US Army Nike AA Missile Base
Bristol, Rhode Island

 The Mess Hall was beautifully decorated with silk flowers and curtains, which were purchased by the men of the local Lions Club. Quite often we would have small groups from the community to join us for lunch. Most would always remark, "The army was not like this when I was in during World War II."

About six months after going on site, the men wanted a club of their own where they could meet when off duty. Since the site was considered federal property, it was necessary to go through higher headquarters to make arrangements for the club. We had specialist in the unit who were excellent carpenters and they constructed the bar. We never had any trouble and I can’t recall anyone abusing their privileges in the club.

After 18 months as the Battery Commander, I received an assignment to the Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in research. This was one of the most rewarding and complex assignments of my military career.

L. Nelson Leggette

PhD, Colonel, USA – Ret.

Please note that I have left out names of personnel. This is done purposely since all of the men were outstanding and to mention just one would be an injustice to the others. To all of the men who served with me from September 1956 to July 1957, I want to thank you again for your outstanding work, generous efforts, and the kindness and respect given to me and my family while on that assignment. I know it was genuine since many of you still maintain contact.

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This is a list of the Battery Commanders and other information obtained so far about the changes in Unit Designation of Bristol from 1956 to 1974.

Sep 1956 to Jul 1957 - Nelson Leggette, COL, USA, Ret.  CO   
                                       LT Dave Traynor XO

    Nov 1956 to 1960 -  "C" Battery, 751st AAA Missile BN (NIKE), 15th AA Group
                                      redesignated  to "C" Battery, 739th AAA Missile BN (NIKE),
                                     11th AA Group

                  Nov 1956 - Operational with Ajax Missiles

                    Jul 1957 - Vernon C. Foutz, LTC, USA, Ret.  temporary CO

                  Feb 1957 - CPT Everett C. Dunham CO

                  May 1958 - Begin conversion to Hercules Missile and Fire Control System

                  Dec 1959 - Operational with Hercules Missiles

.                         1960 - CPT Fred H. Olsen  CO

                  Jun 1960 - Phil Mason, BG, USA, Ret.  CO  
                                     LT Frazier XO

    1960 to Oct 1963 -  "C" Battery, 739th AAA Missile BN (NIKE), 15th AA Group
                                     redesignated to "C" Battery, 4th Msl Bn. (NIKE-HERC), 56th
                                     Artillery Brigade

        Summer 1961 -  Begin conversion to Improved Nike Hercules Fire Control System

                      1962 - CPT Phillip C. Osborne  CO

                             1963 - CPT McDaniel  CO

                            1963 - CPT Gowaski  CO

               Jun 1963 - when I became a civilian again!


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