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But first: Video of a model 28 TeleType banging away with covers removed
and North American Data Communications Museum
spotted by Dave Lion
Teletype Mod 28 Maintenance Manual
Notebook from Bob Erickson, October 2010
Bob Erickson had purchased an old Teletype Model 28, with a stuck main shaft, figuring he could get it working again, and he did. Bob asked if I would scan his manual and post it so some fellow in Illinois could use the information. - And here it is -
Bob's "Manual" is a three ring notebook, about 1.25 inches thick, with about 25 fold out pages about 24 or more inches wide. Scanning the fold out pages, and stitching them together was "interesting". I tried 5 different free stitch software packages, and highly recommend Microsoft's Image Composite Editor. I tried it with out reading the manual (of course, I are a enjineer) and in 4 minutes it was doing wonderful work.
The manual had no tabs, so I divided it into 4 functional parts - sequenced as in Bob's notebook
- Model 28 Teletwriter (sp) Stunt Box (15 pages) P70.035 - 1.5 megabytes .pdf
- Section 15 Model 28 Teletypwriter Pictorial Material (72 images) - 8.1 megabytes .pdf
- 28 Teletypewriter Description and Operating Principles (63 pages) Section P70.034, Issue 1, August, 1953, AT&T Provisional - 11 megabytes .pdf
- A section of 31 mostly fold-out pages -size ranging from 0.3 to 1.2 megabytes, many with student added colored lines tracing signals.
- Section P90.015 - 15 TTY-15 N Table, Private Line Service with 128B2 TTY Sub Set
- Section P90.017 - 19 TTY-19 N Table, Private Line Service with 128B2 TTY Sub Set
- Section P90.018 - 128B2 or 130B1 TTY sub set arranged for wall mounting
- Section P90.025 - 128C3 or 130B1 TT sub set for attended and unattended TWX service ...
- Section P90.031 - TTY Station Assembly in 28B TTY cabinet Private Line ...
- Section P90.032 - TTY Station Assembly 28B TTY Cabinet PLS Station without ...
- P90.033 - TTY Station Assy 28B TTY Cabinet, Attended TLS Stations 128C2, 128C3, 130B1 ...
- P90.034 - TTY Station Assy 28B TTY Cabinet, UNAttended TLS Stations 128C2, 128C3, 130B1 ...
- P90.511 - 15 TTY-15N Table TWP Service - 128B2 TTY Sub set Two Loop, Magnet Rec.
- B2 Sub Set - Wired for Single-line Single-loop, Type B Polorential - 69 cycle Induction ...
- P90.512 - 15 TTY-15N Table TWP Service - 128B2 TTY Sub set, Single Loop OP w Emergency
- P90.514 - Attended TWX Service, Over Local Line to TTY SWBDS, NO.1,1A,3A,3C,5 ...
- 128C3 Sub. Set Type B Polarential
- P90.515 - 128C3 TTY Sub. Set Attended TWX Service, 15N TTY Table
- P90.516 - 128C3 TTY Sub. Set UNAttended TWX Service, 15N TTY Table
- P90.711 - 19 TTY-19A Table, TWP Service with 128B2 TTY Sub Set, Single Loop, Emergency
- P90.713 - 128C3 TTY Sub. Set Attended TWX Service. 19A TTY Table
- P90.714 - 128C3 TTY Sub. Set UNAttended TWX Service. 19A TTY Table
- P90.904 - 15 TTY-15N Table with 15B Control Panel. Local Attended TWX Service ...
- P90.905 - 15 TTY-15N Table with 15 F Control Panel. Local Attended TWX Service ...
- P90.909 - 15 TTY-15N Table - 120C1 Set, UNAttended service to No 3A or 5 Switch ...
- P90.954 - 19 Type Teletypewriter, Typical 115 v a.c. Single Op w 15C base
- P90.954 - 19 Type Teletypewriter, Typical 115 v a.c. Single Op w 15C base (hand colored)
- P91.075 - 28 Type Teletypewriter, Private Line Service, Send-Receive ...
- P91.101 - 28 Type Teletypewriter in 28B TTY Cabinet Attended TWX Service Relay Operation
- 128C3 Sub. Set Type B Polarential
- P91.118 - 28 Type Teletypewriter in 28B TTY Cabinet Attended TWX Service 128C2 TTY Subs...
- P91.120 - 28 Type Teletypewriter in 28B TTY Cabinet Attended TWX Service 128C3 TTY Subs...
- P91.121 (maybe P91.906) - 28 Type Teletypewriter in 28B TTY Cabinet UNAttended TWX Service 128C3 TTY Subs...
- P91.201 - 28 Type Teletypewriter in 28B TTY Cabinet, Private Line Service, Send & Rec ...
- 128B2 Sub Set, Single-line Single-loop Type B Polarential No. 15 TTY ...
- P91.205 - 28 Type Teletypewriter in 28B TTY Cabinet, Private Line Service, 128B2 TTY Sub...