purpose computer has been modified for
real-time cathode ray tube display of simulated air traffic
raids against radar environments.
Dow Chemical Company Located at the Dow Chemical
Company, Engineering Dept., Bldg. B-1201, Room 3129, Freeport,
Texas, the system is used for chemical engineering
(distillation, heat exchange, flow of fluids, absorption), for
mechanical engineering (piping flexibility), for civil
engineering (surveying, and for other engineering problems.
Ebasco Services Inc. Located at 2 Rector Street, New
York 6, New York, the system is used for economic
calculations, electrical calculations (electric power fields),
steam turbogenerator and associated mechanical calculations,
pipe stress, and structural analysis.
Fellows Gear Shaper Company
Located in the Engineering Dept., River Street, Spring-
BRL 1961, BENDIX G15, start page 0070
Photo, 45 K bytes
Photo by U. S. Army Engineers, Los Angeles District
field, Vt., the system is used for calculation of all data
pertaining to gear shaper helical and spur cutters master
gears, shaving tools, cams, form ground cam cutters, pitch
lines of non-circular gears analysis of gear errors (Fourier
coefficient method). The system is used also for the
calculation of forces and stresses in molding machines.
Ford Instrument Company Located in the Engineering
Laboratory No. 11, 31-10 Thomson Ave., LIC, N. Y., the whole
number machine (G-15D) is used for the solution of equations
for nuclear reactor models, cam design, missile and orbital
trajectories, on line instrument data processing and data
reduction, digital computer design simulation, and solution of
matrix (10 x 10) equations for electrical network. The Digital
Differential Analyzer is used for nuclear reactor design,
inertial platform response, and simulation of navigational
General Mills, Inc., Mechanical Division Located
at 2003 E. Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis 13, Minn., the
system is used for data reduction and engineering
Hercules Powder Co., Applied Mathematics Div. Located at
the Company Home Office, Wilmington 99, Del., the system is
used for the solution of engineering problems in distillation
calculations, heat trans
fer calculations, pipe sizing, personnel forecasting, and
project accounting. Other applications include multiple
correlation, mass spectrometer calculations, rocket
trajectory calculations, and specific impulse calculations.
International Harvester Company Located at 5225 So.
Western Blvd., Chicago 9, Illinois, the system is used in
engineering design for aerodynamic analysis, thermodynamic
analysis, stress analysis, and engine simulation, in data
reduction for engine test cell data, in cost reduction for
materials handling, and in statistics for regression analysis.
Humble Division, Humble Oil & Refining Company Located
at the Humble Houston Research Center, 3120 Buffalo
Speedway, Houston, Texas, the system is used for the study
of applicable numerical techniques for predicting the
movement of fluids through the pores of reservoir rocks, for
the study of applicable techniques for predicting and
optimizing drilling operations, for the study of techniques
for well log interpretation, and for miscellaneous
computation associated with numerous other endeavors in our
field of activity.
Lockwood, Kessler & Bartlett, Inc. Located at One
Aerial Way, Syosset, N. Y., the system is used for structural
analysis and design, highway
BRL 1961, BENDIX G15, start page 0071
Photo, 45 K bytes
Photo by U. S. Naval Engineering Experimental Station
design and supervision, and surveying and photogrammetry.
The Martin Company Located at the Manufacturing,
Engineering, and Research Dept., Machine Planning Section,
Baltimore, Md., the system is used for numerical control, for
the manufacture of punched tape to operate numerical control
milling machines. It is also used to compute various
engineering and mathematical problems.
North American Aviation, Inc., Missile Division Located
at 12214 Lakewood Boulevard, Downey, Calif., the system is
used for stability and control, vibrations and flutter,
thermodynamics, aerodynamics, preliminary design, trajectory
calculations, research and special compilers to prepare tape
for airborne computers and ground checkout equipment.
The Ohio Oil Company Located at Robinson, Illinois,
the system is used for mass spectrometer calculations,
refinery yield structure, refinery economic studies, linear
programming (gasoline blending), gas chromatograph
calculations, curve fitting, regression analysis, heat
exchanger calculations, and equilibrium flash vaporization
RCA Service Company, Pan American World Airways
Located at Room 3-059, Bldg. 989, Patrick Air Force
Base; Florida, the system is used for mathematical
analysis and research in engineering problems and physical
sciences such as investigations of mathematical models used
in reducing data acquired by various optical and electronic
instrumentation, derivation of physical relations in such
fields as refraction, geodesy, celestial mechanics, etc.,
statistical analysis and error propagation studies, and
mathematical solutions of a general nature such as solutions
of systems of equations, transformations, etc.
Gulf Coast Division, Sun 011 Co., Beaumont Located at 1096
Calder, Beaumont, Texas, the system is used for reservoir
engineering and economic evaluations, reservoir simulation,
geophysical calculations, civil and mechanical engineering
calculations as applied to petroleum drilling and production
Sun Oil Company Richardson Located at 503 N. Central
Expressway, Richardson, Texas, the system is used for
reservoir engineering, differential equations of fluid flow,
chemical engineering process calculations, statistical
studies, and for data processing of laboratory results.
Vitro Laboratories Located at 200 Pleasant Valley
Way, West Orange, New Jersey, the system is used for
analytical studies involving solution of differential
equations, matrix
BRL 1961, BENDIX G15, start page 0072
Photo, 45 K bytes
Photo by The Martin Company, Baltimore
algebra, statistical analyses, and general studies.
Pacific Union College Data Processing Laboratory Located
at the Nelson Memorial Library, Pacific Union College,
Angwin, California, the system is used as an educational
laboratory facility for classes in computer programming
and numerical analysis, punched card accounting,
research and mathematics, chemical kinetics, nuclear
physics, and business management.
Pomona College Located in the Physics Laboratory,
the system is used for the teaching of digital computer
techniques and scientific research applications.
Schellenger Research Laboratory, Texas Western
Located in the Computer Section, the computer is
presently being used in contract work for White
Sands Missile Range, White Sands, New Mexico. Of
particular importance 1s the SOTIM (Sonic Observa-
tionsof Trajectories and Impacts of Missiles) pro-
gram. In addition, applications in acoustics and
electronics, particularly problems of sound refrac-
tion,calibration, and data reduction, are common.
University of Delaware
Located at the Computing Center, Evans Hall, Univer-
sity of Delaware, the system is used for calculations
for research, sponsored and unsponsored (70%), class-
room use for coding instruction and demonstration
(20`x), and for commercial work (10`x).
BRL 1961, BENDIX G15, start page 0073
Photo, 45 K bytes
Photo by U.S. Army Map Service
BRL 1961, BENDIX G15, start page 0074
Photo, 50 K bytes
Photo by U. S. Army Map Service
Automatic built-in subroutines include multiply and
Automatic coding includes an algebraic compiler and
symbolic assemblers. Humble 011
A floating point interpretive system is customarily used.
This system permits use of 864 words of storage for commands
and operands. It includes indexing and auxiliary storage on a
magnetic tape system.
Incl Stor Access Exclud Stor Access
Microsec Microsec
Add 540 270
Mult 2,430 to 16,700
Time range for multiply and divide represents range
between single decimal digit precision and maximum precision.
Construction (Arithmetic unit only)
Vacuum-tubes 50 Approx.
Short tracks used on drum.
Arithmetic mode Serial
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
No. of No. of Access
Medium Words Bin/Dig Microsec
Magnetic Drum 2,176 63,104 14,500 avg
540 min
Magnetic Tape
No. of units that can be connected 4 Units
No. of char/linear inch of tape 57 Char/inch
Channels or tracks on the tape 6 Tracks/tape
Blank tape separating each record 0.5 Inches
Tape speed 7.5 Inches/sec
Transfer rate 427 Char/sec
Start time 15 Millisec
Stop time 15 Millisec
Average time for experienced
operator to change reel of tape 150 Seconds
Physical properties of tape
Width 0.5 Inches
Length of reel 3,600 Feet
Composition Mylar
All installations require the use of magnetic drum
BRL 1961, BENDIX G15, start page 0075
Photo, 50 K bytes
Photo by U.S. Army Map Service
The following installations utilize magnetic tape
USA AMS Hercules Powder
USA C and G SC Humble 011
USA Ord WSMR The Martin Company, Baltimore
USN Bu Weap North American
USN EES Ohio Oil
USN MC Pt Mugu SUNOCO Richardson
USN SL MIT Vitro Labs
AiResearch Pacific Union College
Fellows Pomona College
General Mills Univ of Del
Media Speed
Typewriter 8 char/sec(Full alphanumeric)
Card Reader 100 cards/min Full alphanumeric)
Paper Tape 400 char/sec (Sexadecimal)
Paper Tape 250 char/sec (Sexadecimal)
All installations utilize paper tape input and
All installations utilize the typewriter (Flexowriter)
input and output.
The following installations utilize punched cards
for input-output.
Michigan SHD North American
General Mills Pacific Union College
Hercules Powder
Media Speed
Typewriter 11 char/sec (Numeric)
8.5 char/sec (Alphanumeric)
Cards 100 cards/min
Line Printer (IBM 402) 100 lines/min (80 char/line)
Paper Tape Standard 17 char/sec (Sexadecimal
Paper Tape Optional 60 char/sec (Sexadecimal)
The graph plotter can be driven by the computer at 200
increments/second and 100 increments/inch or by the digital
differential analyzer at 34 increments/ second.
The following organizations utilize the line printer:
AiResearch Pacific Union College
North American
The following organizations utilize the graph
USN SL MIT Bendix Radio
BRL 1961, BENDIX G15, start page 0076
Computer Approx.450 (Mostly dual triodes)
DDA Approx. 75
Card Coupler Approx. 310
Computer Approx. 2,500
DDA Approx. 800
Card Coupler Approx. 1,100
Transistors 16 (In typewriter coupler)
All logic is mounted on plug-in packages.
Several test commands are available.
Power, computer 3.5 Kw 0.98 pf
Volume, computer 31 cu ft
Area, computer 6 sq ft
Room size, computer 8 ft x 8 ft
Floor loading 160 lbs/sq ft
250 lbs concen max
Weight, computer 1,000 lbs
110 V, 50a, 60 cycle line.
No special air conditioning is required if adequate
ventilation is provided and approved by contractor.
USA C and G SC
Power: Install 110 volt, single phase, three-wire system.
Air conditioning: If room is small or poorly venilated,
install hood or air conditioner. If room is large enough,
no air conditioning is required. Heat from computer is
14,300 BTU/hr, and from magnetic tape is 2,200 BTU/hr.
BRL 1961, BENDIX G15, start page 0077
Number produced to date Over 300
Number in current operation Over 300
Time required for delivery 1 to 2 months
Basic System
$1,485 per month.
Additional Equipment
Magnetic Tape Unit - $27O per month.
USA C and G SC
Basic System Purchase Lease
G-15 Computer w/alphanumeric $51,000 $1,530
MTA-2 Magnetic Tape Unit 6,800 270
-------- --------
$57,800 $1,800
Additional Equipment
Punch Card Coupler CA-2 $19,500 $582
Graph Plotter PA-3 2,500 130
Maintenance is part of lease price. This includes parts
and labor. If computer is purchased, a maintenance contract
may be entered into at the following rates:
G-15 Computer $500/month
MTA-2 Tape Unit 50/month
Additional Equipment Cost
20-inch carriage w/pin-feet platen $ 400
Clary model 148.067/703 Add-Punch 1,900
Basic System
$1,530 per month rental rate.
[ costs to some other users deleted ]
G-15 Computer, $1,524/month; Total Systems $4,590 per
Rental Rates for Additional Equipment
Magnetic Tape Units at $270 $1,280
1 Bendix CA-2, Card Converter 850
1 IBM 402 Printer 400
2 IBM 523 Summary Punch at $100 200
1 IBM 082 Sorter 65
1 IBM 519 Reproducer 150
2 IBM 026 Key Punch at $6o 120
Total Rent for Month for Additional $3,065
Bendix Eclipse-Pioneer
Cost for Basic System
$50,000 per G-15A general purpose digital computer
Cost for Additional Equipment
$10,000 per Digital Differential Analyzer.
BRL 1961, BENDIX G15, start page 0078
one 8-Hour Two 8-Hour Three 8-Hour
Shift Shifts Shifts
Supervisors 1 1 1
Analysts 2
Programmers 2 4 6
Operators 1 1 2
Training made available by the manufacturer to the user
includes programming and operation training at no cost to
the user.
The G-15 Computer is generally used as an open shop
computer, thus many engineers and mathematicians utilize the
equipment as a tool for solving their problems.
USA C and G SC
1 Programmer, 1 Operator; formal
classes of instruction are given by Bendix personnel at our
request. Individual training or assistance is given by our
computer room personnel as required.
1 Supervisor-analyst, 2.5 programmers, 6
coders; open shop; courses by Department and manufacturer.
A number of engineers from technical
sections of the District will be trained in the use of
Intercom 1000; open shop.
[ page 79 not included - more personnel experience ]
BRL 1961, BENDIX G15, start page 0080
Average error-free running period 100 Hours
Good time 38.8 Hours/Week Average
Attempted to run time 40.0 Hours/Week Average
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.970
Above figures based on period from May 58 to Jun 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test May 58
Time is not available for rent to outside organiza-
USA C and G SC
Average error-free running period 2 - 3 Weeks
Good time 35 Hours/Week (Average
Attempted to run time 36 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.97
Above figures based on period 1 Apr 60 to 19 Aug 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test 31 Mar 60
Time is available for rent to qualified outside or-
Computer is available for other agencies if time
available on an 8-hour day basis.
[ page 81 more of above ]
BRL 1961, BENDIX G15, start page 0082
Outstanding features include low cost, expandability
through such accessories as magnetic tape, punch card,
paper tape units, plotter, etc., reliability (better than
95,% average uptime for all units installed), fast delivery,
access to hundreds of programs through users exchange
organization, applicability for both business and
scientific problems, and nationwide service facilities.
Unique system advantages include simplified programming
systems like Intercom, Pogo, Autopoint, Algebraic Compiler,
etc., expansion simplified by merely plugging accessories into
the back of the computer, all input, output is fully buffered,
permitting computation during input-output operations, and
alphanumeric input-output.
USA C and G SC
The "Intercom 1000" system has been devised by Bendix as a
programming system that can be learned in two days. It takes
care of decimal point location and provides simple control
over various machine functions.
The machine hardware of the G-15 contains a most
versatile and powerful command structure. Coupled with
this is one of the most completely buffered input-output
systems offered on any computer.
Magnetic tape labelling is not a problem, since only one or
two tapes are used. Paper tape program storage is handled by
labeled storage boxes. Duplicate tapes are kept in a fire
proof vault. This includes paper tape copies of data on
magnetic tape.
We have found the computer easy to use and operate.
Maintenance of the machine is handled from Kansas City,
Missouri, which is about forty-five miles distant. Service
has been very prompt, and the machine is well maintained.
Outstanding features include flexibility in programming.
Outstanding features include very versatile programming
features in machine language and very simple programming
in interpreter-compiler system.
Unique system advantage is that it lends itself
readily to open shop operation.
Master tapes of all programs are maintained in case of
destruction of any operational tape.
Outstanding features: reliable, easy to program with
interpretive routine.
Adopted procedures for magnetic tape labelling, storage,
shipping, and protection from humidity, temperature and
physical, electrical, fire, or other damage include: placed
over cooling tunnel for building air conditioning system and
all electrical plugs are disconnected at night.
[ pages 83, 84, and 85 contain
BRL 1961, BENDIX G20, start page 0086
Bendix G20 General Purpose Data Processing System
Bendix Computer Division
Bendix Aviation Corporation
Photo, 12 K bytes
Photo by the Bendix Computer Division
The completely modular construction of the G-20 system
permits the creation of general purpose commercial data
processing, general purpose scientific computing, off-line,
on-line, or real-time systems by appropriate selection and
interconnection of modules.
Internal number system Binary
Bihary digits/word 32 + 1 parity bit
Binary digits/instruction 32 + 1 parity bit
Instructions per word 1
Instructions decoded 63 for central processor
Arithmetic system Floating point
Instruction type One address
Number range +- 10-57 to +- 1069
Instruction word format
|Flags | Mode | Operation Code | Index | Base Address |
| | Code | | | |
| 31 30 | 29 28 | 27 21 | 20 15 | 14 0 |
Automatic built-in subroutines include fixed point
arithmetic and storage, 63 index register and associated
operation codes, automatic repeatable commands (32 in
number), can be repeated any desired number of times,
interrupt request hardware, and clock interrupt (1 per
Automatic coding includes Symbolic Program and Assembly
Routine, Algebraic Compiler, Executive Routine, Report
Generator, Sort Routines, File Maintenance Routine, and
Commercial Compiler.
Registers and B-boxes include 63 memory locations used
as Index locations (Built-in Index Registers), interrupt
and control registers, and a fixed point exponent
Incl Stor Access Exclud Stor Access
Microsec Microsec
Add 27 13
Mult 70 56
Div 112 98
Construction (Arithmetic unit only)
Transistors 5,000 approx.
Diodes 30,000 approx.
Arithmetic mode Parallel
Timing Synchronous
Operation Concurrent
No. of No. of Access
Media Words Digits Microsec
Magnetic Core 4,096 to 28,672 to 8.4
32, 768 1,081,344
Magnetic Tape
No. of units that can be connected Any number Units
No. of char/linear inch of tape 550 Char/inch
Channels or tracks on the tape 10 Tracks/tape
Blank tape separating each record 0.75 Inches
Tape speed 110 or220 Inches/sec
Transfer rate 60,000 Char/sec
Start time 4 Millisec
Stop time 4 Millisec
Average time for experienced
operator to change reel of tape 30 Seconds
Physical properties of tape
Width 1 Inch
Length of reel 3,600 Feet
BRL 1961, BENDIX G20, start page 0087
Media Speed
Paper Tape 500 char/sec
Cards 650 cards/min
Control Console (type) Manual
Magnetic Tape 60,000 char/sec
Characters are 8 bits.
Media Speed
Paper Tape 100 char/sec
Cards 250 cards/min
Printer 600 lines/min
Magnetic Tape 60,000 char/sec
Characters are 8 bits. Printer is up to 120 characters
Type Quantity
Tubes 240
Diodes 38,000
Transistors 8,900
Magnetic Cores 173,000 - 1,081,344
The entire system could range from a central processor and
control console with typewriter to a large data system, with
many magnetic tape and card units.
The above information considers the entire system as a
central processor, control console, four magnetic tape units,
a magnetic tape control unit, a card and printer coupler, a
high speed printer and a control buffer.
Checking features include parity check in central processor
(to and from memory), parity check on all input-output
equipment, and parity check, parity bit recorded and
automatic read immediately after writing.
Power, computer 3.5 KVA 0.9 pf
Volume, computer 67.5 cu ft
Area, computer 12.7 sq ft
Floor loading 24,000 lbs/sq ft
753 lbs concen max
Weight, computer 2,000 lbs
A plenum can be used for air intake from underneath.
No rear access is needed for Central Processor.
All accessory units - subfloor air cooling advisable, but
air intake can be from the back as well as the underside.
Minimum rear access to accessories is 24 inches.
Air conditioner to maintain 650 - 800F ambient
Time required for deliveryApprox. 15 months
G-20 and Accessory Price List Monthly Maint.for Lease per
Purchase Purchased Equipment Month
G-20 Processor, including 4,096 words of core memory $ 290,000 $1,210 $6,500
MM-10 Auxiliary Core Memory of 4,096 55,000 230 1,650
MC-10 Auxiliary Core Memory of 4,096 words & Control 110,000 460 3,300
CC-10 Control Console Station, including alphanumeric 10,000 45 300
input-output monitor typewriter
TC-10 Magnetic Tape Control Unit - necessary for control 30,500 130 915
of from one to four tape units
MT-10 High Speed Magnetic Tape Unit 28,500 120 855
LP-10 Line Printer (72 characters) (needs CP-10) 28,700 120 860
LP-11 Line Printer (120 characters) (needs CP-11) 68,300 285 2,050
CP-10 Adapter for Card and Tabulator Equipment (80 column) 22,500 95 675
CP-11 Adapter for Card and Tabulator Equipment (120 column) 27,500 115 825
CB-10 Buffer Control Station 50,000 210 1,500
PT-10 Paper Tape Input-Output Station, including a paper 17,500 75 525
tape reader (500 characters per second) and a paper
punch (100 characters per second)
The cost of maintenance for punched equipment on the G-20 Central Processor and all accessory equipment is
given above, along with purchase price and lease rate. The minimum contract will be (1) one year.
One 8-Hour Two 8-Hour Three 8-Hour
Shift Shifts Shifts
Supervisors 1 2 3
Analysts 2 4 5
Programmers 6 8 10
Coders 4 8 12
Clerks 0 1 1
Operators 1 2 3
In-Output Oper 0 0 1
Personnel required will vary from installation to
installation due to type of application, i.e. third shift may
be used unattended with one operator. Figures are for a minimum
lease system.
The addressing facilities allow the programmer to
operate on the address, the contents of the address or the
contents of the contents of the address with every command.
Prior to and after computation, information may be
available with the decimal. point in any prespecified digit
position-for work in dollars and cents, etc.
Control buffers, which control input/output separate from the
central processor, may be added to the systems.
Bendix Computer Division, Bendix Aviation Corporation,
5630 Arbor Vitae Avenue, Los Angeles 45, California
Bendix Aviation Corp., Research Laboratories Div., P. O.
Box 5115, Detroit 35, Michigan
BRL 1961, BIZMAC I, start page 0088
Radio Corporation of America BIZMAC System Model I
Radio Corporation of America
Photo, 47 K bytes
Picture by Ordnance Tank-Automotive Command
Demand History File - A file containing demand and issue
data for approximately 100,000 items of supply. This process
involves accumulating and recording for each item in the
file one year's demand and issue activity.
Frequency of File Maintenance: Bi-Weekly
Availability Balance File - A magnetic tape file containing
asset and level information both summarized and separated as
to location for approximately 123,000 items. The processing
of stock status information provides an up-to-date file of
supply information for all items which are recognized as OTAC
responsibility. This file also provides the capability of
editing requisitions by machine and is also used for
statistical analysis of inventory.
Frequency of File Maintenance: 3 Days
Financial Inventory Analysis - A process that provides for
analysis of the asset position of each item in the
Availability Balance File and provides management with
necessary information from which to prepare required
financial reports. Assets and levels are
converted into dollar figures and assets are applied
against levels in established priorities.
Frequency of File Maintenance: Quarterly
Vehicle Parts File - Maintenance of a file containing
about 300,000 messages of repair parts, tools, equipment
items, and special notes, arranged in enditem designation
Frequency of File Maintenance: Weekly
Type 3 Supply Manual - Maintenance of a file containing
about 1,250,000 messages of a cross-reference between Federal
Stock Numbers (FSN) and reference numbers, including repair-
part identifying numbers and previously assigned stock
numbers that were withdrawn. The record is maintained in FSN
sequence for all Ordnance managed repair parts.
Frequency of File Maintenance: As required Above applications
are being made by the U. S. Army Ordnance Tank-Automotive
BRL 1961, BIZMAC I, start page 0089
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Instruction type Three address
Data are organized in the RCA BIZMAC System in the
following manner:
Seven bits (6 information + 1 parity) comprise one BIZMAC
character (63 characters including ten decimal digits, 26
letters, control symbols, and miscellaneous symbols). A
variable number of related characters preceded (on the left)
by a control symbol comprises an item (corresponding to a
A group of related items enclosed by control symbols is a
message (for handling as a unit on tape).
An instruction consists of eight BIZMAC characters
interpreted as follows:
Operation Variation Addresses
There are twenty-four basic operations which may be varied
by the variation character to obtain approximately 140
distinct combinations.
The computer may perform decimal and binary arithmetic
operations. Operands are completely variable in length. A 32-
character operand limitation is necessary in decimal
addition and subtraction where an end-around carry is
possible and in multiplication where the multiplicand is
also restricted in the same manner.
In arithmetic operations, the three addresses are used to
specify the High Speed Memory locations of the least
significant characters of the operands and the result.
Execution time for each of these instructions is variable
depending on the number of significant characters in the
operands. Control symbols as well as space symbols to the
left of operands cause the operations to end. The following
timing formulae are available:
ADDITION TIME is given by 120 + 40C microseconds, where C
equals number of characters in longest operand. This is the
formula for addition with positive operands. Formula time is
increased when the zero suppression or automatic left
justification option is desired or if there is an end-around-
MULTIPLICATION TIME is given by 160 + 288N + 145MN
microseconds, where M = No. of digits in multiplicand N =
No. of digits in multiplier.
The constants 288 and 145 in the above formula are
average times for reading out characters, and repetitive
additions are determined by the magnitude of the digits in
the multiplier.
Division is programmed, and the time varies with the
type of division program used, as well as with the
characters of the operands.
The timing formulae shown above include instruction
staticizing time as well as transfer-of-data time
to and from the memory.
BRL 1961, BIZMAC I, start page 0090
Basic construction of the arithmetic unit is vacuum tube-
diode. There are no programmed rapid access registers
outside of the 4,096-character High Speed Memory. Basic
pulse-repetition rate is 500 KC throughout the Computer.
Arithmetic operations are primarily serial although pairs of
characters (one from each operand) are read from memory in
Construction Magnetic cores and vacuum tubes
Timing Synchronous for the computer
Asynchronous for tape operation
Operation Sequential by character
Concurrent by 7 bits forming the character.
Media Digits Access
Magnetic Core 4,096 20
Magnetic Drum 18,000 5,120
Magnetic Tape Indefinite 5,000
Random access to any character in core storage.
Characters may be transferred between magnetic drum
storage in blocks of k or 8 at 80 microseconds per block.
Words are variable in length. Intermediate storage is
magnetic tape. Read/write 10,000 char/sec. 125 char/in
density, 7 bit code.
Media Speed
Card Transcriber 375 cards/min
(Card to Magnetic Tape)
Tapewriter and Verifier 5,000 strokes/hour
(Key to Paper Tape)
Paper Tape Transcriber 200 char/sec
(Paper to Magnetic Tape)
Inputs to all data processing equipment via magnetic tapes
are at 10,000 characters/sec with blanks eliminated by
variable word length. Direct paper tape input to the
computer is at 400 characters/sec.
Media Speed
Electromechanical Printer 300/600 lines/min
120 char/line
Magnetic Tape Transcriber 20 char/sec
(Magnetic to Paper Tape)
Trancoded 50 char/sec
(Magnetic Tape to Teletype Tape)
Document Printer 10 char/sec
(Paper Tape to Typewriter)
Transcribing Card Punch 150 char/min
(Magnetic Tape to Card)
Interrogation Unit 4 min/inquiry
(Magnetic Tape to Typewriter) (average)
BRL 1961, BIZMAC I, start page 0091
Photo of printer - 26 K bytes
ELECTROMECHANICAL PRINTER - Picture by Radio Corporation of America
With the exception of monitor print (via on-line
typewriter) the output of all high-speed data processing
equipment is magnetic tape: 10,000 characters per second
with blanks eliminated by variable word length.
The document printer prints upper and lower case
directly from magnetic tape.
Tubes 5,000
Tube types 12
Crystal diodes 14,500
Magnetic cores 28,700
The above figures are for the Computer only. System figures
depend on exact equipment complement.
Government Sample
Ordnance Tank-Automotive Command
System has the following complement:
Tubes 30,000
Crystal diodes 70,000
Magnetic cores 35,000
Transistors 200
Separate cabinets 470
The BIZMAC code is designed in such a fashion
that each character of information contains a redundant
parity bit for even parity checking. The various devices in
the system contain hardware for extensive utilization of
this feature. In the Computer, information circulating
internally or transferred to and from tape is checked for parity.
Adder Comparison
The adder forms two sums (the second by
using complements of the operands). These sums must be
equal, or comparator alarms are registered.
Tape Checks
Input checks are provided to assure that the
proper sequence of control symbols is sensed (marking the
beginning and end of messages). The first character read in
is checked to see that it is one of three permissible
control symbols.
An output check is provided by an echo signal, which is
used to determine that writing on tape has properly taken
Dual recording on magnetic tape is provided. Fourteen
channel tape permits the duplicate storage of each bit.
Program Control
Checks are provided to insure that
instructions are properly located, that drum switching is
correctly completed, and that the flow of basic machine
cycles is correct.
Instruction Characteristics
Facilities which are present
for use in programs include a verify instruction for data
comparison, and an overflow alarm usable with decimal
arithmetic instructions.
Computer Stop-Rollback Switch
This device is used to
reduce manual intervention when certain types of errors
are detected: parity, adder comparison, programmed verify
and overflow, control-symbol sequence incoming from tape.
When the switch is in the rollback position a transfer of
control will be made automatically to a specific
BRL 1961, BIZMAC I, start page 0092
drum line, permitting attempts to repeat the affected
Only a partial listing of checking
features is presented above. The RCA BIZMAC System makes
extensive use of hardware checks to insure the proper
operation of the system as a whole. Many of the checks are
implicit in the design (e.g. no erase while reading) or
explicit in special circuits (e.g. parity checking).
Ordnance Tank-Automotive Command
Power, entire system 246 KW 274 KVA 0.9 pf
Power, air cond. 500 KW
Volume, entire system 2,600 cu ft
Area, entire system 20,000 sq ft
Room size required 61 ft x 360 ft
Weight, computer 26,500 lbs
Floor loading 125 lbs/sq ft
Capacity, air cond. 270 tons
Volume, air cond. 1,200 cu ft
Area, air cond. 100 sq ft
False ceiling and pedestal floor in System Control Center.
Accoustical walls necessary in high speed printer room. High
temp. heads for sprinkler system. 270 ton air conditioning
plant plus precipitrons.
$4.5 million acquisition cost. (1) Computer, (3) File
Maint. computers (fixed program), (1) Interrogation Unit,
(182) tape stations, (1) System Control Unit, (1) Card
Transcriber, (1) Paper Tape Transcriber, (2) high speed
printers, (1) Transcribing Card Punch, (3) Document
Printers, (10) Flexo-writers.
RCA Service Bureau Contract for Maint. $514,000/year
One 8-Hour Two 8-Hour
Shift Shifts
Supervisors 8 9
Analysts 7 0
Programmers 22 0
Clerks 4 3
Librarians 0 2
Operators 0 25
In-Output Oper 0 14
Tape Handlers 0 4
Operation tends toward modified "open" shop. Higher echelon
positions of responsibility filled by upgrading. Personnel
"pipe line" is filled at trainee level by necessity.
BRL 1961, BIZMAC I, start page 0093
Initially at manufacturer's plant in Camden, N. J.; later
to be provided at site or plant as required. Programming
and on-the-,job operational training now conducted by
Ordnance personnel at site.
Ordnance Tank-Automotive Command
Good time 98.29 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating Ratio (Good/ 0.9928
Attempted to run time
Above figures based on period from Mar 60 to Jun 60
Date this system passed customer Nov 55
acceptance test Time is not available for rent to
outside organizations.
Above calculations predicted on:
Total possible available system hours (minus actual
machine downtime)
377.9 Total Production Hours - April 1960
Actual Avail Hours
Less 9.4 Total Unscheduled Maint.
Less 13.2 Total Hours Idle (All Causes)
Less 20.5 Total Hours Spoiled word (All Causes)
334.8 Total Hours Productive - Apr. 60 (Computer only)
All equipment items in the RCA BIZMAC System are
designed to accomodate actual data lengths.
All equipment items in the RCA BIZMAC System are designed
to permit equipment integration, i.e. central operation of
all equipment including interconnection of Tape Stations
and operating devices. This means of integration permits
parallel operation of equipment items on "tight" schedule
A separate equipment item, the Sorter, is provided to
rearrange information on magnetic tape. It is provided to
sort, merge and extract said information with provision for
variations of these basic operations.
A separate equipment item, the Interrogation Unit, is an
optional part of the system. It is a search and print-out
device which permits prompt access to any message stored on
any Tape Station within the RCA BIZMAC System.
The BIZMAC Computer has definite operating advantages:
Random composition - read-in.
Random composition - write-out.
Full algebraic decimal add, subtract and multiply and
binary add and subtract using variable length operands are
Magnetic tape and drum memory storage of programs
with automatic program input from drum memory.
Automatic rollback function to permit correction of transient
Three address instruction code with operating variations
provided per instruction.
BRL 1961, BIZMAC I, start page 0094
Photo - 30 K bytes
TAPEWRITER & VERIFIER (Key to Paper Tape) - Picture by Radio Corporation of America
Addressable character extract.
Linear-time-dependent transfer of data.
Automatic zero suppression.
Specific instruction provision for handling subroutines.
Ability to write on tape while computing or reading
(Simultaneous Write Instruction).
High speed paper tape input of 400 characters per second.
Fifteen addressable universal tape trunks,
each can be used either as an input or output trunk.
Ability to read into High Speed Memory in compressed
data form. (Linear Read).
Ordnance Tank-Automotive Command
Outstanding features
include variable word length, absolute count control, and
an interrogation unit.
Unique system advantages are that the interrogation unit
permits rush interrogations at no loss of computer
availability. It also permits data quality control check
which minimizes re-run time. Electronic sorters preclude
use of computer for nonessential processing. One hundred-
eighty two tape stations permits maximum machine loading
thru prescheduling.
Adopted procedures for magnetic tape labelling, storage,
shipping, and protection from humidity, temperature and
physical, electrical, fire, or other damage are those
internal procedures that are in
accordance with Department of the Army and Command
Ordnance Tank-Automotive Command
Detroit 9, Michigan
Plans are being formalized to supplement existing
system with the addition of one (1) RCA 501 System
consisting of (1) Computer - 65K memory, eighteen
(18) Tape Stations, one (1) card transcriber, one
(1) transcribing card punch, one (1) high speed
printer, one (1) tape selecting unit and one (1)
tape switching unit. Part of the above system will
be Government owned and the remainder will be leased
from RCA.
When the capacity of the new system has absorbed a
major portion of the mark I process, it is planned
that one (1) operating shift of the mark I will be
phased out.
Task groups have been recently organized to study
new applications for the other Directorates of this
Produced 3
Operating 3
Above includes all early BIZMAC models.
[ pages 96 and 97 are more photographs ]
BRL 1961, BIZMAC II, start page 0098
Radio Corporation of America
Photo - 44 K bytes
Photo by Radio Corporation of America
Located at the EDP Center, Electronic Data Processing
Division, RCA, Camden, New Jersey, the system is used for
engineering desing, automated design of wiring for electronic
equipment, accounting, statistical analysis, medical
research, market research - automated logic, and management
controls and clerical automation.
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Instruction type Three address
Data are organized in the BIZMAC II System in the
following manner:
Seven bits (6 information + 1 parity) comprise one BIZMAC
character (63 characters including ten decimal digits, 26
letters, control symbols, and miscellaneous symbols). A
variable number of related characters preceded (on the left)
by a control symbol comprises an item (corresponding to a
A group of related items enclosed by control symbols is a
message (for handling as a unit on tape).
An instruction consists of eight BIZMAC characters
interpreted as follows:
Operation Variation Addresses
--------- --------- ---------
There are twenty-four basic operations which may be varied
by the variation character to obtain approximately 140
distinct combinations.
The computer may perform decimal and binary arithmetic
operations. Operands are completely variable in length. A 32-
character operand limitation is necessary in decimal addition
and subtraction where an end-around carry is possible and in
multiplication where the multiplicand is also restricted in
the same manner.
BRL 1961, BIZMAC II, start page 0099
In arithmetic operations, the three addresses are used to
specify the high speed memory locations of the least
significant characters of the operands and the result.
Execution time for each of these instructions is variable
depending on the number of significant characters in the
operands. Control symbols as well as space symbols to the left
of operands cause the operations to end. The following timing
formulae are available:
ADDITION TIME is given by 120 + 40C microseconds, where C
equals number of characters in longest operand. This is the
formula for addition with positive operands. Formula time
is increased when the zero suppression or automatic left
justification option is desired or if there is an end-
MULTIPLICATION TIME is given by 160 + 288N + 145MH
microseconds, where M = No. of digits in multiplicand N = No.
of digits in multiplier.
The constants 288 and 145 in the above formula are
average times for reading out characters, and repetitive
additions are determined by the magnitude of the digits in
the multiplier.
Division is programmed, and the time varies with the
type of division program used, as well as with the
characters of the operands.
The timing formulae shown above include
instructionstaticizing time as well as transfer-of-data time
to and from the memory.
Basic construction of the arithmetic unit is vacuum tube-
diode. There are no programmed rapid access registers outside
of the 8,192-character high speed memory. Basic pulse-
repetition rate is 500 KC throughout the computer. Arithmetic
operations are primarily serial although pairs of characters
(one from each operand) are read from memory in parallel.
Construction Magnetic cores and vacuum tubes
Timing Synchronous for the computer
Asynchronous for tape operation
Operation Sequential by character
Concurrent by 7 bits forming the character
No. of Access
Media Alpha Char Microsec
Magnetic Core 8,192 20/char
Magnetic Drum 32,736 5,120
Magnetic Tape Indefinite 5,000
Media Speed
Card Transcriber 400 char/min
Tapewriter & Verifier Operator limited
Paper Tape 200 char/sec
Media Speed
Electro-mechanical 600 lines/min
Printer (off-line)
Document Printer 9 char/sec
Transcribing Card Punch 150 cards/min
Interrogation Unit 4 min/avg inquiry
Tubes 5,000
Tube types 12
Crystal diodes 14,500
Magnetic cores 28,700
The above figures are for the computer only. System figures
depend on exact equipment complement.
The BIZMAC code is designed in such a fashion that
each character of information contains a redundant parity bit
for even parity checking. The various devices in the system
contain hardware for extensive utilization of this feature.
In the computer, information circulating internally or
transferred to and from tape is checked for parity.
Adder Comparison
The adder forms two suns (the second by
using complements of the operands). These sums must be
equal, or comparator alarms are registered.
Tape Checks
Input checks are provided to assure that the
proper sequence of control symbols is sensed (marking the
beginning and end of messages). The first character read in
is checked to see that it is one of three permissible
control symbols.
An output check is provided by an echo signal, which is
used to determine that writing on tape has properly taken
Dual recording on magnetic tape is provided. Fourteen
channel tape permits the duplicate storage of each bit.
Program Control
Checks are provided to insure that
instructions are properly located, that drum switching is
correctly completed, and that the flow of basic machine
cycles is correct.
Instruction Characteristics
Facilities which are present
for use in programs include a verify instruction for data
comparison, and an overflow alarm usable with decimal
arithmetic instructions.
Computer Stop-Rollback Switch
This device is used to
reduce manual intervention when certain types of errors are
detected: parity, adder comparison, programmed verify and
overflow, control-symbol sequence incoming from tape. When
the switch is in the rollback position a transfer of control
will be made automatically to a specific drum line,
permitting attempts to repeat the affected operation.
Only a partial listing of checking features is
presented above. The RCA Bizmac System makes extensive use of
hardware checks to insure the proper operation of the system
as a whole. Many of the checks are implicit in the design
(e.g. no erase while reading) or explicit in special circuits
(e.g. parity checking).
BRL 1961, BIZMAC II, start page 0100
Power, computer 37.2 Kw 50.9 KVA
Power, air cond 5.0 Kw 7.5 KVA
Volume, computer 2,600 cu ft
Volume, air conditioner 1,200 cu ft
Area, computer 325 sq ft
Area, air conditioner 100 sq ft
Room size, computer 5,000 sq ft (entire system)
Room size, air conditioner 100 sq ft
Capacity, air conditioner 15 Tons
Weight, computer 26,500 lbs
Plenum. Unit wiring overhead.
Number produced 3
Number operating 3
(1) Computer, (3) file maint. computers (fixed pro am),
(1) interrogation unit, (182) tape stations,
) system control unit, (1) card transcriber, (1) paper tape
transcriber, (2) high speed printers, (1) transcribing card
punch, (3) document printers, (10) Flexo-writers for the
BIZMAC I cost $4,500,000 to acquire. Maintenance service on
BIZMAC I is done by computer installation personnel.
Three 8-Hour Shifts
Supervisors 5
Analysts 3
Programmers 4
Coders 14
Clerks & Secretary 2
Librarians 0
Operators 4
Engineers 0
Technicians 1
In-Output Operators 4
Operation tends toward closed shop.
Methods of training used is a combination of formal
instruction and on-the-job training.
Good time 102.7 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time 104.73 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.98
Above figures based on period 1 Jan 60 to 30 Jun 60
Time is available for rent to outside organizations.
Outstanding features are interrogation unit, a direct on-
line paper tape input to computer at 400 char/sec, dual
recording on tape, and variable word and message lengths.
Standard security procedures for handling magnetic tape
have been adopted.
Electronic Data Processing Division
Camden EDP Center
Camden, New Jersey
[ page 0101 is blank ]
BRL 1961, BOGART, start page 0102
Bogart Computing System
Department of Defense Located at Fort George G. Meade,
Maryland, the system is used for mathematical calculations by
the Department of Defense.
Department of Defense
Medium No. of Words
Magnetic Core 4,096
Department of Defense
Media Speed
Paper Tape (Ferranti)400 frames/sec
Magnetic Tape (IBM 727) 75 inches/sec
Flexowriter Manual
Department of Defense
Media Speed
Paper Tape 60 frames/sec
Magnetic Tape (IBM 727)75 inches/sec
Flexowriter 10 char/sec
Remington Rand Univac
Division of Sperry Rand Corporation
Department of Defense
One 8-flour Shift
Supervisors 1
Operators 1
Engineers 1
Technicians 1
Operation tends toward closed shop.
Formal class and on-the-job training is given.
Department of Defense
Good time 38 Hours/week (Average
Attempted to run time38.4 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.989
Above figures based on period 1 Dee 59 to 31 Dec 59
Time is not available for rent to outside organiza-
Fort George G. Meade, Maryland
[ page 0103 is blank ]
BRL 1961, BRLESC, start page 0104
Ballistic Research Laboratories Electronic Scientific Computer
Ballistic Research Laboratories
Photo - 40 K bytes
Photo by U. S. Army
Exterior ballistics problems such as high altitude,
solar and lunar trajectories, computation for the
preparation of firing tables and guidance control data for
Ordnance weapons, including free flight and guided
Interior ballistic problems, including projectile,
propellant and launcher behavior, e.g. physical
characteristics of solid propellants, equilibrium
composition and thermodynamic properties of rocket
propellants, computation of detonation waves for reflected
shock waves, vibration of gun barrels and the flow of
fluids in porous media.
Terminal ballistic problems, including nuclear,
fragmentation and penetration effects in such areas as
explosion kinetics, shaped charge behavior, ignition, and
heat transfer.
Ballistic measurement problems, including
photogramnetric, ionospheric, and damping of satellite
spin calculations, reduction of satellite doppler tracking
data, and computation of satellite orbital elements.
Weapon systems evaluation problems, including antiaircraft
and nati-missile evaluation, war game prolems,
linear programming for solution of Army logistical
problems, probabilities of mine detonations, and lethal
area and kill probabilities of mine detonations, and lethal
area and kill probability studies of missiles.
Internal number system Binary
Binary digits/word 68 + 4 parity
Binary digits/instruction 68
Instructions/word 1
Instructions decoded 33
Arithmetic system Fixed and floating point
Instruction type Three-address
Instruction word format
| 4 | 4 | 6 | 14 | 6 | 14 | 6 | 14 |
|Order |Para- | Index| A-Ad-|Index | B-Ad-|Index | Y-Ad-|
|type |meter | | dress| | dress| | dress|
BRL 1961, BRLESC, start page 0105
Number word format Fixed Point
|3 | 1 | 4 . 60 |
Tag Sign Binary
Number word format Floating Point
|3 | 1 | 4 . 52 | 8 |
Tag Sign Binary Coefficient Biased
Point Exp of 16
Automatic built-in subroutines
In addition to the standard set of jump instructions,
three more jump instructions have been included which
will be used in connection with the "permanent" storage
of "built-in" subroutines. These are Jump to "permanent"
instruction, Jump to "built-in" subroutine, and Set index
and jump to main memory.
Registers and B-boxes
The machine will have 63-one microsecond access index
registers, addressable by the A, B, and Y addresses of the
instruction words.
The parameter bits of the instruction word are used to
indicate variations of the basic order type.
All three arithmetic registers are 68 bits. Tag bits
enter these registers only on the logical instructions and
the shift instruction if it is cyclic or is a Boolean
shift. On arithmetic orders, the tag bits are saved in a
separate three bit register and the three extra bits in the
arithmetic registers are used for checking overflow. Thus
the range of numbers in the arithmetic unit is
-128 < N < 128.
Add and subtract are performed the same as for
normalized arithmetic, except the result is never
shifted left at the end of the operation.
Before multiply is done, the coefficient that has the
largest absolute value is normalized. There is no left
normalization after the operation. Thus the result has
approximately the same number of significant digits as the
operand that had the smaller number of significant digits.
It does tend to retain an average of about two or more bits
than it should, however.
Before divide is done, both operands are normalized but
the number of divide steps performed is reduced
accordingly so that the result has approximately the same
number of significant digits as the operand that had the
smaller number of significant digits.
Operation Excl A T Incl A T
Fixed point add or subtract 1 5
Fixed or floating multiply 20 25
Fixed or floating divide 60 65
Floating add or subtract 3.0 6
Boolean logic operation 1 5
Indexing and control 2 2(Avg)
Construction (Arithmetic unit only)
The arithmetic unit is constructed of standard vacuum
tube logical packages, with tube driven, crystal diode
logical gating. The arithmetic unit only is constructed of
1727 vacuum tubes of 4 types,
853 transistors of 3 types, 46,500 diodes of 2 types
and 1,600 pulse transformers of 1 type.
Arithmetic mode Parallel
Timing Synchronous
Logical events are controlled by a five-phase
clock, permitting decisions at a 5 Mc rate.
Operation Concurrent
Indexing and control will be concurrent with
arithmetic operations.
Except for arithmetic or Boolean compare instructions,
the test overflow instructions with P33 = 1,
or any arithmetic order that stores in any index register
or stores in the location of the next instruction, the
machine always gets its next instruction from the memory
while it is doing the previous instruction. If this next
instruction is one of the control and indexing orders, it
is immediately done, unless it is an input-output order or
a test overflow order. If it is done, it proceeds to get
another instruction and do it, if possible. Thus almost all
of the control and indexing orders can be done concurrently
with the arithmetic or logical orders. Only the arithmetic
and logical orders require the use of the main arithmetic
unit of the machine.
All types of input-output orders can be done concurrently
with other instructions. Automatic interlocks are provided
so as to prevent timing conflict. Reference to a main
memory position within the range of either an input or
output instruction will halt the computer until the input
or output transfer has occurred at that memory position.
The computer is released as soon as the transfer of that
particular word has been made and does not wait for the
entire transfer to be completed. There is no interlock on
the index memory when it is used as index registers. Only
the effective addresses A, B, and Y are conflict checked. The
programmer can easily make the computer wait until such a
transfer is complete by using the last address in the index
range of the snout order in the A, B, or C addresses of a
dummy order. An input-output instruction is not started
until the previous arithmetic instruction is finished,
hence the last arithmetic result may be included in the
range of any input-output order.
As many as five input-output orders can be operating
concurrently with computing and with each other. There is a
separate trunk for reading cards, punching cards, using
drum, and two separate trunks for using magnetic tape and
all five of these trunks
can operate concurrently.
No. of Digits Access
Media Words per Word Microsec
Magnetic Core (Main) 4,096 72 binary 2
Magnetic Core (Index) 63 16 binary 1
Magnetic Drums (Two) 24,576
Magnetic Tapes (Six)
No. of units that can be connected 16 Units
No. of chars/linear inch 400 Char/in
Channels or tracks on the tape 16 Tracks/tape
Blank tape separating each record 0.80 Inches
Tape speed 150 Inches/sec
Transfer rate 120,000 Char/sec
Start time 3.0 Millisec
Stop time 3.0 Millisec
Average time for experienced
operator to change reel 60 Seconds
Physical properties of tape
Width 1.0 Inches
Length of reel 2,500 Feet
Composition 0.43 Magnetic coating
1.45 Mil
Provision is made for up to 16,384 words of high speed
memory and system can be expanded to 28 tape stations.
BRL 1961, BRLESC, start page 0106
Media Speed
Card Reader 800 cards/min
Magnetic Tape See "Storage"
Media Speed
Card Punch 250 cards/min
Magnetic Tape See "Storage"
Peripheral equipment. A single unit that is capable of
converting alphanumerical characters from cards to tape,
tape to high speed printer, tape to cards, cards to high
speed printer and paper to magnetic tape.
Type Quantity
5847 5,600
6197 110
6C4 110
6AQ5 220
Misc 80
LD70/CTP309 12,600
LD71 100,000
Misc 13,700
2N697 600
2N1143 240
2N398 1,600
Misc 6,300
Code checking features will include stopping on any
selected address, the display of the contents of any
memory cell, the display of normal or abnormal conditions,
the ability to manually store in any selected memory cell,
and the ability to transfer control to any part of the
system. Parity checking is performed in each of the four
17-bit groups in each word.
Power, computing system 35 Kw
Power, air conditioner 20 Kw
Space, computing system Plenum is 30 ft x 40 ft
Space, air conditioner Chilled water is sent
two flights up to compu-
ter site to heat exchanger,
transferring heat from
computer closed loop air
to closed loop chilled
water. On ground floor,
compressor refrigerant ab-
sorbs heat from chilled
water. An evaporative
system absorbs heat from
refrigerant in a cooling
tower. Compressor located
two floors below. Liquid
coolant piped upstairs.
Heat exchanger, computer
closed-loop air-to-coolant
at computer site, and
coolant-to-outside air
Capacity, air conditioner 25 Tons
Number of systems produced to date 1
Operational date anticipated as 1 April 1961.
The approximate cost, including an additional bank of 4,096
words of high speed memory, 6 tape stations, the system as
described, with all peripheral converters and input-output
equipment, site preparation, overhead and other related
costs will be approximately 2.0 million dollars.
Three 8-Hour Shifts
Supervisors 6
Analysts 3
Programmers and Coders 14
Clerks 1
Engineers 1
Technicians 6
No engineers are assigned to the operation of the
machine, but are used for development and design of
additions to the machine. The technicians consult the
engineers when a total break-down occurs.
A high degree of reliability is achieved by utilizing
standard logical plug-in packages, a ruggedized, long life,
driver tube, derated components and point-to-point soldered
Computing Laboratory
Ballistic Research Laboratories
Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland
[ page 0107 is blank ]
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 204, start page 0108
Burroughs 204 Electronic Data Processing System
Burroughs Corporation
(Formerly manufactured by the Electrodata Corporation)
Photo - 40 K bytes
See Burroughs 205 for further details
U. S. Army Tank-Automotive Command Located at Detroit
Arsenal, the system is used for engineering projects (tank
firing stability studies, fuel consumption (battlefield
day), performance analysis, suspension studies, and data
reduction), and for mathematical programs (solution of
complex formula and equation, empirical curve fitting,
precision simulation of vehicle behavior, land locomotion
research support, and mathemetical model development).
U. S. Naval Air Test Center Located in Armament
Test, NATO, Patuxent River, Md., the system is used for
reduction of experimental test data concerning naval
aircraft and systems. Examples are phototheodolite space
positions, aircraft sighting tables, fire control systems
test, and aircraft performance - climb, speed, etc.
U. S. Air Force Wright Air Development Center Located
in Bldg. 30, WADD, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, the system
is used for scientific data reduction in flight and
engineering test field.
American Bosch Arma Corp. Located at the Arma
Division, ABAC, Garden City, N. Y., the system is used for
the design, development, testing, and evaluation of inertial
guidance systems,
Photo by U. S. Army Ordnance Tank-Automotive Command
airborne digital computers, and other electronic
California Research Corporation Located at 527
Standard Avenue, Richmond, California, the system is used
for computative work associated with a large petroleum
research laboratory. It might be described as calculations
resulting from chemical analysis, engineering calculation,
and analysis of data.
Convair, Division of General Dynamics Corp. Located in
Building 4 Convair, Pomona (Engineering Computer
Laboratoriesj, this machine is used on many varied types of
problems, for example, trajectories, evaluation of rational
polynomials, finding routs of polynomials, inverse Laplace,
heat transfer, optics, regression analysis, scheduling of
completion of manufacture of a missile via completion of its
parts, etc.
The Dow Chemical Company Located in A-1201, Room
42, Plant "A", Freeport, Texas, the system is used for the
solution of technical and scientific problems.
Great Lakes Pipe Line Company Located in the Bryant
Building, Kansas City, Mo., the system is used to conduct
research on product scheduling by computer accounting and
administrative control operations.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 204, start page 0109
Photo by American Bosch Arma Corporation
[ and leaving out 7 applications ]
Purdue University Computing Laboratory Located at ENAD,
W. Lafayette, Indiana, the system is used for undergraduate
and graduate instruction and research. It is also used for
student scheduling.
See Burroughs 205 for further details.
See Burroughs 205 for further details.
See Burroughs 205 for further details.
U. S. Army OTAC
Magnetic Drum 4,000 words (Main; Magnetic Drum 80
words (High Speed Loops); Magnetic Tape 800,000 words.
U. S. Naval Air Test Center
Magnetic Drum 4,080 words; Magnetic Tape 400,000 words,
2 units.
MD 4,080 words; MT 400,000 words/tape.
MD 4,080; MT 400,000.
Cal Res Corp
MD 4,080
MD 4,080 words; Magnetic tape can be construed as
additional storage. Three tape transports are "on-
line" with the system. Each 2500 ft reel of 3/4 inch
tape can have 10,000 blocks of 20 words-on each of two
read/write heads (channels). Approx. 10000X20X2 = 400,000
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 204, start page 0110
Photo by California Research Corporation
Dow Chemical MD 4,080 words; Mr 2,000,000 words. The
average access time for 80 words of drum memory is 850 micro
Great Lakes Pipe Line
MD 4, 080; MT 3 units
Socony - Dallas
MD 4,080; MT 1,200,000 words, 3 units.Tape is
addressable. Tape search for a specific location
can occur simultaneously with computation. Maximum
search time is approximately 7 minutes.
Socony - Paulsboro
MD 4,080 words; MT
No. of No. ofAccess
Media Words DigitsMicrosec
Magnetic Drum (Main) 4,000 44,000 8,500
Magnetic Drum (Loop) 80 800 850
Magnetic Tape400,0004,400,000 240 x 104
DataFile 2,000,00022,000,000 240 x 10
4 high speed 20-word drum loops (mean random access 850
microseconds). 4,000 word intermediate-speed (3960 rpm) main
drum memory. This system has two magnetic tape transports and
one Data File.
Purdue MD 4,080; MT 400,000/reel. If the entire
tape is accessed on a random basis, the average access
time will be 3.5 minutes.
Manufacturer See Burroughs 205 for
further details.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 204, start page 0111
Photo by Convair, Pomona, California
Manufacturer See Burroughs 205 for
further details.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 204, start page 0112
Photo by Dow Chemical Company
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 204, start page 0113
Photo by United Gas Corporation
Manufacturer See Burroughs 205 for
further details.
Manufacturer See Burroughs 205 for
further details.
Manufacturer See Burroughs 205 for
further details.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 204, start page 0114
Manufacturer See Burroughs 205 for
further details.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 204, start page 0115
Manufacturer See Burroughs 205 for
further details.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 205, start page 0120
Burroughs Model 205 Electronic Data Processing System
Burroughs Corporation
Photo - 32 K bytes
Photo by Burroughs Corporation
Manufacturer System is designed specifically to cope
with the full range of electronic computing problems in the
fields of business industry, science and government.
U. S. Army Ballistic Missile Agency
Five systems used for missile research and development.
[ many customers and applications not included ]
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 205, start page 0123
Photo - 32 K bytes
Photo by the U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Corona
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 205, start page 0124
Photo - 32 K bytes
Photo by the U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Corona
Internal number system Binary coded decimal
Decimal digits/word 10 plus sign
Decimal digits/instruction 2 to 10
Instructions/word 1
Instructions decoded 83
Arithmetic system Fixed and floating point
Instruction type One address
Number range Floating 10-51 <= N <= 1049
Fixed +(1-10-10) to -(1-10-10)
Instruction word format
| s | 1 2 3 4 | 5 6 | 7 8 9 0 |
| +_| Control | Oper | Address |
| | Digits | Code | |
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 205, start page 0125
Automatic built-in subroutines may include special order
of table lookup command.
Automatic coding includes Data Code 1, a compiler; Star 0
Assembly Routine; SAC Assembly Routine; Purdue Compiler;
Shell Symbolic Assembler; Tape Subroutine Compiler; Shell-
Bell Interpreter, etc.
Registers and B-boxes
Registers in the Burroughs 205 consist of the A-
Accumulator, capacity of 10 digits and sign which holds
arithmetic operand and result. The R register, 10 digits,
acts as an extension of the A register where necessary. D
register, 10 digits and sign, acts as distributor for
transfers to and from storage. C or Control Register, 10
digit register containing command currently being executed. B
Register, a four digit register used for modification and
tally. All registers act as temporary high speed storage for
either arithmetic quantities or control.
Incl Stor Access Exclud Stor Access
Microsec Microsec
Add 1,019 or 1,188
Mult 9,300 mean 8,450 mean
Div 12,680 mean 11,830 mean
Arithmetic mode Serial
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
Media No. of Words No. of Digits Microsec
Magnetic Drum 4,080 40,800 850 (Quick)
Magnetic Tape 400,000 400,000,000 240,000,000
Datafile 2,000,000 20,000,000 24,000,000
Access time is for entire contents. Quick access loops
store 80 words, (four 20-word loops). Access time can vary
from 84 to 16,800 microseconds depending on position of drum
at start of computer command. Datafile is two channel tape,
10,000 addressable blocks/channel, 20 words/block. Datafile
gives random access search in either direction. Computation
continues suring search.
Magnetic Tape
No. of units that can be connected 10 Units
No. of char/linear inch of tape 200 Char/inch
Channels or tracks on the tape 12 Tracks/tape
Blank tape separating each record 0.38 Inches
Tape speed 60 Inches/sec
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 205, start page 0126
Transfer rate 6,000 Char/sec
Start time 168 Millisec
Stop time 16 Millisec
Average time for experienced
operator to change reel of tape 30 Seconds
Physical properties of tape
Width 0.75Inches
Length of reel 2,500 Feet
Composition Plastic Base
Twelve channels are recorded across the width of the
tape. Of the twelve, only six are read or recorded at one
time. The six channels are called a lane. The six channels
or one lane are interlaced with those of the other lane.
Each of the two lanes has its own read-write head. 400,000
words are on each reel of magnetic tape.
The following installations utilize Magnetic Drum, Data
File (Bin, and Magnetic Tape:
ENS Burroughs
Griffiss AFB WRL
The following installations utilize Magnetic Drum
and Magnetic Tape:
Little WE
The following installations utilize Magnetic Drum and
Data File (Bin):
The following installations utilize Magnetic Drum only:
ARGMA GE Rome, Ga.
USN HO Washington Linde
B & W Alliance U of N
B & W Lynchburg U of D
CCC U of V
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 205, start page 0127
Photo - 32 K bytes
Photo by the U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Corona
Media Speed
Paper Tape 540 digits/sec
Keyboard Manual
Magnetic Tape 6,000 digits/sec
Cards 400 digits/sec each reader
Up to seven card readers per system may be used.
The following installations utilize Magnetic Tape, Paper
Tape, Punched Cards and usually have a Manual Keyboard as
input media (Paper Tape systems are high speed photo-
electric readers):
[ lists of users not included ]
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 205, start page 0128
Media Speed
Electric Typewriter 10 char/sec
Punched Paper Tape 60 digits/sec
Magnetic Tape 6,000 digits/sec
Punched Cards 1,800 char/min
Printer 150 lines/min
Up to seven printers and/or punch card machines may be
included per system. Figures are given for each unit. Units
can be parallel for increased over all speeds. Printer is
an IBM 407 Tabulator.
The following installations utilize Magnetic Tape, Paper
Tape, Punched Cards and usually have an electric typewriter
as output media: ALMA (5) BNS USN HO Washington (plus
printer) USN MDL (plus printer) USNOL Corona (plus printer)
USN USL (plus printer) Griffiss AFB (plus printer) NASA ARC
ATIC W-P AIC (plus printer) Little (plus printer)
Burroughs (plus printer)
CGC (plus printer)
GE Rome, Ga. (plus printer)
GICA (plus printer)
NNG (plus printer
OOC (plus printer
PP & LC (plus printer)
WE System I (plus printer)
WE System II (plus printer)
The following installations utilize High Speed Paper
Tape and Punched Cards: USN RDL (plus printer) CCC KSC
(plus printer) MMLIC (plus printer) U of N
The following installation utilizes Magnetic Tape,
Punched Cards and a Printer as output media: AMIC
The following installations utilize Magnetic Tape and
Paper Tape as output media: ITT NDCA USS WRL
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 205, start page 0129
The following installations utilize Paper Tape as
an output medium:
B & W Alliance U of D
Linde U of V
The following installations utilize Punched Cards as an
output medium: B & W Lynchburg (plus IBM 402 Tab) LA (plus
Type Quantity
Tubes Approx. 1,202
Diodes Approx. 3,800
The Burroughs 205 automatically stops upon the
appearance of an unanticipated overflow. An alarm light
is turned on and computation is stopped by a forbidden
combination (binary-coded decimal digit 10 thru 15) in
the A, B, D, and R Registers, the
Address Register, Control Counter, and Shift Counter.
Inspection of the registers on the Control Panel indicates
the failure location. An alarm stops the computer if the
storage cell counted does not contain all zeros at the start
of each drum revolution. This prevents information from being
recorded on or read from incorrect locations on the drum. An
audible alarm indicates excessive rise in exhaust air
temperature in the computer cabinet. After a pre-set
interval, up to 15 minutes, DC voltage will be shut off if
the temperature stays at or above a predetermined level.
The marginal voltage test panel facilities selective
lowering of voltages in registers and control section, which,
in conjunction with test routines, can detect marginal
components before they give trouble in actual operation.
Supervisory test panel on front of computer has extensive
controls and check features, including access to any flip-flop
for manual setting, substitution of manual or low frequency
pulse operation for the drum clock, and a switch panel which
allows maintenance personnel to force abnormal register
behavior and to inhibit certain normal checking functions for
diagnostic purposes. Contents of all registers are displayed
simultaneously at all times.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 205, start page 0130
Power, computer 16.5 KVA
Volume, computer 181 cu ft
Area, computer 28 sq ft
Weight, computer 3,175 lbs
Special flooring is recommended for the Burroughs 205
System to handle the combined and individual weight of the
units and to accommodate the intercabling. Since all units of
the system are designed to have their cables enter from
underneath their cabinets, raceways or ducts in the floor are
recommended to accommodate the inter-cabling. There are three
types of floors which have been found to be completely
satisfactory: (1) raised floor, (2) existing floor with built
in cable raceways, and (3) existing floors with cables
underneath enclosed in metal conduit. The area should provide
adequate lighting, some acoustical treatment, communication
equipment, and convenience of access to the equipment. The
power line should not be serving other heavy equipment which
may generate excessive voltage fluctuation. Vibration from
such heavy machinery in the vicinity of the system could
shorten the life of certain sensitive components.
There should be adequate space to
accommodate the necessary refrigeration equipment, and the
area should lend itself economically to complete air
conditioning. Amount of air conditioning depends upon size
of computer system installed. For every 12,000 BTU/hour
generated by the system one ton of refrigeration is
recommended. Environmental condition should also be taken
into consideration. The floor load in the computing center
can range from 175 to 200 lbs per sq ft and up to 250 per sq
ft under the power supply unit. The site selected for the
computing center must have a floor which can support the
combined weight of the system as well as the localized
weight at each leveling point on the
ABMA (5)
Power, computer 31.5 Kw 45 KVA 0.7 pf
Volume, computer 11,200 cu ft
Area, computer 700 sq ft
Room size, computer 700 sq ft
Capacity, air conditioner 15 Tons
Weight, computer 18,370 lbs
Power, computer 22.7 Kw
Power, air conditioner 11.9 Kw
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 205, start page 0134
[ 2.5 pages of individual site preparation experience not included ]
Number in current operation 112
Time required for delivery 4 months
Purchase Monthly
Price Rental
Computer, Model 205 $135,000 $3,900
Includes cabinet, plug-ins,
and 4080 word magnetic drum
memory with read-write heads.
Also includes Magnetic Electronic
Power Supply and Power Control Units.
Control Consoles Include decimal
keyboard, displays of the computer
registers, and computer controls.
(Control Console Model 406 or 409 is
required with a computer system that
includes Cardatron.
Control Console, Model 406 14,210 490
Includes both a photo-electric
reader and a high speed punch
(60 characters per second).
Control Console, Model 409 11,230 362
Includes a photo-electric
reader only.
Control Console, Model 403 7,050 230
The photo-electric reader and
high-speed punch are not included.
Control Console, Model 402 13,270 423
Performs the same functions as
the Model 406, except that the
punch perforates paper tape at
the rate of 20 characters per second.
Consolette, Model 405 1,980 70
Includes decimal keyboard,
essential computer controls and
indicators, but does not include
displays of the computer registers.
Typewriter Control, Model 446 4,560 137
Usable with all consoles, the
typewriter control includes the
stand which supports the Flexowriter
and contains external format control
equipment and a relay translator.
[ 1 page (135) of price list not included ]
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 205, start page 0136
Two digit selectors
One half-time emitter
One single panel manual plugboard
Optional Features:
Group of five 2-position pilot 250 10
One additional digit selector 200 10
Additional plugboard 50
All prices are subject to change without notice.
Outline of lease policy
Basic monthly rental entitles the customer to a
maximum of one hundred and seventy-six (176) hours
of use time during each calendar month. Use time of
each system component in excess of one hundred and
seventy-six (176) hours will be chargeable at the
rate of forty percent of the hourly basic rental.
The hourly basic rental is 1176th of the basic month-
ly rental. Extra use charges will be computed to the
nearest half hour.
Use time is defined as follows: "The time during
which each component is in operation exclusive of
preventive or remedial maintenance time. When com-
ponents are inter-connected and programmed to operate
as a system, all such components shall be deemed to
be in use for the entire period when any part of the
system is operating. Components which are not includ-
ed in a given program will not have use time accumu-
lated against them even though the components are
The rental rate is effective at or from the date
installation of the equipment is complete and remains
in effect thereafter until terminated by either party
upon ninety (90) days written notice. The lease
price includes personal property tax and insurance
coverage on the machines; all additional taxes are
paid by the lessee. Machines under lease may be pur-
chased at any time at the prices in effect at the
time such option less a credit of forty percent of
all rental charges (excluding taxes) are paid on the
actual equipment purchased, provided that such credit
shall not exceed a maximum of sixty percent of the
purchase price in effect.
The 8860 Plan for Rental of Burroughs 205 Data Pro-
cessing Systems
The reduced rental charges applicable to system
orders under the provisions of this option will be
sixty per cent of the basic monthly rental charges
and will entitle the lessee to use the system up to
eighty-eight hours per calender month. Use of the
system in excess of eighty-eight hours per month shall
be subject to an extra charge at an hourly additional
use rate of one per cent of the regular monthly
Use time is defined as the time during which the
system or any components thereof is in operation,
exclusive of preventive or remedial maintenance time:
when system components are normally inter-connected
the sum of the regular monthly charges for these
components is to be taken as the regular monthly
charge for the system in determining the hourly
additional use rate.
The customer at his option may convert from the
8860 rental plan to the normal one hundred and sev-
enty-six hour rental plan. When this conversion is
made the customer may not revert to 8860. Use of
the system for more than one hundred and twenty-eight
hours per month would make it advantageous for him
to convert.
Burroughs will provide the necessary parts and ser-
vice to maintain the equipment in good operating
condition as required during its regular business
hours, eight a.m. to five p.m., Monday through Friday
excluding holidays.
Burroughs 205 Data Processing System may be of any
configuration, the 8860 plan applies only to on-line
equipment. The tape perforaterand verifier model 454,
the numeric code converter model 460, and other simi-
lar equipment used off-line' must be rented at normal
monthly rental rates. The Burroughs input-output
equipment, models 289, 292, and 293 are not offered
at reduced rental. Custom engineering devices on
which charge has been established must be rented at
the full rental rates.
Debugging allowance for 8860 is limited to twenty-
hours of machine time.
Maintenance/Service Contracting
Burroughs will keep the machines in good operating
condition. All costs of maintenance (except for
ribbons and supplies) will be borne by contractor un-
less the required maintenance is due to the fault or
negligence of the lessee.
Burroughs shall provide maintenance service during
all periods of operation. Upon mutual agreement,
contractor will assign "on site" service engineers.
The lessee will provide adequate storage space for
spare parts, and adequate working space including
heat, light, ventilation, electric current and outlets,
for the use of the service engineers. These facili-
ties will be within a reasonable distance of the ma-
chines to be serviced and will be provided at no cost
to contractor.
Preventive (scheduled) maintenance for each machine
will be furnished on a schedule which is mutually
acceptable to the lessee and Burroughs and which is
consistent with the operating requirements.
Burroughs will always be responsive to the mainte-
nance requirements of the lessee. All remedial (un-
scheduled) maintenance will be performed promptly
after notification to contractor's nearest service
location that a machine is inoperative.
If contractor is unable to restore a machine to
good operating condition and the machine remains in-
operative for a continuous period of 24 hours during
scheduled work days of the installation from the time
the lessee notifies contractor that the machine is
inoperative, and it is determined that (1) the machine
became inoperative through no fault or negligence of
the lessee, and (2) the lessee's production require-
ments were interfered with as a result of the machine
breakdown, Burroughs will grant to the lessee a credit
for each hour the machine was inoperative. Such
credit shall be 1176th of the monthly charge for the
inoperative machine plus 1176th of the monthly charge
for an interconnected machine not usable as a result
of the breakdown; provided, however, that the credit
granted for each machine shall in no instance exceed
1/ 30th of the monthly charge for the machine in each
2 hour period.
Burroughs will use its best efforts to assist the
lessee in procuring service on equipment compatible
with that used by the lessee, to meet emergencies
such as a major breakdown, conversion from one system
to another, unforeseen peak loads, etc. The lessee,
at its option, may accept or reject the offer of use
of emergency equipment. If accepted, the cost of
such services, if any, will be arranged on an individ-
ual installation basis.
Lessee shall not be responsible for loss or damage
to the equipment caused by fire, lightning, sprinkler
leakage, tornado and wind storm, hail, water damage,
explosion, smoke and smudge, aircraft and motor vehicle
damage, earthquake, collapse of buildings or structures
and strikes, riots or civil commotion. Burroughs
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 205, start page 0137
Corporation shall provide transit insurance and
comprehensive public liability insurance on the equipment.
Burroughs Corporation will furnish prescribed training of
customer employees in programming and operating procedures
and techniques. Additional services of a staff of qualified
programmers, mathematical analysts and engineers to further
improve specific utilization of the equipment may be
contracted for.
A standard Burroughs Corporation sales or rental
agreement will be executed at the time of sale or lease.
Except for expendable items, such as tubes, diodes, fuses,
lamps, and neon indicators, all equipment is guaranteed for
one year against defective material or workmanship.
Rental for 205, 350, 351, 360, 406, 407, 466, 446, 2-4581s,
454, 506, 352, 507, 509, 543, 3-544's is $9,470.00 per month.
205, 350, 351, 36o, 406, 407, 466, 458, 543, 544, 500,
544, 420, 421 rents at $7,537 per month.
205, 350, 351,
360, 406, 407, 466, 446, 2-458`s, 506, 352, 507, 509, 543, 3-
544's rents at $9,647 per month.
205, 350, 351, 352,
406, 407, 466, 446, 458, 506, 507, 509, 360, 543, 4-544's,
454 rents at $10,060/mo.
Burroughs 205 $135,000
360 21,200
500 18,625
543 25,000
544 (2) 24,000
406 14,210
420 4, 375
458 3,135
IBM 528 446 $235/month 4,560
IBM 407 800/month
Maintenance contract with Burroughs in the amount of
$20,000 per year.
Computer $3,900/month
Console 490/month
Flexowriter 95/month
Typewriter Control 137/month
Total $4.622
[ 1.5 pages of user cost experience not included ]
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 205, start page 0139
One 8-HourTwo 8-HourThree 8-Hour
Shift Shifts Shifts
Supervisors 1 1 1
Analysts 3 3 3
Programers 4 4 4
Librarians 1 1 1
Operators 2 3 4
Engineers 1 2 3
The contractor, without cost to the lessee, will
train an adequate number of operating and programming
personnel including the initial staff and replacements
at the contractor's training locations or, if mutually
agreed to at a lessee location. The contractor's
technical personnel shall be available to the lessee
for assistance in the implementation, review and im-
provement of existing data processing systems and for
the programming, development and implementation of
new systems involving the contractor's equipment.
One 8-Hour Shift
Supervisors 3
Operators 1
One 8-Hour Shift
Used Recommended
Supervisors 1 1
Programmers 5 7
Operators 1 1
Technicians 1 1
Operation tends toward open shop.
One 8-Hour Shift
Supervisors 1
Analysts-Programmers 4
Coders T
Operators 1
Engineers 1 Burroughs
Operation tends toward open shop.
Method of training used is formal course held at
One 8-Hour Shift
Used Recommended
Supervisors 2 2
Analysts 1 1
Programmers & Coders 11 11
Operation tends toward open shop.
Methods of training used includes manufacturer's
courses and on-the-job training. USN HO Washington
Two 8-Hour Shifts
Used Recommended
[ 3.5 pages of user experience not included ]
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 205, start page 0143
The automatic address-modification features of the B-
register along with its automatic tally. Automatic editing
provided by the format bands on Cardatron buffer drums, as
well as freeing of the central computer as soon as
information is transferred. This allows input, output, and
processing simultaneously while card machines operate at a
maximum rate. Independent search for permanently addressed
blocks on magnetic tape, which allows processing of results
of previous search while current search is going on. Ability
to read from magnetic tape, update information, and write
back on the same tape in the same position. Provision of
high speed through quickaccess loops, which allows
straightforward sequential coding and does not require
complicated placements of instructions or data for minimal
The Burroughs Card Input Unit, Model 293, with a reading
rate of 300 cards per minute is now available for use with the
Burroughs 205 Cardatron. Also available is the Burroughs Card
Output Unit (Model 292), which operates at 100 cards per
minute, either reading or punching, and the Burroughs Line
Printer, Model 289, which operates at the rate of 150 lines
per minute. Editing features of the Cardatron system are
complemented by the use of this Cardatron Input Output
Required storage environment for.magnetic tape includes
temperature 60 degrees to 80 degrees; relative humidity 40%
to 60%; magnetic fields, not to exceed three oersteds;
radiation, where radiation is not dangerous to people; dust
proof containers; reels placed in plastic containers and
stored on edge of container in a vertical position; must be
rewound on a 205 Tape Storage Unit. Minimum storage life,
one year when stored as outlined above.
Unique system advantages include the Cardatron System
and Magnetic Tape Bin File.
Tapes retained in computer room in plastic cases,.
numbered with 3x5" card index of usage and condition.
Computer system is supplemented by 10,000 point EAM
(IBM)installation, run on a two-shift basis.
USN HO Washington
The 205 is extensively buffered by the Cardatron system
for both input and output. The 205 provides several input-
output media, i.e. punched card, punched paper tape,
magnetic tape (in & out) plus printed tabulations (out).
Duplicates of all data tapes are filed in a building other
than the computer building; all data tapes (originals and
duplicates) are stored in areas with
[ 1/2 page not included ]
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 205, start page 0144
For storage of magnetic tape, temperature and humid-
ity control, Avery adhesive labels for magnetic tape
reels are used, and Records Reserve Corp. storage
plastic containers for tape.
Outstanding features include high speed storage or quick
access loop storage, addressable magnetic tape, and
simplicity of programming due to B-register tallying and
address modification, automatic sequencing control counter,
programmed breakpoint, etc.
Handling of magnetic tape. Reels of magnetic tape (250 ft
or 2500 ft) are assigned to research personnel having a need
for same. They are used only by the individual to whom
assignment has been made. All reels of magnetic tape are
stored in the temperature and humidity controlled computer
room from which they are never roved. Tape labelling is left
to the discretion of each individual. WE System I
Outstanding features include a large tape storage capacity
(permanent - "Datafiles") - 6,000,000 words, large drum
storage capacity - 4,080 words, IBM Code Burroughs code
conversion and format editing devices, independent magnetic
tape search, and photo electric reader, for program entry
(540 digits per second).
Magnetic tape handling: all tapes and duplicates stored in
metal cabinets in same room as computer (72oF - relative
humidity 45,%). Tape labeling variable, depending on ,job.
Usually a revolving numbering system with ,job title
identification. External labeling shows job title and reel
ARGMA A second Burroughs 205 with same exact
configuration is scheduled. for installation in the OML
Division, Armyy Rocket & Guided Missile Agency, Redstone
Arsenal, Alabama.
USA CC It is anticipated that a new computer will
be installed in the near future. Selection of new
computer has not been established at this time.
Approval for installation of one IBM Type 1401 Data
Processing System (no tapes) has been requested from the
Bureau of Ships. Upon installation of this system in
June/July 1961, sizeable reductions in data processing costs
will be effected and the system will be utilized to augment
existing equipment on an interim bais pending completion of
necessary studies to ,justify a new transistorized, core
storage, central shipyard computer (the feasibility study for
this system was submitted to BuShips on 21 July 1960).
New major applications under consideration for
application to the 1401 and subsequently to the new
centralized computer include total supply inventory, cost
accounting, and production planning and control.
Ultimate goal of data processing personnel is the
development of a shipyard-wide, fully integrated data
processing system in which source data automation
techniques will be exploited to the maxim= possible extent,
and the master file so designed that common data will be
reused where possible to effect desired reports in the
shortest possible time and in the most economical manner.
USN HO Washington It is planned to replace the
present 205 with a higher speed computer.
USN MDL Future plans call for purchase of IBM 704
System to replace our present system. This replacement
greatly increase our productivity and make available more
time for new applications.
USNOL Corona Plan to replace the present computer
system with an IBM 7070 System.
USN USL Consideration for the purchase of IBM 704
System, configuration to be Core Memory 8K, Drum Memory 8K,
Magnetic Tape Units 4, Card Reader, Card Punch, Online
Printer, Paper Tape Input and Off-line Magnetic Tape to
At the present time a building is being designed for the
Ames Research Center, primarily for housing computing
equipment and the associated staff.
This new facility should be occupied during the first
half of 1961. At this time a medium size Honeywell 800
System will be leased to take over all functions of the
Burroughs equipment and perform additional scientific
ATIC W-P System to be replaced by
an IBM 7090.
B & W Lynchburg There is some talk of doing on line
experimental data reduction either with another smaller
machine or by creating a data link to connect the laboratory
devices to the computer (12 miles distant). A larger machine
capable of doing two dimensional nuclear codes would be
considered if the work load justified it.
Burroughs Replacement of present card input-output
with Burroughs equipment.
Burroughs Model 289 Line Printer 150 lines/min
Burroughs Model 292 Output Unit 100 cards/min
Burroughs Model 293 Input Unit300 cards/min
Add automatic floating point and magnetic tape (Data-
file) in the immediate future.
Delivery schedule for the next two years is as
May 1960 305 RAMAC
May 19611401 - 4 tapes
Nov 19611401 - 4 tapes
Dec 19617070 - 8 tapes
Feb 19621401 - 4 tapes
Plans have not been finalized with respect to the balance
of the applications among the equipment. There are no definite
plans for retiring our Burroughs 205.
Replace with Univac Solid State 80. Add hourly payroll
processing for 7,000 employees.
LA We are currently conducting a feasability study of
the new family of medium scale computers in the microsecond
range. We have narrowed the field down to IBM, RCA and NCR in
the medium price range. This study was started because we need
a faster computer for our current work load, magnetic tape for
future applications, and the economy of the new series of
NNG Feasibility study to determine more computer
power in progress.
PP & LC Within next several years, increased
requirements.may be greater than present computer capacity.
When need for more capacity is foreseen, an additional or a
more powerful computer will be ordered as found most feasible
at that time.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 205, start page 0145
Probable acquisition of Cardatron for punched card
input/output within a year.
Probable acquisition of larger computing system within
three to five years.
WE System I No new applications are planned for this
system as the full two shift capacity has been reached. All
programming and planning effort is being expended on a new
IBM 70701401 Tape System due for installation August 1961.
At this time all ,jobs will be cut over in their present
form. After cutover, new applications and amplification of
present systems can be undertaken, because of the greater
speed and capacity of this new system. _U of N It is
expected that in the near future the following items of
hardware will be added to the initial equipment:
a floating point device, magnetic tape and a Cardatron.
U of D A Model 500 Punched Card Converter, IBM 523
Scary Punch, and. IBM 514 Reproducing Punch is to be added.
U. S. Army Ballistic Missile Agency (5)
Computation laboratory Redstone Arsenal,
Army Rocket & Guided Missile Agency
Redstone Arsenal, Alabama
U. S. Army Chemical Warfare Laboratories U. S.
Army Chemical Center, Maryland
Boston Naval Shipyard
Boston 29, Massachusetts
U. S. Navy Hydrographic Office
Washington 25, D. C.
U. S. Navy Mine Defense Laboratory
Panama City, Florida
U. S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory
Corona, California
U. B. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory San
Francisco 24, California
U. S. Navy Underwater Sound Laboratory New
London, Connecticut
Hq, R. A. D. C. Griffiss Air Force
Base, New York ATTN: RCCS
Ames Research Center, NASA
Moffett Field, California
Aerospace Technical Intelligence Center
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio
Allstate Insurance Company
Menlo Park, California,
Sacramento, California
Atlanta, Georgia
Arthur D. Little, lnc. 35 Acorn
Park Cambridge 40,
Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company 45
Wall Street New York 5, New York
Babcock & Wilcox Research Center
Alliance, Ohio
Babcock & Wilcox Company
1201 Kemper Street
Lynchburg, Virginia
Burroughs Corporation, Computer Facility 460
Sierra Madre Villa Pasadena, California
Celanese Chemical Company 520
Lawrence Street, P.O. Box 561 Corpus
Christi, Texas
Citizens Gas & Coke Utility
2020 N. Meridian Street
Indianapolis, Indiana
General Electric
Redmond Circle
Rome, Georgia
General Insurance Company of America 4347
Brooklyn Seattle 5, Washington
International Telephone & Telegraph laboratories 500
Washington Avenue Nutley, New Jersey
Kaiser Steel Corporation, Box 217
Fontana, California
Linde Company, Box 44 Division of Union
Carbide Corporation Tonawanda, New York
Louis Allis Company
427 E. Stewart Street
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company 345
Cedar St. Paul 1, Minnesota
Northern Natural Gas Company
2223 Dodge Street Omaha,
Nuclear Development Corporation of America 5 New
Street White Plains, New York
The Ohio 011 Company, P. 0. Box 269
Littleton, Colorado
Pacific Power & Light Company 920
S. W. Sixth Avenue Portland 4,
United States Steel Corporation
Monroeville, Pennsylvania
Western Electric Company, Inc. Dept. 312 (2) 1600
Osgood Street North Andover, Massachusetts
Westinghouse Research Laboratory
Pittsburgh 35, Pennsylvania
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, Nebraska
University of Denver
Denver 10, Colorado
University of Virginia
McCormick Road
Charlottesville, Virginia
Behr-Manning Corporation
P. 0. Box 896
Troy, New York
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 220, start page 0146
Burroughs 220 Electronic Data Processing System
Burroughs Corporation
Photo 54 K bytes
Photo by the Burroughs Corporation
Manufacturer The Burroughs 220 is a general-purpose,
stored-program, sequentially-controlled, series-parallel,
automatic, electronic, data processing system which employs a
single-address code, and is equally adaptable for either
scientific or data processing applications U. S. A. Signal
Research & Development Laboratory Located in Room 1B334, U.
S. Army Signal Research & Development Laboratory, the system
is used as a computational tool in solution of scientific and
technical data processing problems which are submitted to
computation center by USASRDL engineers and scientist U.S.
Navy Long Beach Naval Shipyard Located at the Data Processing
Office, Long Beach Naval Shipyard, Long Beach 2, Calif., the
system is used for payroll, bond and leave, financial
accounting, inventory and supply, production, planning and
control, public works transportation and controlled
maintenance programs, personnel accounting, scientific
and engineering, and tool control.
USAF Aeronautical Chart and Information Center located at
the Data Processing Division, Office of the Comptroller, 2nd
and Arsenal Streets, St. Louis, Mo., the system is used for
civilian payroll, manhour and cost accounting, chart
inventory, and technical computations.
USAF DCS/Comptroller, Air Training Command Located at
Randolph Air Force Base, Texas, the system is used for
personnel accounting. The master records for all assigned
personnel, officer, airmen and civilian, are maintained on
magnetic tape. Each group is updated with current data
transceived from the bases on a daily basis. Summary reports
are prepared from these tape files. These month-end summary
reports are for USAF as well as local use. The preparation of
the summary reports at this level has relieved the bases of
this task. Inquiry service (the capability to make personnel
selections from the master files based upon certain criteria)
is available to DCS/Personnel. System is also used for
[ 4 pages of site photos and applications not included ]
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 220, start page 0151
Internal number systemBinary coded decimal
Decimal digits/word 10 + sign
Decimal digits/instruction 2 - 10
Instructions/word 1
Instructions decoded 93
Arithmetic systemFixed and floating point
Instruction typeOne address
Number range Fixed point - 1 < N < + 1
Floating point 10-51 < N < 10+49
| S | 1 4 | 5 6 | 7 0 |
| +_ | Control | Oper | Address |
| | Digits | Code | |
Star 1, Star 2, Star 2A, assembly routines and Burroughs
Algebraic Compiler routines are available.
In the control and arithmetic sections of the computer
are seven electronic display registers. The B register of
the 220, is used for automatic modification of instructions,
and may be counted either up or down by any amount.
Incl Stor Access Exclud Stor Access
Microsec Microsec
Add 200 185
Mutt 2,070 avg. 2,055
Div 3,985 avg. 3,970
Construction (Arithmetic unit only)
Vacuum tubes approx. 1,800 in central processor
Arithmetic mode Serial
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 220, start page 0152
Photo, 50 K bytes
Photo by Georga Institute of Technology
No. of No. of Access
Media Words Digits Microsec
Magnetic Core 10,000 110,000 15
Magnetic Tape Reel 1,367,200 15,039,200 250
Datafile 4,880,000 53,680,000 16,000 avg
Magnetic Tape
No. of units that can be connected 10 Units
No. of char/linear inch 416.33 Char/inch
Channels or tracks on the tape 12 Tracks/tape
Blank tape separating each record 0.26 Inches
Tape speed 120 Inches/sec
Transfer rate 25,000 Char/sec
Start time 5 Millisec
Stop time 5 Millisec
Average time for experienced
operator to change reel of tape 90 Seconds
Physical properties of tape
Width 0.75 Inches
Length of reel 3,500 Feet
Composition Mylar
4,000 words of magnetic core storage and 4 magnetic
tape units.
10,000 words of magnetic core and 10
magnetic tape units.
5,000 words of magnetic core and
magnetic tape.
10,000 words of magnetic core, 5
magnetic drums of 29 words each,. and magnetic tape.
[ ... 1/2 page not included ]
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 220, start page 0153
BCCF System has 10,000 words of magnetic core.
Magnetic tape reels are 3,500 feet. Two lanes of
information. Datafile is 50 tapes in parallel, each 250
feet. Blocks are variable length-from 10 to 100 words per
block. All magnetic tape is moved at rate of 25,000 digits
per second. System has 9 tape units and 1 Datafile.
Dow 5,000 words of magnetic core and 3 tape
Hoffman 5,000 words of magnetic core and 5 magnetic tape
SKFL 5,000 words of magnetic core and 8 magnetic tape
SRI 5,000 words of magnetic core and magnetic
Upjohn 10,000 words of
magnetic core.
Cal Tech 5,000 words of magnetic core and 2 magnetic
tape units. Cornell 5,000,words of magnetic core and 4
magnetic tape units.
Georgia Tech 5,000 words of magnetic core and 4
magnetic tape units. 440 microseconds of magnetic tape access
time is based on reading speed of 25,000 chars/sec. It does
not include time to search for desired information and begin
Media Speed
Paper Tape 1,000 char/sec
Keyboard Manual
Magnetic Tape25,000 char/sec
Cards 400 char/sec
Up to ten photo-electric paper tape readers may be
included in a system. Card reader speed is per card reader.
Up to seven printers and/or punches and/or readers in any
combination may be used per system.
USA-SRDL Magnetic tape, paper tape, cards and
USN LBNS Magnetic tape, paper tape, cards and
USAF ACIC Punch card input through use of IBM 087
Collator. Card and PPT input buffered through cardatron
system. Magnetic tape.
[ 1/2 page not included ]
Media Speed
Supervisory Printer10 char/sec
Paper Tape 60 char/sec
Magnetic Tape25,000 char/sec
Cards 1,800 char min
Up to seven printers and/or punches in any combi-
nation may be used per system. High speed printer
may be used either on-line or off-line with a maximum
speed of 1,500 lines per minute. As many as ten
paper-tape punches may be included per system. Card
speed is per card punch.
Magnetic tape, paper tape, IBM 407 Tab, cards, and
supervisory printer.
2 IBM Model 407 Printers to be released upon the final
acceptance of the Hi-Speed Printer. Cards and mag-
netic tape are also output media.
[1/3 page not included ]
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 220, start page 0154
Manufacturer Approximately 1,800 vacuum tubes are
used in the central processor. Some 88,000 to 440,000
magnetic cores are used in the system.
The occurrence, for any reason, in the low order position
of certain of the control registers of a configuration
corresponding to any one of the decimal numbers from 10 to
15 is detected automatically.
A program check indicator will be turned on when such
conditions as forbidden order code, improper partial word
field or Branch on Compare when no comparison has been
Automatically halt computer operation when a nonexistent
address is specified by an instruction.
Automatic detection of an overflow condition during the
execution of instructions which turns on the Overflow
Indicator. Complete program control of the data processor's
response to an overflow condition is standard on the
Burroughs 220.
Manufacturer Inches
Model Name Kw Weight BTU Width L H
220 Data Processor 12.0 2800 41,000 158 29 76
380 Memory Control 4.5 1000 14,200 52.5 29 76
381-1 Core Stor Unit
(2000-5000) 6.7 1200 22,800 79 29 76
400- Power Ctl &
4001 Supply 10.0 2300 34,000 92 29 76
415 Control Console 0.1 500 340 59 35 49
465 Supervi Printer 0.6 250 2,040 23.5 22.75 39
440 Photoreader 0.7 175 2,380 23.5 22.75 47
470 High Speed Punch 0.3 175 850 23.5 22.75 47
511 Cardatron Ctl U. 3.7 1700 12,600 80 29 76
512 Cardatron Input 2.8 850 9,500 40 29 76
513 Cardatron Output 2.9 850 9,800 40 29 76
550 Magnetic Tape Ct 15.5 1000 18,700 53.5 29 76
551 Mag. Tape Stor. 4.0 1000 13,600 28 35 55
552 Datafile 1.5 1500 5,100 87 35 59
271 High Speed Print-
er Control 5.6 2000 16,000 33 60 76
The temperature and humidity must be maintained within
the following limits: temperature range: 60 to 80 degrees
Fahrenheit; relative humidity range: 40 to 60 per cent.
Amount of air conditioning depends upon size of computer
system installed. For every 12,000 BTU/hr. generated by the
system one ton of refrigeration is
Power, computer 49.4 Kw55.5 KVA0.87 pf
Plus 21 Kw D.C.
Area, computer 210 sq ft
Room size, computer1,500 sq ft
Room size, air conditioner225 sq ft
Floor loading 180 lbs/sq ft
700 lbs concen max
Capacity, air conditioner 40 Tons
Weight, computer 21,795
Raised floor (plywood on 2"x8"'s) for all connect
ing cables.
Power, computer275 Kw307 KVA 0.90 pf
Power, air condi 93 Kw102 KVA 0.90 pf
Volume, computer 1,714 cu ft
Volume, air conditioner (3) 54 cu ft ea.
Area, computer 321 sq ft
Area, air conditioner 18 sq ft ea.
Room size, computer 60 ft x 60 ft
Room size, air conditioner 20 ft x 20 ft
10 ft x 10 ft
Capacity, air conditioner 70 Tons (Total)
Weight, computer 32,420 lbs
Weight, air conditioner2,800 lbs, 3 Units
The Shipyard ADP site incorporates the total facility for
the centralized data processing function, EDP, EAM, Key
Punching and Programming.
The computer facility has been established in a concrete
warehouse type building occupied ,jointly with the Supply
Department and Comptroller Department.
The computer room occupies an area 60 ft x 60 ft.
Light-weight concrete approximately 12" high composes
the outside perimeter of the plenum floor (40 ft x 40 ft).
Floor covering is comprised of 2 ft x 4 ft of honeycombed
aluminum sections.
The site is singularly designed to incorporate the latest
air conditioning and fire-proofing requirements of the
Bureau of Yards and Docks and District Public Works Office
Three individual air conditioning units are installed to
supply air conditioning from the floor to each individual
equipment unit. The air plenum received conditioned air from
two sources, 2 twenty ton units providing air from one side
and 1 thirty ton umit from the opposite side of the raised
C02 nozzles are installed under and into each equipment
unit. Each nozzle is individually controlled, with a master
valve to avert any accidental direction of the C02 into one or
more units of the computing
Power, computer5.20 Kw8.30 KVA
Power, air condition 40 Kw 34 KVA 0.85 pf
Volume, computer 202 cu ft
Volume, chiller & pumps 1,200 cu ft
Volume, Air Handling Units 5,000 cu ft
Area, computer 32 sq ft
Area, chiller & pumps 171 sq ft
Area, Air Handling Units 624 sq ft
[ 2 pages of installation not included ]
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 220, start page 0156
Number in current operation 42
Time required for delivery 6-8 months
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 220, start page 0157
Purchase Monthly
Price Rental
220 Primary System $320,000 $7,800
Data Processor-Model 220
(includes automatic floating-
point arithmetic)
Memory Control - Model 380
Core Storage Unit - Model 381-1
(accommodates up to 5,000 words)
Core Assembly -Model 382
(two assemblies provided)
Power Control - Model 400
Power Supply - Model 401
Control Console - Model 415
Supervisory Printer - Model 465
Photoreader - Model 440
(1,000 characters per second)
220 Primary System further includes: Numeric keyboard and
interval timer (as part of the Control Console), desk and
chair; selection of five keynote panel colors - light
blue, grey, dark blue, brown, and green.
Cardatron 220 Primary System 107,200 2,735
Cardatron Control 1 - Model 510
Cardatron Control II - Model 511
Cardatron Input - Model 512
Cardatron Output - Model 513
(120 character)
Magnetic Tape Control-Model 550 45,000 1,200
Magnetic Tape Storage-Model 551 21,450 635
Datafile - Model 55649,5001,475
Photoreader - Model 440 8,000 225
(1,000 characters per second)
Paper Tape Punch - Model 470 3,400 100
(60 characters per second)
Supervisory Printer - Model 465 9,600 300
Supervisory Printer - Model 464 7,000 225
(less-Off-line Reader)
Cardatron Input - Model 512 29,500 715
Cardatron Output - Model 513 31,200 820
(120 character)
Core Storage Unit - Model 381-2 27,000 800
(accommodates second 5,000 words)
Core Assembly - Model 382 18,000 500
(1,000 words each)
High Speed Printer Control- 125 000 3,450
Model 261 (minimal control features]
High Speed Printer Control- 144,000 3,950
Model 271
High Speed Printer Control- 158,900 4,350
Model 281 (maximal control features)
High Speed Printer - Model 272 84,550 2,255
Tape Perforator & Verifier- 8,100 220
Model 455
Tape Perforator Format merger- 3,300 90
Model 456
Paper Tape Concerter - Model 472 17,000 500
220 System Expansion
Cardatron system may be expanded to a total of seven (7)
input or output units added in any combination.
Core storage may be expanded to 10,000 words in
increments of 1,000 words (one (1). Core Assembly required
for each 1,000 words). Core storage beyond 5,000 words
requires the addition of one (1) Core Storage Unit.
Paper-tape system may be expanded to ten (10)
Photoreaders for input. As many as ten (10) PaperTape
Punches or Supervisory Printers, added in any combination,
may be used for output.
The magnetic tape system may be expanded to a total of ten
(10) Magnetic Tape Storage Units, all associated with the
single Magnetic Tape Control. A maximum of twelve (12)
Magnetic Tape Storage Units may be used with a 220 system
that includes High Speed Printers.
Each High Speed Printer can use up to two (2) Magnetic
Tape Storage Units. Two (2) High Seed Printers may be used
with a 220 system, one (1) Of which may be directly coupled
to the Data Processor.
Burroughs Line Printer, Model 289
For on-line use in the Burroughs 205 and 220 Cardatron
Lease Purchase
Standard Features: (Per Month) Price
Immediate-access clutch $850 $ 36,000
Two triple panel manual plugboards
Five 2-position pilot selectors
Eight 5-position co-selectors
Five 4-position Cardatron selectors
Two digit selectors
Twenty symbol selectors
One half-time emitter
Ten filters
Six carriage skipping channels and one overflow
Pluggable zero and asterisk print control
Optional Features:
Group of five 2-position pilot 10 250
Group of four 5-position co- 5 200
Group of Ten symbol selectors 15 600
(maximum two groups)
Group of two digit selectors 10 200
Group of ten filters 3 70
Additional plugboard 100
Burroughs Card Output Unit - Model 292
For on-line use in the Burroughs 205 and 220
Cardatron Systems
Standard Features:
Immediate-access clutch 150 5,800
Six 5-position co-selectors
Five 2-position Cardatron selectors
One digit emitter
One half-time emitter
One single panel manual keyboard
Optional Features:
Double punch and blank column
detection device (Group of 20-
positions-maximum four groups) 16 740
Offset stacker 10 225
Additional plugboard 50
Burroughs Card Input Unit - Model 293
For on-line use in the Burroughs 205 and 220
Cardatron Systems
Standard Features:
Immediate-access clutch 300 14,000
Five 2-position pilot selectors
Eight 5-position co-selectors
Two digit selectors
One half-time emitter
One single panel manual keyboard
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 220, start page 0158
Lease Purchase
Optional Features: (Per Month) Price
Group of five 2-position pilot $10 $250
One additional digit selector 10 200
Additional plugboard 50
All prices are subject to change without notice.
Outline of Sale Policy
A standard Burroughs Corporation sales or rental
agreement will be executed at the time of sale or lease.
Prices are F.O.B. Pasadena, California.
Sales, use or other taxes imposed directly on the sale or
rental of Burroughs machines by Federal, State, or local
governments will be borne by the purchaser or lessee.
Maintenance service for purchased equipment on a
continuing or on-call basis is available by contract
through a staff of qualified service engineers stationed in
major cities across the country. Maintenance service for
leased machines is provided as required to keep the
equipment in good operating condition.
Rental agreements are effective for one year from the
date installation of the equipment is complete, and remain
in effect thereafter until terminated by either party upon
90 days' written notice.
Machines under lease may be purchased at any time at the
prices in effect at the time the lease is executed, less a
credit of 40% of all rentals paid, up to a maximum of 60,%
of the purchase price.
Guarantee and Installation Policy
Except for expendable items, such as tubes, diodes, fuses,
lamps, and neon indicators, all equipment is guaranteed for
one year against defective material or workmanship.
The purchase or lease of Burroughs machines includes the
1. Necessary manuals which describe operation of the
2. The services of trained personnel to supervise
installation in the customer's plant.
3. Prescribed training of the customer's employees by
qualified Burroughs instructors in programming, operation
and maintenance procedures and techniques.
The Burroughs "10070 Plan" for rental of 220 Data
Processing Systems
The 10070 Plan, is a new approach to the rental of major
scale data processing equipment. To qualify for rental under
the "10070 Plan", a system which normally rents for at least
$15,800 per month must be ordered ($11,100 per month under
As long as monthly usage remains at 100 hours or less,
only 70% of the monthly rental must be paid. The lessee has
the option to convert to the regular 176-hour standard
rental plan at any time his work load demands the
additional time. However, once the lessee has exercised the
option to convert to regular 176-hour monthly contract, he
may not revert back to the "10070 Plan".
The "10070 Plan" applies to only on-line equipment,
excluding the High Speed Printer System, and the
Input/Output Cardatron Equipment, however the monthly rental
of any off-line equipment equipment may count toward the
minimum total rental of 15,800 per month.
Use time for the 100 hours is defined as the time during
which the system or any components thereof is in operation,
exclusive of preventive or remedial maintenance time: when
system components are normally inter-connected the sum of the
regular monthly charges for these components is to be taken as
the regular monthly charge for the system in determining the hourly
additional use rate.
Burroughs Corporation will provide the necessary parts
and service to maintain the equipment in good operating
condition as required during its regular business hours,
eight a.m. to five p.m., Monday through Friday excluding
Maintenance/Service Contracting
Burroughs will keep the machines in good operating
condition. All costs of maintenance (except for ribbons and
supplies) will be borne by contractor unless the required
maintenance is due to the fault or negligence of the
Burroughs shall provide maintenance service during all
periods of operation. Upon mutual agreement, contractor
will assign "on site" service engineers.
The lessee will provide adequate storage space for spare
parts, and adequate working space including heat, light,
ventilation, electric current and outlets, for the use of the
service engineers. These facilities will be within a
reasonable distance of the machines to be serviced and will be
provided at no cost to contractor.
Preventive (scheduled) maintenance for each machine will
be furnished on a schedule which is mutually acceptable to
the lessee and Burroughs and which is consistent with the
operating requirements.
Burroughs will always be responsive to the maintenance
requirements of the lessee. All remedial (unscheduled)
maintenance will be performed promptly after notification
to contractor's nearest service location that a machine is
If contractor is unable to restore a machine to good
operating condition and the machine remains inoperative for a
continuous period of 24 hours during scheduled work days of
the installation from the time the lessee notifies contractor
that the machine is inoperative, and it is determined that (1)
the machine became inoperative through no fault or negligence
of the lessee, and (2) the lessee's production requirements
were interfered with as a result of the machine breakdown,
Burroughs will grant to the lessee a credit for each hour the
machine eas inoperative. Such credit shall be 1176th of the
monthly charge for the inoperative machine plus 1176th of the
monthly charge for an interconnected machine not usable as a
result of the breakdown; provided, however, that the credit
granted for each machine shall in no instance exceed 130th of
the monthly charge for the machine in each 24 hour period.
Burroughs will use its best efforts to assist the lessee in
procuring service on equipment compatible with that used by
the lessee, to meet emergencies such as a major breakdown,
conversion from one system to another, unforeseen peak loads,
etc. The lessee, at its option, may accept or reject the offer
of use of emergency equipment. If accepted, the cost of such
services, if any, will be arranged on an individual
installation basis.
2,000 words storage, paper tape input,
supervisory printer output, additional 2,000 words of
storage, 4 magnetic tapes, paper tape punch, Cardatron (1
input, 2 output), all rent for $17,000/month, including
Central Processor, 10,000 words core storage,
supervisory printer, photoreader, paper tape punch, Cardatron
with one input and four output units, ten magnetic tape stor
a units and high speed printer, printer control (medium) and
one magnetic tape storage unit cost $1,209,117.
[ one page of user cost experience not included ]
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 220, start page 0160
One 8-Hour Two 8-Hour Three 8-Hour
Shift Shifts Shifts
Supervisors 1 1 1
Analysts 6 6 6
Programmers 6 6 6
Coders 2 2 2
Librarians 1 1 1
Operators 2 3 4
Engineers 2 4 6
In-Output Oper 1 2 3
Tape Handlers 1 2 3
One 8-Hour Shift
Supervisors 1
Analysts & Programmers 9
Clerks 5
Operators 3
Operations tends toward open shop.
Courses in programming given monthly for technical
One 8-Hour Shift
Used Recommended
Supervisors 3 3
Analysts 6 7
Programmers 11 10
Clerks 3 4
Librarians 1 1
Operators 2 2
In-output Oper 7 7
Tape Handlers 1 1
Operation tends toward closed shop.
On-site 200 hour course, developed by Shipyard, conducted
by Burroughs Corporation. Trainees selected from composite
Civil Service Examination (portions applicable from FSEE,
EDP, Math, etc.). On-site 40 hour High Speed Printer Course
by Burroughs. On-site 80 hour EDP-ESP Course in Operations by
Burroughs. On-site courses in Tape and Program Principles by
Shipyard - total 120 hours.
All personnel were selected and hired from within the
Shipyard. Centralized analysis, programming and operations
of all EAM and EDP. EAM personnel excluded (key punch and
tabulating). Librarians
assist tape handlers.
One 8-HourTwo 8-Hour
Shift Shifts
Supervisors 5
Analysts 2
Programmers 12
Clerks 5
Operators 3 3
Engineers 2
'technicians 5
In-Output Oper 6 5
Programmers. The programming personnel are divided into
groups, each group performing in various fields of
application, such as Civilian Payroll, Manhour and Cost
Accounting, Chart Inventory and Technical Computations
Operators. Consists of two console operators and four
computer operators. Personnel are divided into
[ 1.5 pages of user PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS experience not included ]
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 220, start page 0162
Good time 34 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time40 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.85
Above figures based on period 1 Oct 59 to 31 Mar 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test 1 May 59
Time is available for rent to qualified outside
Arrangements can be made by other government or
ganizations for computer time.
Average error-free running period 8 hr. operating
Good time 69 Hours/Week (Average
Attempted to run time76 Hours/Week (Average
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.91
Above figures based on period 1 Jul 60 to 31 Jul 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test 1 Jun 60
Time is not available for rent to outside organizations.
Good time 34.3 Hours/Week Average
Attempted to run time36.7 Hours/Week (Average;
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.94
Above figures based on period 15 Jan to 15 Apr
Passed Customer Acceptance Test Feb 59
Time is not available for rent to outside organizations.
Average error-free runnung period 20 Hours
Good time 57 Hours/Week (Average
Attempted to run time 59 Hours/Week (Average
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.965
Above figures based on period from Jan 60 to Mar 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test 30 Jun 59
Time is not available for rent to outside organizations.
Good time50 Hours/Week (Average
Attempted to run time51.9 Hours/Week (Average
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.963
Above figures based on period 1 Dec 59 to 30 Apr 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test 21 Aug 59
Time is available for rent to qualified outside
Time can be made available to other government
activities if an emergency arises.
Good time 42 1/4 Hours/Week Average)
Attempted to run time48 3/4 Hours/Week Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.87
Above figures based on period 1 Jul 60 to 30 Jul 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test 10 Nov 59
Time is available for rent to qualified outside
Good time 72 Hours/Week (Average
Attempted to run time87 Hours/Week (Average
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.83
Above figures based on period 1 May 60 to 31 Aug 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test Nov 59
Time is not available for rent to outside organizations.
Good time 43 Hours/Week Average
Attempted to run time45 Hours/Week (Average;
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.96
Above figures based on period from Dec 59 to Aug 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test 4 Dec 59
[ 0.5 pages of user Reliability, Operating Experience,
and Time Availability not included ]
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 220, start page 0163
Parallel access to storage (11 digits per word).
Automatic storage to storage transfer at 184,000 digits
per second.
Direct storage addition, tallying, and program loop
Multi-functions instructions, B register, partial word
arithmetic, and automatic tallying-reduces program length.
Specially designed logic instructions and controls to
simplify programming.
Automatic program "float in".
Facilities for inspection and storage of information on
the control console.
Ten program control switches provides flexible
manual-control of the computer operation.
An interval timer is available for problem timing.
Magnetic tape subsystem provides file capacity of over 500
million digits, any one of which is readily available in
Independent bi-directional searching on any part of the
first word of any record (for fast file access).
Independent "scanning" on any part of any of the first
10 words of any record.
Updated records may be recorded on the same tape area
(selective updating for low-volume file access
Updated records may be recorded on new tape area (total
updating for high-volume file access processing).
Selectable record length - 110 to 1,100 digits.
Tape flow areas automatically bypassed.
Automatic parity checking, digit count, and word count.
A complete buffering and editing system connects card
readers, card punches, and line printers to the 220 Data
Complete facilities for input sad output with paper tape
are available.
Special recommended procedures for magnetic tape
labelling, storing, shipping, and protection from
humidity, temperature, electrical, fire, or other damage:
220 Magnetic Tape Handling: BMTR1 is a generalpurpose
tape-handling routine which is provided to any installation
by the Burroughs Corporation, to insure the most efficient
handling of any problems in regard to the use of the
magnetic tape system. The operating environment is the same
as that specified for the 220 System.
Required storage environment: Temperature, 65 de-
grees to 80 degrees Fahrenheit; relative humidity,
40% to 60,%; electromagnetic fields, not to exceed
three oersteds; where radiation is not dangerous to
people; free from excessive vibration; dust proof
containers; reels placed in boxes and stored on edge
in a vertical position. Minimum storage file at
least one yeas when stored as above.
Magnetic tapes are stored in a fire resistant plaster
wall vault built in a concrete warehouse building
with automatic overhead sprinkler system. Tapes are
filed in individual plastic dustproof containers in
an upright position in steel filing cabinets. Tape
reels have been numbered serially to identify tapes
of varying lengths and block size. Plain masking
tape is used to label reels to indicate the pertinent
computer application, tape file identify, day's bus-
iness and tape unit on which created. The storage
and operating environment is:
Temperature:650 to 800 F
Relative Humidity 40,% to 60,%
Magnetic-core internal storage results in high com-
puting speeds and multiple input-output devices pro-
vide considerable flexibility in the system. Full-
dimensional expansion allows for additions to the
system as need arises, such as multiple tape data
file, etc.
Magnetic tapes are maintained in the computer room,
which is controlled for the proper temperature and
humidity. Equipment requirements for fire resistant
tape storage have been surveyed and will be submitted
for procurement action, subject only to fund limita-
Remote duplicate storage of critical data and pro-
gram tape records is in the process of being accom-
plished. Negotiations are in progress to obtain a
surplus underground am= ition storage location from
the Department of the Army.
Outstanding system features include Cardatron system for
buffered on-line input and output. This system (Cardatron)
also offers complete 80 column alphabetic input and 120
column alphabetic output. Magnetic tapa system with ability
to search for records independent of main computer
operation, and to do selective updating (i.e., to write an
updated record back onto the same area of tape from which it
was previously read. This precludes the necessity of
completely copying a tape during an updating run. High-speed
paper tape reader as additional input to system. Very
comprehensive control from console for operator intervention
and debugging. Magentic tape system with two separate data
lanes per tape with independent search and selective update
Tapes are identified by a Job Number. Tapes are stored in
cabinets commercially produced solely for such purpose.
"Original" tapes are protected from humidity and temperature
b storage in the computer room. "Duplicate" (copies tapes are
stored in an alternate location to provide for reconstruction
of operation in the event of destruction of the "original"
tapes (fire, etc.) Abbott Unique system advantages include
magnetic tape search and scan are not computer interlocked. B
& W Magnetic tapes are stored in a controlled atmosphere
computer room. BRC
Outstanding features include decimal operation, built-in
automatic floating point, partial-word oper
[ one page of
Additional Features and Remarks
and Future Plans not included ]
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS 220, start page 0165
U. S. Army Signal Research & Development Laboratory Fort
Monmouth, New Jersey
Long Beach Naval Shipyard (Code 110) Long
Beach 2, California
USAF Aeronautical Chart & Information Center 2d
and Arsenal Streets St. Louis 18, Missouri
Statistical Services Directorate, DCS/comptroller
Headquarters Air Training Command Randolph Air Force
Base, Texas
Headquarters, Tactical Air Command
Langley Air Force Base, Virginia
U. S. Geological Survey
Department of Interior 18th
and C Streets, N: W.
Washington, D. C.
Abbott Laboratories
1400 Sheridan Road
North Chicago, Illinois
Allstate Insurance Company
Pasadena, California
Detroit, Michigan
Murray Hill, New Jersey
Harrison, New York
The Babcock and Wilcox Company Van
Buren Avenue Barberton, Ohio
Burroughs Research Center
Paoli, Pennsylvania
Burroughs Corporation, Computer Facility 460
Sierra Madre Villa Pasadena, California
The Dow Chemical Company
Computations Research Laboratory 687
Building Midland, Michigan
Hoffman Military Products Division 3740
So. Grand Avenue Los Angeles 7,
Smith Kline & French Laboratories
1500 Spring Garden Street
Philadelphia 1, Pennsylvania
Stanford Research Institute
Menlo Park, California
The Upjohn Company
7171 Portage Road
Kalamazoo, Michigan
California Institute of Technology
1201 East California Street Pasadena,
Cornell University
Rand Ball,
Computing Center Ithaca, New York
Georgia Institute of Technology
Rich Electronic Computer Center
Atlanta, Georgia
Stanford University
Stanford, California
John Deere Waterloo Tractor Works
400 Miles Street Waterloo, Iowa
The First Pennsylvania Banking & Trust Company 15th
and Chestnut Streets Philadelphia 1, Pennsylvania
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS D 103, start page 0166
Burroughs D103 Computing System
Burroughs Corporation
Real-time control computer
Internal number system Binary
Binary digits/word 20
Binary digits/instruction 7
Instructions/word 1
Instructions decoded 64
Arithmetic system Floating point
Instruction type One address
Operation Incl. Stor. Access
Add 5
Mult 65
Div 80
Arithmetic mode Parallel
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
No. of No. of Bin Access
Media Words Dig/Word Microsec
Drum 3,770 96
Core Registers 20 20 5
Type Quantity
Tubes 2,200
Diodes 14,000
Magnetic Cores 1,200
A diagnostic program is performed every 19 milliseconds.
Parity checks are made on memory read-in and readout.
Power, computer 29 Kw
Volume, computer 450 cu ft
Capacity, air conditioner 9 Tons
Outstanding features are real-time, control designed
for installation in an experimental army air defense
system. This computer evaluates and controls assignment
of up to 20 batteries.
Computing system performs many laborious, detailed
calculations to assist commanders in getting maximum
effectiveness for their weapons.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS D 104, start page 0167
AN/FST-2 Coordinate Data Transmitter
Burroughs Corporation
Special purpose digital data processor for real time
processing of radar data, as input to SAGE Central
Computer. Dual equipment. System was designed for U. S. Air
Force. All data given is for simplex equipment, except for
power, space, weight and sight preparation requirements.
These data are given for the duplex equipment.
Internal number system Binary
Digits per output word 52
Timing Synchronous
Operation Concurrent
System is wired to perform a special purpose
No. of No. Of Access
Media Words Digits Microsec
Drum 512 48 3, 000
Core 512 32 3,000
Drum 1,536 48 9,000
Access times are for cyclic address
Pulse Period
Media Microsec
Radar Surveillance Video 3 or 6
Radar Surveillance Video 3 or 6
Radar Height Video 0.5
Radar Height Video 2
Input information is in real-time from radar.
Medium Speed
Telephone Line 1300 cycle carrier
600 52-bit words are transmitted on telephone
line per 12 second antenna scan.
Type Quantity
Tubes 7,000
Diodes 25,000
Transistors 4,200
The total component count is 160,000 elements.
System has built-in automatic parity and logic
Marginal checking may be performed at the operator's
Data is given for a duplex system
Power, computer 60 Kw 67.5 KVA
Power, air conditioner 100 KVA
Volume, computer 1,775 cu ft
Area, computer 943 sq ft
Room size, computer 23 ft x 41 ft
Room size, air conditioner 20 ft x 36 ft
Weight, computer 39,750 lbs
A false floor has been installed to cover cable runs
and air conditioning ducts.
The building is RF shielded to reduce field
strength from nearby radar sets.
Number produced to date 100
Number in current operation 85
Number in current production 134
Number on order 134
Time required for delivery from receipt of order
12 months
Data is as of 31 July 1960.
Personnel requirements include one engineer and 2, 5,
and 7 technicians for one, two and three 8hour shifts
Training includes U. S. Air Force sponsored schooling and
on-the-job training.
The duplex equipment gives an availability of over
Worst-case design is utilized in digital circuitry.
U. S. Air Force sponsored improvement program
intends to add new state of the art features
modifications to increase capability.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS D 105, start page 0168
Atlas Model III Guidance Computer
Burroughs Corporation
Photo, 51 K bytes
The Model III Computer is a special purpose machine
designed primarily for real time missile guidance. During
the guidance operation, inputs to the computer come from a
radar tracking system in the form of velocity and position
information. Computed outputs (steering and discrete
commands) are transmitted to the radar tracking system for
ultimate action by the missile. The computers have been used
in a real time range safety system for impact prediction, in
addition to missile guidance. Although these are special
purpose computers, their logical organization is similar to
the general purpose scientific computer.
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
Photo by Burroughs Corporation
Tracking Radar
Punched Mylar Tape
Tape is used for checking purposes
Missile Steering and Discrete Commands
Punched Mylar Tape
Tape is used for checking purposes
System includes automatic package and packet test
Manufactured in accordance with MIL-E-4158A and other
Military Specifications.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS D 107, start page 0169
Burroughs Model D-107
Burroughs Corporation
System is used for general purpose computation, on line
or off line.
Internal number system Binary
Binary digits/word 33 + 1 parity
Instruction/word 1
Instructions decoded 64
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Instruction type One address
Number range
Thirty three bits, with binary point at the left
Instruction word format
|Tag |Com'd |Com'd |Address|Address|Register| Memory |Parity |
| |Type |Var. | First |Second |Address |Address | |
| | | | Modif |Modif | | | |
| 1 | 2 - 5| 6 - 9| 10-12 | 13-15 | 16-19 | 20 - 33| 34 |
| 1 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 14 | 1 |
Automatic coding will be available
There are 7 index registers
Operation Incl.Stor. Access
Add 40
Mult 230 average
Div 426
Construction (Arithmetic unit only)
Transistors 2,750
Diodes 9,350
Registers 6,850
Arithmetic mode Serial
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
No. of No. of Access
Medium Words Bits/Word Microsec
Magnetic Core 4,096 to 16,384 34 0.2
Memory consists of non-destructive, random access, Fluxlok
magnetic core. Read time is 0.2 microseconds. Write time
(cycle-time) is 13.3 microseconds.
The Fluxlok memory provides a non destructive read
feature which guarantees that the program or constants
can not be lost due to transient errors.
Magnetic Tape 4 Units
Magnetic tape is not presently included in the system.
Provisions are included for its additions.
Media Speed
Paper Tape 300 5-bit char/see Photo reader
Keyboard 10 char/sec
Parallel Register 0.66 microsec transfer time
for 34 bits
Serial Register 23 microsec transfer time for
34 bits
Media Speed
Paper Tape Punch 110 dig/sec
Parallel Register 0.66 microsec transfer time for
34 bits
Serial Register 23 microsec transfer time for 34
Teletype Model 28 10 char/sec
Type Quantity
Diodes 13,160
Transistors 3,470
Magnetic Cores 139,264
Figures are for a 4,096 word system
Checking features include parity on all transfers
Power, computer 1 Kw 1.1 KVA 0.9 pf
Volume, computer 6.75 cu ft
Area, computer 2.1 sq ft
Floor loading 120 lbs/sq ft
80 lbs, concen. max
Weight, computer 240 lbs
The only requirement is the availability of a
lighting type power outlet.
Time required for delivery from receipt of order
12 months
"Worst case" circuit design and construction is
accordance with military specifications, plug in-
subassemblies and Fluxlok memory all contribute to producing
an extremely reliable computer design with a mean time
between failures of 243 hours.
Unique system advantages include non-destructive read
on a random access memory.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS D 201, start page 0170
Burroughs D 201 (NADAC)
Burroughs Corporation
General purpose airborne computer designed to be used
in a closed loop system with analog inputs and outputs
for real time computations. It may be effectively used as
a process control computer.
Internal number system Binary
Binary digits/word 21
Binary digits/instruction 14
Instructions/word 1
Instructions decoded 32 (20 presently used)
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Instruction type One address
Number range 19 bits plus sign (fractional)
Instruction word format
| Operation | Address | Parity |
| 7 - 11 | 12 - 19 | 20 |
| 5 | 8 | 1 |
Automatic built-in subroutines includes loading of drum
from paper tape.
Input-Output Register, A Register (accumulator), B
Register (Buffer), C Register (auxiliary register and
extension of A Register), Operation Register, and Address
Incl. Stor. Access Exclud. Stor. Access
Operation Microsec Microsec
Add 25 3
Malt 75 56
Div 75 68
Construction (Arithmetic unit only)
Transistors 4,761
Diodes 6,500
Magnetic Cores 135
Arithmetic mode Parallel
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
No, of No. of Access
Media Words Digits Microsec
Drum 5,225 83,415 5,000
Magnetic Core 128 2,688 2.5
The computer proper has no tape units. However,
provisions are made for use of one tape unit. This one
channel has the capability of writing 10 binary digits
plus sign every 25 microseconds.
Media Remarks
DC Voltage +_2.000 volts full scale
32 input channels (multiplexed)
Code Wheel 18 (10 bit plus sign)
Media Remarks
DC Voltage 10 channels (multiplexed)
+- 20 volts full scale
Digital to 10 bit plus sign
tape recorder
Type Quantity
Tubes 6
Diodes 5,200
Transistors 6,600
Magnetic Cores 3,000
Checking features include parity check, echo check on
loading and diagnostic checks.
Power, computer 0.9 Kw400 cps
Power, air conditioner 0.25 Kw 400 cps
Volume, computer 6 cu ft
Volume, air conditioner 2 cu ft
Area, computer 3 sq ft
Area, air conditioner 1 sq ft
Floor loading 100 lbs/sq ft
300 lbs, concen max
Weight, computer 300 lbs
Weight, air conditioner 100 lbs
Air conditioner is capable of dissipating 1,000 watts.
No special site preparation required.
Number produced to date 1
Number in current operation 1
Time required for delivery 10 months
Training is made available by the Burroughs Corporation's
Military Field Service Division.
Worst case design of all circuits insuring continuing
operation with wide drift in parameters.
Extensive heat sinking because of high density
packaging and lack of cooling air.
Outstanding features include D to A and A to D
conversion at high accuracies and speed. Compact, fast
and flexible for limited space requirement. Designed to
meet MIL E 5400 Specifications.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS D 202, start page 0171
Airborne Bomb Navigation Computer D 202
Burroughs Corporation
The system is a general purpose airborne computer
designed primarily for bombing and navigation computation.
System is used in real time, on line.
Internal number system Binary
Binary digits/word 22
Binary digits/instruction 15
Instructions/word 1
Number of instructions decoded 36
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Instruction type one address
Number range 20 bits plus sign (fractional)
Instruction word format
| Command | Address |
| 1 - 5 | 6 - 14 |
| 5 | 9 |
Automatic built-in subroutines; include a load drum sub
Registers include an A (accumulator), B (buffer, C
(auxiliary register of A), Input-Output, Address, and a
Command register.
Incl. Stor. Access Exclud. Stor. Access
Operation Microsec Microsec
Add 10 3
Mult 40 34
Div 80 73
Construction (Arithmetic unit only
Transistors 3,000
Condenser-Diodes 18,000
Arithmetic mode Parallel
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
No. of No. of Access
Media Words Digits Microsec
Drum 12,256 205,288 5,000
Ferrite Core 512 11,264 2
Media Speed Remarks
Synchro Continuously Addressable 3 wire servo
Code Wheels Continuously Addressable
Media Speed Remarks
Synchro Continuously Addressable 3 wire servo
DC voltage Continuously Addressable
Decimal Display Continuously Addressable
Computer is part of a closed loop system. As such inputs
and outputs in many cases cannot be specifically specified.
Type Quantity Remarks
Diodes 12,000 Silicon
Transistors 5,000 Silicon
Components are all silicon to meet environment of -
55oC to +100oC.
Checking features include parity and echo check on
loading. Diagnostic checking can also be performed.
Power, computer 1.8 Kw
Volume, computer 4.3 cu ft
Area, computer 3.75 sq ft
Floor loading 50 lbs/sq ft
220 lbs concen max
Weight, computer 220 lbs
No special site preparation requirements.
Number in current production 1
Number on order 1
Time required for delivery12 months
Machine presently in final stages of test.
Training is made available by the Burroughs Corporation,
Military Field Service Division.
System features and construction techniques utilized by
manufacturer to insure required reliability includes potted
sub assemblies (logi mods) for improved heat dissipation
and ease of replacement, all silicon components, and worst
case circuit design to insure operation with change in
circuit parameters.
System utilizes a unique side entry connector with much
higher pin pressure and is designed to MIL E-5400.
Outstanding features include high speed, capacity and
flexibility for extremely small size.
Unique system advantages include a variety of inputs and
outputs, extreme temperature tolerance, and input-output
built on spearate unit to easily modify for other
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS D 203, start page 0172
Burroughs Model D 203
Burroughs Corporation
System is used for special purpose, small scale,
computation and process control.
Internal number system Binary
Binary digits/word 24
Binary digits/instruction 26
Instructions/word 1 arithmetic plus
2 memory transfer
Number of instructions decoded 9
Arithmetic system Fixed point
fractional binary
Instruction type One operand address plus four
memory transfer addresses plus
next instruction address
Number range -2-23 + 1 to +2-23 - 1
Instruction word format
| 0 - 9 | 10 - 15 | 16 - 1 | 20 - 2 |
|Memory Control|Op Address | Operation | Next Inst.|
| | | | Address |
Registers include an accumulator, multiplier,
distribution, instruction, and 2 Buffer Registers.
By means of preselecting operands and placing them in
fast access loops, (re memory transfer control above)
access time problems are eliminated.
Incl. Stor. Access Exclud. Stor. Access
Operation Microsec Microsec
Add 86 86
Mult 3,000 3,000
Div 3,000 3,000
Construction (Arithmetic unit only)
Transistors 2,400
Diodes 2,800
Resistors 4,900
Arithmetic mode Serial
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
No. of No. of Access
Media Words Bin Dig Microsec
Magnetic Drum 5,000 160,000 av. 2500
Fast Access loops 14 448
Minor modifications allow addition of magnetic tape
Media Speed
Serial digital 2 words/200 microsec 24 bits
Parallel digital 1 word/200 microsec 24 bits
13 bit synchro inputs continuous
10 Discrete inputs Relay closures
Media Speed
Six Synchro Outputs continuous 19 bits
Eleven 400 Cycle Voltage continuous 13 bits
Serial Digital1 1 word/200 microsec 24 bits
Parallel Digital 1 word/200 microsec 24 bits
Type Quantity
T6G 6,900
2N404 6,500
Resistors 10,000
Diagnostic routine
Power, computer 0.860 Kw 860 KVA 1.0 pf
Volume, computer 15 cu ft
Area, computer 10 sq ft
Floor loading 200 lbs/sq ft
Weight, computer 600 lbs
Forced air cooling included
Outstanding features include highly accurate analogue
output and continuous updating of analogue outputs by
means of incremental computing unit.
Unique system advantages include complete solution of
access time problems associated with drum by means of novel
memory transfer system. System provides highly accurate
digital element for essentially analogue systems.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS D 204, start page 0174
Burroughs Submarine Computer Model D 204
Burroughs Corporation
System can be used as a general purpose, solid state,
fractional binary, signed magnitude computer. It is
currently utilized for stabilization of submarine periscope
and radiometric sextant in on-line, real time applications.
It has a non-destructive program and constants memory of
the linear select Random Access Memory (RAM) type. A-D and
D-A conversions, utilizing automatic 10 KC extrapolation,
are included.
Internal number system Binary
Binary digits/word 29 including sign and
Binary digits/instruction 17 including parity
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Instruction type One address
Number range Fractional 0 - 1.0
Instruction word format
| Operation | Address | Parity |
| 5 | 11 | 1 |
Automatic built-in subroutines include square root,
multiply, division, shift right and left, gray code
conversion, real time clock operation, sub routine entry
and return.
Automatic coding includes the IBM 704 computer
Accumulator 25 bit encoded register
Buffer register Input-Output register
Program counter 6 Increment register
Address register 8 Total registers
Multiple Quotient register Operation register
Shift register Real Time register
There are approximately 40 holding flip flops used
for control.
Incl. Stor. Access Exclud. Stor. Access
Operation Microsec Microsec
Add 10.2 - 12.6 2.0
Mult 30 - 108 25 - 100
Div 108 100
Construction (Arithmetic unit only)
Transistors 3360(2N269, L5129, GA533242 and others)
Condenser-Diodes 8400 (Diodes-T6G and others, capac-
itors are mostly fixed with porce-
lain dielectric)
Magnetic -Cores 34,000
Other elements 12,000 (Primarily resistors)
Arithmetic mode Parallel
Timing Asynchronous
Operation Concurrent
System is asynchronous in that operations are completed
in varying times, concurrent in that main arithmetic
solutions are concurrent with incremental output updating.
No. of No. of
Media Words Digits
Magnetic Core
Wired core program 1,536 17
Wired core constants 128 29
Random Access Memory
(Linear Select) 128 29
Media Microsec Remarks
Analog to Digital 10.2 3 bit auto shift conversion
Digital 10.2 Maximum 25 bits, serial,
parallel operation
Optical Encoder 6.5 3 multiplex 23 bit parallel
inputs speed is limited by
optical encoder
Manual Switches 25 bits of coded digital,
parallel automatically
Computer contains serial-parallel input-output
Register also contains automatic interrupt and start
from outside control as a function of data
Computer has analog to digital converters, optical
encoder code wheel inputs, gray code converter, digital
input and outputs, six incremental and total extrapolators,
8 channels of digital to analog 10 KC converters, and
manual switch inputs.
Media Microsec Remarks
Analog 50 10 KC Converter
Digital 10.2 25 bits parallel - serial
Type Quantity
TGG 9,890
1N658 130
SG-22 520
Other 550
2N269 1,980
L5129 4,670
2N584 600
Other 1,250
Magnetic Cores 34,000
Includes cores for RAM and program and constants
System has parity, overflow and incrementing overflow,
and self confidence checking features. Analog to digital
null meter and displacement checks are made. Diagnostic
program utilizing card reader, analog output voltage or
difference checks can be made. Computer contains signals to
indicate above
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS D 204, start page 0175
mentioned errors with manual and automatic reset
Power, computer 1.87 Kw 2.18 KVA .86 pf
Volume, computer 22.6 cu ft
Area, computer 4.2 sq ft
Floor loading 552 lbs/sq ft
1,160 lbs concen max
Computer has been designed to operate in ambient
of 75 ¤ 10OF
Weight, computer 1,160 lbs
System utilizes 2 kilowatts of 400 cycle, 3-phase power
and 200 watts of 60 cycle, single-phase power.
Number produced to date 5
Number in current operation 4
Number in current production 5
Number on order 5
Anticipated production ratesone per month
Time required for delivery7 months
Approximately $160,000 depending on quantity.
One technician is required for each 8-hour shift.
Burroughs has provided formal training to naval
personnel in operation and maintenance of the SDC.
Installation, operation and maintenance personnel can be
provided as required.
Computer is designed to operate automatically in real
time applications. Operator is required only for turn-on,
and turn-off, and to insert data into machine in the event
of failure of associated equipments.
Machine essentially satisfies requirements of MIL-I-
Mean time between failures has been calculated to be
above 88 hours and appears to be validated by limited
field experience.
Worst-cast design philosophy has been used throughout.
Outstanding features include self checking feature,
extrapolators, 10 KC digital-analog converters, 8 parallel
channels, card reader testing, easily modified for other
uses, and easily programmed.
Unique system advantages include word length, speed of
operation, input-output accessability, ease of maintenance,
and over-under voltage regulation.
Because of its high computation speed, modifications are
planned to extend the function of the machine in its present
application. Modifications will include substitution of an
8192, 20 bit word electrically alterable program memory, and
a 512 word, 29 bit electrically alterable constants memory
for the wired core memories currently used, and increasing
the working (RAM) memory to 512 words. Logic changes are to
be incorporated which will increase the ease and speed of
programming, and will allow operation with additional inputs
and outputs on a time shared basis.
Two machines have been installed and are operating on
submarines. Two machines are ready for installation.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS D 208, start page 0176
Burroughs Model D 208
Burroughs Corporation
System is suitable for small scale special purpose
computing, process control, and missile guidance.
Internal number system Binary
Binary digits/word 24
Binary digits/instruction 16
Instructions/word 1
Number of instructions decoded 13
Arithmetic system Fixed point fractional
Instruction type One address
Number range -(1 - 2-23) to (1 - 2-23)
Instruction word format
| Operation | Index | Address | Parity |
| | Bits | | |
| 1 - 3 | 5-6 | 7 - 15 | 16 |
| 4 | 2 | 9 | 1 |
Registers include 3 arithmetic registers, 1 Shift
Counter, and two 6 bit "orring" index registers.
Incl. Stor. Access Exclud. Stor. Access
Operation Microsec Microsec
Add 26 26
Mult 700 700
Div 750 750
Construction (Arithmetic unit only)
Transistors 1,100.
Condenser-Diodes 4,750
Resisters 1,850
Inductances 230
Arithmetic mode Serial
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
No. of No. of Access
Media Words Digits Microsec
Non-destructive Ferrite 512 8,192 2
Core Memory
Non-destructive Ferrite 192 4,608 2
Core Memory
Destructive Ferrite Core 64 1,536 2
Although tape units are not presently associated with
the design, minor modifications could allow addition of
such equipment.
Five D.C. voltages with continuous conversion up to
13 bits
Four parallel digital inputs up to 24 bits
Capacity exists for 256 input channels
Seven D. C. voltages, continuous, with 13 bits precision
Fifteen Relay inputs
Four parallel digital outputs, up to 24 bits
Capacity exists for 256 output channels
Type Quantity
Diodes 7,000
Radio Recepter Type DP834 and DP835
Transistors 1,820
Philco Type 2N496 and Fairchild Type 2N697
Magnetic Cores 14,436
30-50 mil cores
Resistors 3,250
Capacitors 1,150
Inductances 420
Packaged in Burroughs Logi-Mod Technique
Parity and diagnostic checking techniques are used.
Power, computer 0.225 Kw
Vole, computer 0.52 cu ft
Area, computer 3 sq ft
Weight, computer 33 lbs
Although some cooling is required, no special air
conditioning facilities are necessary.
Time required for delivery 18 months
System features and construction techniques utilized by the
manufacturer to insure required reliability include completely
modular construction. All components are encapsulated to Logi
Mods to withstand shock, vibrations, and high temperature
gradients. Support structure provides heat removal. Cooling is
provided by air flow through structure. All semiconductors are
outstanding features include compactness, high
performance, suitability for general purpose applications,
and minimum cooling requirements.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS D 209, start page 0177
Burroughs Digital Differential Analyzer
(MADDAM) D 209
Burroughs Corporation
System is a small DDA using advanced packaging
techniques. It may be used in a real time control system,
specifically missile born guidance system. It may be
defined as a high speed serial 16 integrator DDA using a
non-destructive read core memory. System has been referred
to as MADDAM.
Internal number system Binary
Binary digits/word 16
Binary digits/instruction 32
Instructions per word 1/2
Instructions decoded 16
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Twos complement arithmetic is performed at binary rates.
Masks are used to select integrator inputs
Two one-word masks are used to select precessing
Number range 1 - 2-14 to - 1
There is one memory buffer register. Standard DDA
organization of controls are used, with the memory acting
like a drum.
Operation Incl. Stor. Access
Add 32 integrator
Construction (Arithmetic unit only)
Transistors 250
Condensers 1,000
Resistors 350
Capacitors 150
Inductors 60
Arithmetic mode Serial
No. of Access
Media Words Microsec
Non-destructive Read 48 0.5
Magnetic Core
Destructive Read 33 0.5
Magnetic Core
Delta modulation conversion to digital
Delta de-modulation conversion from digital
Type Quantity
PD202-P.S.I. 1,626
Transistors 700
Magnetic Cores 1,296
Parity checking and error recovery
Power, computer Battery operated
Volume, computer 0.1 cu ft
Area, computer 0.3 sq ft
System is desk size
Heat sinks in frame preclude need for air conditioner
Weight, computer 12 lbs
Battery operation precludes need for site preparation
Number produced to date 1
Number in current production several/month
Anticipated production rates l0/month
Computer programs for special purposes are supplied.
Reliability is achieved by macro-module construc-
tion, Fluxlok permanent memory and HTDL logic.
First unit was completed in October 1960.
Outstanding features include the fact that this
extremely small, fast DDA can be used in missile
Unique system advantages include advanced packaging
techniques and Fluxlok memory.
System operates up to 125o at 100%
Machine memory is expandable if desired.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS E 101, start page 0178
Burroughs Model E 101 Electronic Digital Computer
Burroughs Corporation
Photo 50 K bytes
Photo by the Burroughs Corporation
Scientific and business
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Cincinnati Located in
Room 450, 315 S. Main Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, the system
is used for Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Statistics.
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Huntington Located at
502 Eighth Street, Huntington, West Virginia, the system is
used for Hydrology, Hydraulics, Statistics, and Structures.
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia Located at
Operations Division, U. S. Army Engineer District,
Philadelphia, the system is used for Dredging Quantities,
Survey Traverse Closure Adjustments, Sextant Chart Layout,
Reservoir Operations, Back water Profile (subcritical)
including overbank flow, Cross Sectional Areas - Beach
Profile, Deviation, Mean and Skew Computation on Concrete
Samples, Quantity Take-off for Earthfill Dam, and Payroll
Computation and Distribution.
U. S. A. Corps of Engineer, Tulsa Located at Tulsa,
Oklahoma, the system is used for Hydraulic, Hydrologic,
Civil Engineering and Payroll Computations.
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Washington Located at
1st & Douglas Streets, N. W., Washington D. C., the s stem
is used for Hydraulics & Hydrology (Engineering, Statistics
(Engineering), Structural
Design (Engineering), and Cost Distribution (Accounting).
[ 1/3 page of Applications not included ]
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS E 101, start page 0179
Photo 50 K bytes
Photo by the Burroughs Corporation
Internal number system Binary coded decimal
Decimal digits/word 12 + sign
Decimal digits/instruction 3
Instructions per word 1
Instructions decoded 27
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Instruction type One address
Number range -10 (1-10-11) < n <+10 (1-1011)
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS E 101, start page 0180
Incl Stor Access
Add 50,000
Mult 250,000
Div 250,000
Construction (Arithmetic unit only)
Constructed of vacuum tubes and diodes
Arithmetic modeSerial
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
No. of No. ofAccess
Media Words Digits Microsec
Magnetic Drum 220 2,6408,500
Paper Tape
Punch Cards
External pinboard programming, 128 program steps.
Drum makes one rotation in 16.9 milliseconds.
Media Speed
Keyboard Manual
Paper Tape 0.5 sec to read
Cards 20 char/sec
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia
11 column Keyboard24 char/sec
Sensimatic Model F-1
Punched Paper Tape Input,20 char/sec
Model A531
8 channel tape
Duplex Paper Tape Input,20 char/sec
Model A532
8 channel tape
Duplex Unit permits reading of two input tapes
alternately and provides program extension.
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Tulsa
Keyboard 533 Milliseconds
Paper Tape 50D + 133 Milliseconds,
where D = Number of digits.
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Washington
Punched Paper Tape 20 char/sec
11 Digit Keyboard
NATC, Patuxent River
Keyboard Manual
Paper Tape 0.5 sec to read
The Tape Input Unit, Model A531, is capable of accepting a
seven channel punched paper data tape prepared in the
Burroughs 204 code or standard E101-3 code. Choice is made
with an externally mounted, manually operated switch. Entries
regarding input are from manufacturer's specifications.
Automobile Carriers, Inc.
Keyboard 7 char/sec, plus sign
Paper Tape20 char/sec, plus sign
Burroughs Military Electronic Computer Division
Card (A53617 digits/sec
Not suitable for data reduction programs for large
quantity of input. Adequate for wide range of application in
research, design, and business.
Media Speed
Full 71 Column Keyboard
Paper Tape (Duplex)20 char/sec
2 reading heads permit simultaneously use of 2
program-or data-tapes. Instructions are executed
directly from tape and therefore do not require storage
Colorado State University
Cards 20 char/sec
Media Speed
Printer (Sensimatic) 24 digits/sec
Paper Tape 0.33 sees to punch Buffered
Punch Card 20 char/sec Buffered
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Huntington
Printer 24 dec dig/sec
Paper Tape 600 dec dig/min
NATC, Patuxent River The Tape Punch, Model A516, is
capable of preparing a data tape in the seven channel
Burroughs 204 code in addition to punching a program or
data tape in E101-3 code.
Automobile Carriers
Posting Machine 20 char/sec
Paper Tape 10 char/sec (For data)
13 char/sec (For instructions)
Printer (ganged)Two 12-digit words/sec
Tape Punch 20 char/sec
Type Quantity
Tubes 160
Diodes 1,800
Manufacturer Checking features include plug-in
circuitry, marginal voltage checking, internal program
checking, parity check on paper tape input and output, and
automatic error detection in printing circuits.
Power, computer 3 Kw
Room size Desk size
Weight, computer 1,800 lbs
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Cincinnati
Power, computer 3 Kw
Volume, computer 60 cu ft
Area, computer 20 sq ft
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Huntington
Room size 10.5 Ft x 19.0 ft
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia Enclosed
12 1/2 ft x 16 ft space and extended existing power service
to provide 2 - 220 volt service lines in room.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS E 101, start page 0181
[ 1/3 page of user installation experience not included ]
Number in current operation 127
Time required for delivery 4 months
Cost Rental
Basic System $29,750 $875
Computer, Model E-101. (In-
cludes Magnetic Drum Memory
of 220 words of 12 digits each,
16 removable pinboards for ex-
ternal programming (eight pin-
boards may be used with the E-101
at one time) and Keyboard Printer
with 11-column keyboard for input,
and 12 digit + sign output
Additional equipment
Punched Paper Tape Input 2,950 85
Punched Paper Tape Output 2,950 85
Punched Card Input 3,450 105
Punched Card Output 2,375 70
Preventive maintenance is performed monthly by the
Burroughs engineers, other service is on an "ON-CALL" basis.
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Cincinnati
Basic system
G. S. A. Contract $1,000/month.
Additional equipment
G. S. A. Contract Tape Input $100/month.
Maintenance/service contracting is included in the
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia
Cost Rental
Computer, Model E-101$38,325$1,000
Punched Paper Tape Input, 3,765100
Model A531
Duplex Paper Tape Input, 2,37565
Model A532
Maintenance/service contracting is included in month-
ly rental; $2,600 is paid annually on purchased equip-
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Tulsa Flexowriter
cost $2,623.50. E-101 Computer rents at $1,000 per
month. Tape Input Unit rents at $165 per month and Tape
Output Unit rents at $100 per month. Flexowriter
service is $150 per year.
NATC, Patuxent River 1 E101-3 Computer, 1 Punched
Paper Tape Input Unit, Model A531, and 1 Punched Paper
Tape Output Unit, Model A516 cost $33,100.
Automobile Carriers Inc.
Rentalrate for basic system is $875 per month.
Rental rates for additional equipment per month
Tape Input $100
Tape Outputs 100
Additional pinboards 50
Burroughs Military Electronic Computer Division The E
101-3, A536, and A516 is rented at $1,300 per month.
Hudson Engineering Corporation
Two of the following systems were purchased:
Computer $30,000
Tape Input 2,500
Tape Output 3,500
A Flexowriter was purchased at $2,500.
Maintenance/service is $2,500/year on each system.
U. S. Rubber Company Research Center
Computer $37,730
Tape Input Unit 6,810.
Tape Output Unit 4,010
Additional Pinboard Units 360
Maintenance service at $2,780 per annum.
ZOOMAR Inc. System cost $36,550. Additional
equipment rents at $3,480 per annum. Maintenance
service cost $2,400 per annum.
Colorado State University
Computer only, with educational discount $30,000
Cost of input 2,500
IBM-EAM 220/mo.
Burrough Service Contract $2,400/year.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS E 101, start page 0182
One 8-Hour Shift
Programmers 1
Operators 1
Engineers 1
Programming and operating instructions will be given at no
cost to the customer either at his installation or at the
manufacturer's facilities.
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Cincinnati One
part time supervisor and one operator. Operation
tends toward open shop. Manufacturer's training is
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Huntington
One 8-Hour Shift
Supervisors 1 part time
Programmers 1 part time
Operators 1
Manufacturerts training is used.
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia
One 8-Hour Shift
Used Recommended
Programmers 1/2 1/2
Operators 1/2 1/2
In-Output Opera 1/2 1/2
Operation tends toward closed shop.
Classroom instruction by Burroughs Corporation in
basic programming and operating techniques. On-the-
job training for operators and programmers as re-
U. S. A. Corps ofEngineers, Tulsa
one 8-Hour Shift
Used Recommended
Supervisors 1 1 part time
Operators 1 1 part time
Operation tends toward open shop.
Two day programming schools conducted by Burroughs
Corporation are utilized.
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Washington
one 8-Hour shift
Used Recommended
Supervisors 1/4 1
Programmers 1/2 1
Engineers 1/2 1
Operation tends toward open shop.
Training accomplished by manufacturer at no cost.
NATC, Patuxent River
One 8-Hour Shift
Used Recommended
Supervisors 1 1
Programmers 14 14
Operation tends toward open shop.
The training received by programmers is that which
is available through the computer manufacturer. Pro-
gramming is not a primary duty of mathematicians or
mathematics aids.
Automobile Carriers Inc.
One 8-Hour Shift
Programmers 1
Operators 1
Operation tends toward open shop.
Burroughs Military Electronic Computer Division
One 8-Hour Shift
Used Recommended
Supervisors 1 1
Analysts 1 1
Programmers 1 1
Clerks 1 1
Operation tends toward closed shop.
Classroom type grouped training is given.
Hudson Engineering Corporation
one 8-Hour Shift ...
Supervisors 1
Programmers 1
Operators 2
Operation tends toward open shop.
On-the-job training is given.
U. S. Rubber Company Research Center
One 8-Hour Shift
Supervisors 1
Analysts 1
Programmers 1
Operation tends toward closed shop.
Methods of training used include on-the-job training
and partial tuition refund plan.
One 8-Hour Shift
Analysts-Programmers 1
Operators 1
Operation tends towards closed shop.
Colorado State University
One 8-Hour Shift
Used Recommended
Supervisors 1
Analysts 1
Programmers 6 6
Coders 0 10
Clerks 2 2
Librarians 0 1
Operators 1 2
Engineers 1 1
Technicians 0 1
Operation tends toward open shop.
Methods of training used:
Seminars for staff personnel
Regular classes for students
System is used for instruction in computer
programming, coding, and operating.
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Cincinnati
Good time 41 Hours/Week (Average
Attempted to run time42 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.98
Above figures based on period from Apr 57 to Jun 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test Nov 56
Time is available for rent to certain qualified
outside organizations.
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Huntington
Good time 39 Hors eek Average
Attempted to run time40 Hours//Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to rim time) .09T5
Above figures based on period from Feb 58 to Jun 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test Feb 58
Time is not available for rent to outside organiza-
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia
Average error-free running period 18 months
Operating ratio (Good Attempted to run time) 1.0
Above figures based on period 1 Jan 60 to 30 Jun 6o
Passed Customer Acceptance Test 18 Jul 60
Time is available for rent to qualified outside or-
Information based on rental on a service bureau E-101
computer used exclusively by this organization. This
organization has experienced only one occasion in 18 months
of operation of service bureau machine wherein the E-101
made an undetected error. Time would be made available for
rental to outside organizations on a second shift basis.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS E 101, start page 0183
Qualified operators would normally be expected to be
provided by user.
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Tulsa
Average error-free running period 1 Week
Good time 34 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time40 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.85
Above figures based on period 1 Feb 58 to 31 Jun 60 Passed
Customer Acceptance Test L Feb 58
Time is not available for rent to outside organizations.
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Washington
Average error-free running period 1 Month
Good time 21 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time22 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.96
Above figures based on period from Jun 58 to Jun 60 Passed
Customer Acceptance Test 1 Jul 60
Time is available for rent to outside organizations.
Running time data based on E-101 installation.
Current system installed 1 July 1960.
NATC, Patuxent River
Operating experience is kept on a monthly basis. The figures
below are monthly averages:
Production 54.1
Program Checking 13.8
Idle 72.9
Down 11.6
Above figures based on period 1 Jan 60 to 31 Mar 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test Aug 59
Automobile Carriers Inc.
Good time 31 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time33 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.94
Above figures based on period 1 Aug 60 to 31 Aug 60 Time
is available for rent to qualified outside organizations.
Burroughs Military Electronic Computer Division
Good time35 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time40 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.8T5
Above figures based on period from Jan 58 to Jan 59
Time is not available for rent to outside organiza-
Hudson Engineering Corporation
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.90
Time is available for rent to qualified outside
Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York
Time is not available for rent to outside organizations.
U. S. Rubber Company Research Center
Good time21.4 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time23.1 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.926
Above figures based on period1 Oct 59 to 1 Jul 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test Dec 57
Tim is not available for rent to outside organizations.
Good time 32 Hours/Week Average
Attempted to run time40 Hours/Week (Average
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.80
Above figures based on period 1 Jan to 31 Jul
Time is not available for rent to outside organizations.
Bucknell University
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.8 Passed
Customer Acceptance Test Jul 58
Time is available for rent to qualified outside
Colorado State University
Good time 15 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time18 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.833
Above figures based on period from Aug 58 to Apr 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test Aug 58
Time is available for rent to outside organizations.
Manufacturer Card output adapter permits connection
of a keypunch to enable output data only from the computer
accumulator. The multiple input adapter enables the
simultaneous connection of a punch paper tape input and a
punch card input, a duplex paper tape input and a punched
card input or a duplex paper tape input and a second paper
tape input. Unique system advantages include ease of
programming and complete formatting ability with the
Burroughs Sensimatic Printer.
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Huntington
Outstanding features include ease of programming.
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia Outstanding
features are operating flexibility automatic or operator
intervention, external pinboard programming permits program
modification or alteration with minimum of delay, and
automatic address modification by means of 2 counters for
sequencing in repetitive operations. External pinboard
programming is unique with the E-101; provides a means of
quickly and easily modifying program based on intermediate
results, experience and ,judgment.
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Washington This
machine is very easy to program and operate, thus
enabling engineering personnel to program and run their
own programs.
NATC, Patuxent River Unique system advantages
include tape input and output compatibility with other
systems, such as semiautomatic film readers, Datatron 204,
and electric plotter.
Burroughs Military Electronic Computer Division
Outstanding features include ease of operation. The system
brings advantages of electronic computation into the area
of small calculating problems.
U. S. Rubber Company Research Center
Outstanding features include programming simplicity and
ease of operation.
Unique system advantages include rapid program
development, which permits economical use of computer for
many "one-shot" programs as well as standard routines.
Paper tape is stored in special loose-leaf binder.
ZOOMAR Inc Outstanding features are ease of
programming and operation. System can be operated like a desk
calculator, but at much greater speed. Allows the economical
handling of problems, usually not assignable to larger
digital computers.
Colorado State University An outstanding feature is
its simplicity. It serves as an excellent training device.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS E 101, start page 0184
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Huntington We
will expand to two shifts.
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia Plan
to obtain Punched Paper Tape Output, Model A516
($100/monthly lease) to be able to handle additional
accounting applications.
NATC, Patuxent River Purchase of a duplex paper
tape input unit for use with the installed Model A531
Tape Input Unit. This will form a system whereby commands
and data in E101-3 or Burroughs 204 code may be read
alternately without changing tapes.
U. S. Army Chemical Center
Edgewood, Maryland
Army Ballistics Missile Agency
Redstone Arsenal Huntsville, Alabama
Army Ballistic Missile Agency
Cape Canavaral, Florida
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Ohio River 315 -
335 Main Street Cincinnati, Ohio
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Huntington 502
8th Street Huntington 1, West Virginia
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia 2635
Abbottsford Avenue Philadelphia 29, Pennsylvania
U. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Tulsa
Tulsa, Oklahoma
U.. S. A. Corps of Engineers, Washington
First and Douglas Streets NW Washington 25, D. C.
Frankford Arsenal
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
White Sands Missile Range New Mexico
Bureau of Yards and Docks
Washington, D. C.
Armament Test, NATC,
Patuxent River, Maryland
David Taylor Model Basin
Carderock, Maryland
U. S. Naval Research Laboratory
Vanguard Project Cape Canaveral, Florida
Edwards Air Force Base
Wright Air Development Center
Wright -Patterson Air Force Base
Fairborn, Ohio
Defense Supply Service
Washington, D. C.
California Institute of Technolo Jet
Propulsion Laboratories (NASA Pasadena,
Space Technology Laboratories Los
Angeles, California
Department of Public Works City and County of San
Francisco, City Hall San Francisco, California
Aerojet-General Corporation
Azusa, California
Beech Aircraft Corporation
Wichita, Kansas
Bell Helicopter Corporation
Fort Worth, Texas
Boeing Airplane Company
Flight Test Division
Seattle, Washington
San Diego, California
Douglas Aircraft Company El
Segundo, California
Fairchild Guided Missiles Astrionics
Division Wyandauch, Long Island, New York
Hughes Aircraft Company
Culver City, California
McDonnell Aircraft Corporation
St. Louis, Missouri
North American Aviation
Los Angeles, California
Pratt and Whitney Aircraft
East Hartford, Connecticut
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
First National City Bank ,
New York City, Hew York
Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York 140
Broadway New York 15, New York
Wachovie Bank and Trust Company
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Aetna Life Insurance Company
Hartford, Connecticut
Colonial Life Insurance Company
East Orange, New Jersey
General Insurance Cry of America Seattle,
Mutual Insurance Advisory Association New
York City, New York
Mutual Insurance Company of New York New
York City, New York
National Bureau of Casualty Underwriters New
York City, New York
The Travelers Insurance Company
Hartford, Connecticut
Ethyl Corporation
Detroit, Michigan
Humble 011 Company
Baytown, Texas
Standard 011 Company
Cleveland, Ohio
Sun Oil Company Philadelphia,
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS E 101, start page 0185
Alega Engineers Incorporated
Houston, Texas
All American Engineering Company
Wilmington, Delaware
American Research Corporation
Atlanta, Georgia
American Totalisator Company
Baltimore, Maryland
Automobile Carriers, Inc. P.
0. Box 128 Flint, Michigan
Burroughs Military Electronic Computer Division 14300
Tireman Detroit 28, Michigan
Edgerton, Germeshausen and Grier, Inc.
Boston, Massachusetts
General Electric Company
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
General Electric Company
Syracuse, New York
Hudson Engineering Corporation
5900 Hillcroft Houston, Texas
Kollmorgen Optical Corporation
Northampton, Massachusetts
Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Company
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Morgan Construction Company
Worcester, Massachusetts
Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation New
Haven, Connecticut
Paoli Research Center
Burroughs Corporation
Paoli, Pennsylvania
Praeger-Kavanagh Engineering New
York City, New York
Radio Corporation of America
Waltham, Massachusetts
Smith Kline and French Laboratories
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Tung - Sol Electric Incorporated
Newark, New Jersey
The Upjohn Company
Kalamazoo, Michigan
U. S. Rubber Company Research Center Alps
Road Wayne, New Jersey
U. S. Steel Corporation
Monroeville, Pennsylvania
Ward Raking Cosy
Chicago, Illinois
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Aviation Gas Turbine Division Kansas
City, Missouri
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Sharon, Pennsylvania
ZOOMAR Incorporated 55 Sea Cliff
Avenue Glen Cove, Long Island, New
Bucknell University
Lewisburg, Pennsylvania
Colorado State University
Computing Center Fort
Collins, Colorado
Georgetown University
Washington, D. C.
Institute of Textile Technology
Charlottesville, Virginia
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts
New York University New
York City, New York
Syracuse University
Syracuse, New York
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio
University of Detroit
Detroit, Michigan
University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS E 102, start page 0186
Burroughs Model E 102 Electronic Digital Computer
Burroughs Corporation
Photo 50 K bytes
Photo by the Burroughs Corporation
Photo by U. S. Army Engineer District, Kansas City
Manufacturer Scientific and business. System is
similar to the BURROUGHS E 101.
U.S. Army Engineer District, Kansas City
Located on the Mezz. Floor, Federal Office Building,
Kansas City 6, Missouri, the system is used for
engineering, mathematical and scientific applica-
tions, including structural analysis and design,
hydraulic and hydrological studies, soils, earth-
work and dredging, and topography and geodetics.
Burroughs Corporation
Located at the Burroughs Corporation, Military
Electronic Computer Division, 14300 Tireman, Detroit
28, Michigan, the system is used for the generation
of SAGE AN/FST-2 performance parameters such as
availability, reliability, maintainability, and
mean-time-between-failures; for the SAGE AN/FST-2
critical part and assembly removal rate analysis.
Unitsthat were removed at an excessive rate during
a given period are determined and listed; and for
miscellaneous tabulations such as public voucher
accounting tabulations listing total expenditures
on a given contract by account number for material,
labor, burden, % G and A, etc.
Burroughs Corporation
Located at the Burroughs Corporation, Methods and
Procedures Division, 6071 Second Avenue, Detroit 32,
Michigan, the system is used for inventory extension,
salesquota calculation, master card part cost exten-
sion,and miscellaneous engineering design problems.
Edgerton, Germeshausen & Grier, Inc.
Located at 160 Brookline Avenue, Boston, Mass., the
system is used for photogrammetric data processing
(triangulations, dimensional measurements), statis-
ticalcalculations (correlation coefficients, least
squares curve fitting, etc.), and occasional business
statistical uses.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS E 102, start page 0187
Space Technology Laboratories, Inc. Located at the
Computation and Data Reduction Center, 2400 E. E1 Segundo
Blvd., E1 Segundo, California, the system is used for small
scale scientific computations.
Internal number system Binary coded decimal
Decimal digits/word 12 + sign
Decimal digits/instruction 3
Instructions/word 1
Instructions decoded 27
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Instruction type One address
Number range-10 (1-10-ll) < n < +10 (1-10)
Incl Stor Access
Add 50,000
malt 250,000
Div 250,000
Construction (Arithmetic unit only)
Constructed of vacuum tubes and diodes
Arithmetic mode Serial
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS E 102, start page 0188
No. of No. of Access
Media Words Digits Microsec
Magnetic Drum 220 2,640 8,500
Paper Tape
Punch Cards
External pinboard programming, 128 program steps.
Drum makes one rotation in 16.9 milliseconds.
All of the above five reporting users utilize the
220 word magnetic drum memory.
Media Speed
Keyboard Manual
Paper Tape 0.5 sec. to read
Card 20 char/sec
All of the five reporting users utilize the 11 column
keyboard and punched paper tape input.
Media Speed
Printer (Sensimatic) 24 digits/sec
Paper Tape 0.33 sees to punch
Punch Card 20 char/sec
All of the five reporting users utilize the Sensi-
matic Printer.
Type Quantity
Tubes 160
Diodes 1,800
Checking features include plug-in circuitry, marginal
voltage checking, internal program checking, parity check
on paper tape input and output, and automatic error
detection in printing circuits.
Power, computer 3 Kw
Room size, computer Desk Size
Weight, computer 1,800 lbs
USAD, Kansas City
Power, computer 3.0 Kw3.0 KVA 1.0 pf
Volume, computer 50 cu ft
Area, computer 17 sq ft
Room size, computer 18 ft x 23 ft
Floor loading 82.5 lbs/sq ft
1,400 lbs concen max
Weight, computer 1,400 lbs
Basically the only site preparation was the insta-
llation of an adequate power supply. (115-230 volt,
3-wire, single-phase circuitIf building air con-
ditioning is not available, about 1 1/2 tons would
be required for the space utilized.
Burroughs Corp., 14300 Tireman
Power, computer 2.8-5.7 KVA
Volume, computer Desk Size
Area, computer 100 sq ft
Room size, computer 144 sq ft
Voltage:230 three-phase, 115 three-phase; 25 amps.
No installation preparations other than electrical
power line. Six 7 inch fans.
Burroughs Corp.
Power, computer 2.8-5.7 KVA
Area, computer 100 sq ft
Room size, computer144 sq ft
No installation preparations other than electrical
power line. Six 7 inch fans.
E, G & G, Inc.
Power, computer 3.5 Kw
Area, computer 20 sq ft
Room size, computer 12 ft x 12 ft
Computer generates 12,000 BTU. We have no special air
conditioner. The computer is located in standard air
conditioned environment. No special building modifications.
Installation of power cable required; 115 230 volt, 3 wire
single phase plus ground.
Power, computer 2.5 KVA
Volume, computer1,500 cu ft
Area, computer 150 sq ft
Floor loading 80 lbs/sq ft
Air conditioner is included in house system. No special
site preparation required.
Number in current operation 127
Time required for delivery 4 months
USAD, Kansas City
E-102 Computer rents at $1,000/month.
Model A531 Punched Paper Tape Input Unit rents for
Maintenance is furnished along with the basic
rental price of the system.
Burroughs Corp., 14300 Tireman
The E-102 and A531 rents at $1,175/month.
Burroughs Corp.
The E-102 and A531 purchase cost was $42,090.
E, G & G, Inc.
The E-102 cost $30,000.
The tape input unit cost $10,000.
No contract - service as required.
System cost $28,000 and rents at $1,100/month. Ser-
vice is included in rental.
Each 8-Hour Shift
Programmer 1
Operator 1
Engineer 1
Programming and operating instructions will be
given at no cost to the customer either at his in-
stallation or at the manufacturer's facilities.
USAD, Kansas City
One 8-Hour Shift
Used Recommended
Supervisors 1 1
Programmers 1 2
Clerks 1 1
The supervisor is also a programmer.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS E 102, start page 0189
Operation tends toward open shop. The installation is
operated as an "open shop" with "closed shop" programming
assistance as required. The semi-open shop method of
operation is desirable due to the simplicity of machine
operation and due to the fact that open shop operation
stimulates interest at the problem solving level and permits
our design engineers to telescope years of design experience
into a few months.
Methods of training used includes formal programming
training by manufacturer, individual instruction by
installation employees, and on-the-,job training. Burroughs
Corp., 14300 Tireman
One 8-Hour Shift
Supervisors 1 1
Analysts 1 1
Programmers 1 1
Clerks 1 1
Operation tends toward closed shop.
Method of training used is classroom type training.
Burroughs Corp.
One part time operator is required.
Operation tends toward open shop.
Method of training used is personal instruction. E, G
& G, Inc.
One 8-Hour Shift
Supervisors 1
Analysts 2
Operation tends toward closed shop.
Methods of training used is two day programming and
operators course given by our own personnel to
indoctrinate new analysts. STL
Two programmers used and recommended.
Operation tends toward closed shop.
Method of training used is on-the-,job training.
USAD, Kansas City
Good time 40.2 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time40.5 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.992
Above figures based on period 1 Jan 60 to 1 Jut 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test Jan 58
Time is not available for rent to outside organizations.
Good time includes production and testing. Attempted to run
time includes production and testing and wasted effort due to
machine errors.
Burroughs Corp., 14300 Tireman
Good time 35 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time 40 Ir(Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.875
Above figures based on period from Jan 58 to Jan 59
Time is not available for rent to outside organiza-
Burroughs Corp.
Good time9.5 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time10 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.95
Above figures based on period from Nov 57 to Jul 60
Time is available for rent to outside organizations.
E, G & G, Inc.
Good time 38 Hours/Week Average
Attempted to run time40 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.95
Above figures based on period from Feb 57 to Aug 60 Passed
Customer Acceptance Test Feb 57
Time is not available for rent to outside organizations.
We used this computer at Las Vegas, Nevada, for
nuclear weapons test data processing April-October,
1957.During that time it was on a two shift, seven
day week operation. Performance was excellent.
Good time38.5 Hours//Week (Average)
Attempted to run time36 =://Week (Average;
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.94
Above figures based on period from Apr 60 to Jun 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test Feb 57
Time is available for rent to qualified outside or-
Card output adapter permits connection of a keypunch to
enable output data only from the computer accumulator. The
multiple input adapter enables the simultaneous connection
of a punch paper tape input and a punch card input, a
duplex paper tape input and a punched card input or a
duplex paper tape input and a second paper tape input.
Unique system advantages include ease of programming and
complete formatting ability with the Burroughs Sensimatic
USAD, Kansas City
Outstanding features are ease of programming, operation
and debugging. A complete ADDS installation is contained in
the basic machine.
The addition of a tape input unit increases the
capacity of the E-102, but the machine is, in most cases,
too slow for long and complex problems that require large
amounts of data input.
Burroughs Corp., 14300 Tiremaa Outstanding features
are ease of operation and it brings advantages of electronic
computation into the area of small calculating problems.
Burroughs Corp. Outstanding features are ease of
operation and electronic speed on small calculating
E, G & G, Inc. Unique system advantages are
compactness, high amount of up time with minimum service
USAD, Kansas City
A request to discontinue rental of the Burroughs E-102
Electronic Computer with tape input unit and to install an
IBM 1620 Data Processing System is under consideration. This
new system would increase the problem solving capacity of the
district and will also lend itself to the solution of more
complex problems which, at this time, due to machine
limitations (storage and speed), are not feasible or
The new system, if approved, would include:
1 IBM 1620 Data Processing System
1 IBM046 Tape to Card Converter
1 IBM063 Card to Tape Converter
1 IBM022 Printing Card Punch
1 IBM 056 Card Verifier
1 IBMSeries 50 Card Sorter
1 Model FPC-8 Flexowriter
E, G & G, Inc.-Possibility exists of replacing current
computer with newer versions in same operating and
price ranges.
U.S. Army Engineer District, Kansas City, Mo.
Burroughs Corporation, 14300 Tireman, Detroit, Mich.
Burroughs Corporation, 6071 2nd Ave., Detroit, Mich.
Edgerton, Germeshausen & Grier, 160 Brookline, Boston
Space Technology Laboratories, E1 Segundo Calif
University of Pennsylvania, 200 S. 33rd St, Phila 4, Pa
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS E 103, start page 0190
Burroughs Model E 103 Electronic Digital Computer
Burroughs Corporation
Photo, 50 K bytes
Photo by the Burroughs Corporation
Manufacturer Desk size system for general purpose
computing. David Taylor Model Basin Located on the second
floor of the Hydromechanics Laboratory building, the
system is used for solving engineering and scientific
problems by the engineer an scientist in order that he get
a feel for the problem, particularly if the problem is not
sufficiently complex to ,justify programming on a larger
computer, such as the IBM 704.
Internal number system Decimal
Decimal digits/word 12 plus sign
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Instruction type One address
Instruction word format
| Operation Code | Tens level | Units level |
| | of address | of address |
| W | 1 | 5 |
W -Write contents of accumulator into cell 15,
leaving copy in accumulator
Accumulator - 12 digits plus sign, "Clearing House" for
all data to and from memory.
B register - 11 digits plus sign. Holds the multiplicand
or the divisor during multiplication or division,
The E 103 is an externally programmed machine through
replaceable pinboards. Metal contact pins dropped through the
pinboard, provide the contacts to an internally wired program.
29 different commends are available before being modified by
mechanical stepping switches. A maximum of 128 program steps
can be stored on the machine at any one time.
Floating point may be programmed.
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS E 103, start page 0191
Incl Stor Access Exclud Stor Access
Microsec Microsec
Add 51,000 42,500
Mult 250,000 241,500
Div 300,000 291,500
Construction (Arithmetic unit only)
Vacuum tubes 180
Diodes 1,400
Arithmetic mode Serial
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
Manufacturer Average
No. of No. of Access
Medium Words Digits Microsec
Drum 220 12 plus sign 8,500
Media Speed
Keyboard Manual
Paper Tape 20 char/sec
Card 20 or 17 card columns/sec
Field modified IBM Style 024 or 026 Keypunch with
Burroughs Transiator. An 11 column keyboard is used.
Semi-Ganged Printer 24 digits/sec
Punched Paper Tape 10 char/sec
Punched Card 20 or 17 card column/sec
Field modified IBM Style 024 or 026 Keypunch with
Burroughs Transistor
BRL 1961, BURROUGHS E 103, start page 0192
Vacuum tubes 250
Diodes 2,000
Manufacturer Checking features include pin check
(missing pins), print check, overflow alarm, memory alarm
in case of failure to read or write properly, and
keyboard check.
Power, computer 1.85 Kw 2.2 KVA 0.85 Pf
Vole, computer 40 cu ft
Area, computer 16 sq ft
Room size 10 ft x 10 ft
Floor loading 93 lbs/sq ft
Weight, computer 1,500 lbs
Air conditioning is required if room temperature
is higher than 90oF. 1 1/2 tons of air conditioning
is recommended when the room temperature is higher
than 90oF. Two 3/4 ton window units are satisfactory.
David Taylor Model Basin
Room size Small office approx. 50 sq ft
Air conditioner Window type unit
Capacity, air conditioner 1 Ton
Required 220 volt, single phase, 3 wire line.
Number produced to date 210
Number in current operation 166
Number in current production 54
Anticipated production rate 60/year
Time required for delivery 3 months
Cost Rental
Ts 103 Computer $29,750 $875
Paper Tape Input 2,950 85
Duplex Tape Reader 2,150 65
Retched Card Input 3,450 105
Punched Card output 2,375 70
Multiple Input Adapter 575 20
Punched Tape output 2,950 85
First year maintenance is rendered gratis on purchase,
$2,000/year including maintenance, parts, travel time,
thereafter. Maintenance is included in lease rate.
David Taylor Model Basin Basic computer expanded
memory drum, tape input and tape output rent at
Training is made available by tbe manufacturer to the
user. No assigned personnel are required if system is
operated on an open shop basis. David Taylor Model Basin
The machine is a simple programmed desk size computer
that requires no specialized operators. The engineer and
physicist programs and runs his own problem.
Classes are held (less than a week long) whenever the
occasion demands.
Design of machine coupled with preventive maintenance
schedule has provided experience of 97.3$ up-time.
David Taylor Model Basin
Good time 16.7 Hours/Week Average
Attempted to run time 17.2 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.97
Above figures based on period 1 Apr 59 to 31 Mar 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test 11 Jun 57
Time is not available for rent to outside organiza-
Manufacturer Outstanding features include low cost,
external programming, and a great variety of input-output
adjuncts. Printer versatility, due to design, includes a
semi-ganged printer, front feed carriage, and an accounting
machine carriage movement. Unique system advantages are that
the system is an ideal open shop computer and is perfectly
suited for business, engineering, statistical and scientific
System will be up-dated on a continuing basis.
David Taylor Model Basin
Hydromechanics Laboratory
Washington 7, D. C.
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