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UBASIC for IBM-PC version 8.74
User's manual for UBHELP system

Running UBASIC
Complex Numbers
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Lesson 10
Lesson 11
Lesson 12
Lesson 13

Running UBASIC

~~RunningUB Running UBASIC Insert the UBASIC distribution diskette, then type UBI on the DOS command line. ( is the large key engraved "Enter" or "Return" or a bent arrow.) If the processor in your machine is a 80386, type UBI32 instead for better performance. To run the example program "PI.UB" on the distribution diskette, type LOAD "PI" RUN The program will prompt you to enter how many places you want pi to be displayed (10-2500). Type for example 1000 Wait a few seconds. Your screen will display 3.14159... to 1000 decimal places. Type LIST to examine the program. Finally, type SYSTEM to exit to the DOS.


~~NUMBERS NUMBERS UBASIC supports integers, rational numbers, real numbers and complex numbers. 1-1. Integers UBASIC supports a wide range of integers from -65536^542 to 65536^542 which is a number in a little more than 2600 figures in decimal expression. Results outside of this range create an overflow. Hexadecimal integers can be entered as '0x..' (not '&h..'). 1-2. Rational numbers UBASIC allows calculations with rational numbers, The type of value is limited to integer / integer. Numerator and denominator are separated by '//'. Ex: a=2//3 a=3:b=5:c=a//b Expressions may differ from the input, as rational numbers are memorized as an irreducible fraction. Since // has the same precedence as *, /, \, or @, the order of operations may not be the same as you expected. Use parentheses to avoid this. Ex: 2\6//3 = 0 2\(6//3) = 1 When a rational number is mixed with real or complex numbers, it is automatically converted to a real. This also happens when it is the real part or the imaginary part of a complex number. Rational arguments are automatically converted to reals in functions like SIN, EXP, etc. 1-3. Real numbers Real numbers are expressed as fixed point numbers. The maximum amount of memory occupied by the integer part and the decimal part is fixed at 542 words. The size of the decimal part is specified by the POINT statement. The default value is 4, that is, 4 words are assigned to the decimal part and 538 words to the integer part. The smallest positive real number is 65536^(-4), since 1 word is 65536.

Complex Numbers

1-4. Complex numbers UBASIC allows calculations with complex numbers as well as with real numbers. The maximum size allowed in a complex number is 541 words including both the real part and the imaginary part. As the real part is usually about as large as the imaginary part, the maximum size of each part is 270 words, that is, 1300 digits in decimal notation. Read the following examples carefully, since the expression of complex numbers in UBASIC is a little peculiar. The imaginary unit is represented by "#i". Complex numbers are expressed as follows:- numbers 1+#i, 1.23+2.34#i, 12345+23456.789#i * is not necessary. 1.23+#i*2.34, 12345+#i*23456.789 * is necessary. variables, etc. A+B*#i, Abc+#i*sin(x) * is necessary. Notes: 1/2#i is interpreted as 1/(2#i). So the result is -0.5#i. 1/2*#i is interpreted as (1/2)*#i. So the result is 0.5#i. Similarly, 2^3#i is 2^(3#i) while 2^3*#i is (2^3)*#i. When complex numbers are used, set the WORD value to more than 4 * POINT(for example, if POINT = 10, then WORD must be more than 40). Otherwise, overflow can easily occur for reasons of internal structure when a complex number is assigned to a long variable. There are 3 functions that return absolute values: ABS, ABSMAX, ABSADD. abs(z) = sqrt(Re(z)^2+Im(z)^2) absmax(z) = max{abs(Re(z)),abs(Im(z))} absadd(z) = abs(Re(z))+abs(Im(z)) ABS returns the ordinary absolute value, but it takes more time. ABSMAX and ABSADD are recommended to check errors quickly. ARG(x) returns the argument of x. The value returned is A, where -pi < A <= pi. UBASIC has the complex number versions of the following functions: EXP, LOG, SIN, COS, TAN, ATAN, SINH, COSH, SQRT, BESSELI, BESSELJ. << Notes for mixed types expressions >> Different types of numbers can be used together in one expression. Result type may vary with the order of the operations. Ex: 1.0+1-1.0 = 1.0 (real) 1.0-1.0+1 = 1 (integer) This is because when a result of the calculation of reals and/or complex numbers is 0, it is converted to an integer. There are round-off errors caused by conversions from internal binary expression to decimal output. These errors are typically seen in the expressions of '0'. If the output is '0' it really is '0', while '0.0' and '-0.0' are nonzero values that are too small to be expressed. Note that this occurs only for 0. '1.0' may be equal to '1' or a little larger or smaller. To know which, subtract 1 from it. As a result of calculation, there is no essential difference between '1'(integer) and exact '1.0' (real), though the size of the internal memory required is different. Naturally, '1' (integer) needs less memory and can be calculated faster.


~~VARIABLES VARIABLES UBASIC has three types of variables: 1) Short variables, such as A%, Foo_bar% (and arrays) A short variable holds a one-word (16-bit) integer (-32767, ..., 32767). Rational numbers, complex numbers, and strings cannot be assigned to a short variable. 2) Long variables, such as A, Foo_bar (and arrays) The size of long variables is specified by WORD statement. It cannot be specified individually. 3) EXTRA variables, such as A#, Foo_bar# (and arrays) Variables whose size is fixed at 542 words. A variable name is a letter, possibly followed by at most 15 letters, digits, and underscores(_). Short and EXTRA variable names have a final "%" and "#" character, respectively. A variable name may not coincide with UBASIC statements/ functions and it may not start with "fn" (which is the mark of user defined functions). The first character is automatically converted to uppercase while the rest is left as is. Uppercase and lowercase letters are not distinguished. Ex: A, BC, MaximumElement, Maxscore%, Minscore(10) Abcdefghi and ABCDEFGHIJ are regarded as the same. NextOne, Step1, etc. are distinguished from the statements NEXT, STEP, etc. A simple variable and an array with the same name are distinguished. Arrays of up to three dimensions may be declared. Array indices may be as large as 65534. So the size of a one- dimentional array of short variables is up to 128 KB. The size of an array of two dimensions can be as large as the available memory. There is no need of EXTRA variables if the length of long variables is specified as 542 words. EXTRA variables are used when a few large numbers occur among many relatively short long variables. Long variables and EXTRA variables can be assigned integers, rationals, reals, complex numbers, character strings and polynomials. See appendix A for the internal expressions of numbers, strings and polynomials. An overflow occurs when the length of variable exceeds 542 words in the process of calculation, or when a result exceeding the limit of the variable is assigned. In particular, in multiplication and division of real numbers, the intermediate results very often exceed 542 words. This is because UBASIC executes the operation using all the significant figures and discards the less significant ones afterwards. No more than 180 variables and arrays may be used simultaneously.


~~OPERATIONS OPERATIONS 3-1. Operators Logical Or or Logical And and Comparisons =, >, <, <>, <=, >= Addition, Subtraction +, - Multiplication, Division *, / Integer Division \ Rational Division // Remainder @ Power ^ 3-2. Value of logical expression In UBASIC, the value of logical expression is 1 when it is TRUE 0 when it is FALSE. In conditional expressions, a nonzero value is regarded as TRUE. So:- if A<>0 then ... is equivalent to: if A then ... This is valid also when A contains a real number. However, this short form is not recommended. 3-3. Division of real numbers (/) and integers (\) Usual division is calculated up to the decimal place specified by POINT. The digits past that place are omitted. Integer division returns an integer quotient when both of the arguments are integers. A real or complex argument creates an error. The remainder of an integer division is contained by the system variable RES while remainder of a real division is undefined. Ex: 12345/100 is 123.45 (actually 123.449999...) 12345\100 is 123. Remainder is 45. If the remainder is 0, the result varies with "/" and "\". Ex: 123/3 is 41.0, while 123\3 is 41. In the process of integer division A\B, the quotient is determined in such a way that the remainder is non-negative and numerically less than ABS(B). This seems natural in division by positive numbers, but rather strange if a negative divisor is involved. For instance, (-1)/100 is -1 and the remainder is 99. So -1 never becomes 0 by repeated integer division. Take care when you check the conclusion of a loop. 3-4. Division of rational numbers (//) Division of rationals returns a rational when both of the arguments are rationals. Otherwise, it is the same as real division (/). Ex: (2//3)//3 is 2//9 (2//3)/3 is 0.2222... 0.5//2 is 0.25 3-5. Calclulation of a remainder @ is the remainder of integer division. It is different from MOD in some languages since it is determined as above (Section 3-3.) if a negative number is involved. The remainder of integer \ integer complex number with integer coefficient \ integer polynomial \ polynomial just calculated is held by the system variable RES so that you do not need to use @. @ is used when only the remainder is needed and the quotient is not needed. Note that the value of RES must be used just after the calculation, as it is destroyed by other calculations. 3-6. Power X^Y. Powers of integers, reals, complex numbers, rationals, and polynomials. If Y is positive, the result is X to the Y . The return value is exact if X is an integer, while it is an approximate value if X is a real. If Y is 0, the result is 1 as a polynomial of degree 0 when X is a polynomial, otherwise 1 as an integer regardless of the type of X. 0^0 is 1. If Y is not zero and X is zero, the result is 0. See appendix B for the algorithm in the case where Y is a real or a complex number. X^Y^Z is usually interpleted as X^(Y^Z), but it is (X^Y)^Z in UBASIC. 3-7. Combined operators Combined operators are borrowed from the C language. A+=B is equivalent to A=A+B. This can save you the trouble of typing long variable names. Use of the combined operator can also speed up a program, since the calculation of the internal address of an array is executed only once. The right hand side is evaluated before the combined operation:- A*=B+C means A=A*(B+C), not A=A*B+C.


~~STRINGS CHARACTER STRINGS Like ordinary BASIC, UBASIC allows character strings. However, UBASIC has no string variables. Use long variables or extra variables to assign character strings. Since one character occupies 1 byte, a variable can contain twice as many characters as the WORD value: for example, 20 characters when the WORD value is 10. Character strings are compared by ASCII code in lexicographic order.


~~POLYNOMIAL POLYNOMIALS UBASIC allows polynomials in one variable. There are two types of polynomials: polynomials with coefficients in integers modulo a prime (<= 65536) (we call them "modulo polynomials"), and normal polynomials. In the former type we can handle polynomials up to about the 1000th degree, but in the latter type we can handle only polynomials of relatively lower degree (e.g. up to (1+X)^95). 5-1. Entering of polynomials The variable of a polynomial is represented by "_X". Ex: A=1+2*_X+3*_X^2 However, the result is displayed with "X". Ex: A=1+2*_X+3*_X^2:print A displays "3*X^2 + 2*X + 1". You may also use the function POLY to specify the coeffi- cients in order starting with the coefficient of degree 0. Ex: A=poly(1,2,3) is equivalent to the above example. To specify the coefficient of each degree, use COEFF. Ex: A=0:coeff(A,0)=1:coeff(A,1)=2:coeff(A,2)=3 is equivalent to the above examples. Note that the variables specified by COEFF have to contain a polynomial (or 0). The value of the system variable MODULUS determines whether a polynomial is a modulo polynomial or a normal one. If MODULUS is 0, it is a normal one and if MODULUS is a prime, it is a modulo polynomial. 5-2. Calculation with polynomials The following caluculation are allowed with polynomials: Addition + Subtraction - Multiplication * Division \ Remainder @ Power ^ Differential diff Value ( A(Y) ) val(A,Y) Note that the division is "\". The system variable RES contains the remainder after the division of polynomials. Calculations with a normal polynomial and a modulo polynomial are not allowed. Calculations with modulo polynomials create an error if the value of MODULUS is not as it was when the polynomials were entered. In particular, calculations containing polynomials created under different values of MODULUS are not allowed. VAL returns the value of the polynomial as evaluated for the given n. Ex: A=poly(1,1):print val(A,2) displays "3". (when MODULUS=0) A number and a polynomial of degree 0 are distinguished in the following cases: polynomial / number Each coefficient / number. polynomial / polynomial of degree 0 Error. polynomial \ number Each coefficient \ number. The value of RES is not valid. polynomial \ polynomial of degree 0 Division of polynomials. polynomial @ number Each coefficient @ number. The value of RES is not valid. polynomial @ polynomial of degree 0 Remainder of division of polynomials. polynomial // number Each coefficient // number. polynomial // polynomial of degree 0 Error. Ex: When A=_X^2+2*_X+3, A\2 is _X+1 and the value of RES is not valid. A\poly(2) is (1//2)*_X^2+_X+(3//2) and the remainde is 0. modulo polynomial / number Each coefficient * inverse of number. modulo polynomial / polynomial of degree 0 Error. modulo polynomial \ number Error. modulo polynomial \ polynomial of degree 0 Division of modulo polynomials. modulo polynomial @ number Error. modulo polynomial @ polynomial of degree 0 Remainder of division of polynomials. modulo polynomial // number Same as modulo polynomial / number. modulo polynomial // polynomial of degree 0 Error.


~~PACKETS PACKETS Sometimes you may prefer to handle multiple data as one. UBASIC allows assigning multiple values to one variable. We call this "a packet" (this is usually called "a list", but UBASIC's "list" is too poor to call "a list"). It is recommended to assign a packet to an EXTRA variable so that the limit of its length is not modified by the WORD statement. A long variable can be used if the WORD value is correctly set. A#=pack(23,"abc",1+3#i) assigns an integer 23, a string "abc" and a complex number 1+3#i to A#. To know the number of members PACKed in a packet, use LEN. When A#=pack(23,"abc",1+3#i), len(A#) is 3. To get a PACKed member, use MEMBER. When A#=pack(23,"abc",1+3#i), member(A#,1) is 23. Use MEMBER also to replace specified data. member(A#,3)="abc" replaces the third member 1+3#i with a character string "abc". A packet can be edited using LEFT, RIGHT, MID as well as a character string. Consider 1 member as 1 character. Note that the return value in this case is a packet. Ex: left(pack(2,4,6),1) is pack(2), not 2 itself. To get 2 itself, use MEMBER mentioned above. mid( ,2,*) is equivalent to "cdr" in LISP. To add data to a packet, use "+". A#=A#+1000 or A#+=1000 adds a new member 1000 to A#. "+" is used also to join 2 packets. The word length required by a packet is the sum of the word length of all the member + 1. In the case of A#=pack(23,"abc",1+3#i), Integer 23: data 1 word + attribute 1 word String "abc": data 1 word + attribute 1 word Real part of complex number 1+3#i: data 1 word + attribute 1 word Imaginary part of complex number 1+3#i: data 1 word + attribute 1 word Complex number 1+3#i: attribute 1 word Number of members (3 in this case): 1 word Total: 11 words (Actually, "attribute 1 word" of the packet itself is required.) So if a WORD value larger than 11 is specified, the packet can be assigned to a long variable.


~~LABELS LABELS "Label" is a name given to the destination of GOTO and GOSUB. It is recommended that labels be used instead of line numbers whenever convenient. The following two examples are equivalent: .... .... 110 gosub 1000 110 gosub *ABCD .... .... 1000 .... 1000 *ABCD:.... .... .... 1100 return 1100 return A label is a * followed by no more than 23 characters (letters, digits, ".", "_" and "?"). Upper and lower case are not distinguished. Labels (such as *ABCD on line 1000 in the example above) must head their lines. At most 100 labels may be used; the use of many labels slows the execution down. The RUN statement forms the list of labels. So if the program is executed by GOTO, the results are unpredictable.


~~KEYS 1. The function of special keys DEL Deletes the character under the cursor. BS Deletes the character to the left of the cursor. INS Toggles insert mode on/off. An underline cursor is displayed in insert mode. HOME Moves the cursor to the home position ESC Cancels the listing of file choices in commands such as LOAD, RUN, etc. Arrow keys Move cursor 2. Editing Control Keys "Control-X" means to hit "X" while pressing the control key at the left end of the keyboard. Control-E: Cursor up Control-X: Cursor down Control-S: Cursor left Control-D: Cursor right Control-Z: Scroll up Control-W: Scroll down Control-R: Page down Control-C: Page up Control-A: Cursor leftmost Control-F: Cursor rightmost Control-Q: Cursor home(=HOME) Control-L: Clear the screen(=CLR) Control-B: Delete lines below cursor Control-T: Delete left of cursor Control-Y: Delete right of cursor Control-G: Delete character at cursor (=DEL) Control-H: Delete character left of cursor (=BS) Control-O: Insert a line Control-V: Insert/Overwrite toggle(=INS) Underline cursor is displayed in the insert mode. Control-C: Halt execution, LIST, VXREF, etc. (Control-BREAK is recommended) Control-S: Halt/Restart display Control-BREAK: Halt execution. More sensitive than CTRL-C. Control-N: In some versions of MS-DOS, this means "printer line feed" and in some cases, (especially when the printer is ON and off-line) the execution is halted and key inputs are not accepted. To cancel this, turn off the printer or make it on-line. 3. Function Keys You may modify the settings of function keys using KEY. Default settings are as follows: f1 load " f6 save " f2 dir "*.UB" f7 xref f3 auto f8 append " f4 list f9 edit f5 run f10 cont


~~SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS The biggest defect of normal BASIC is the difficulty of making a program independent. For example, if you are going to use a FOR-NEXT loop in a subroutine, you may find it difficult to choose the name of the loop variable. Because of this problem, it is almost impossible to make a useful program into a module. UBASIC offers some ways to solve this problem. Passing Arguments Arguments can be passed to subroutines. 10 A=1:B=2:C=0 20 gosub *MAX(A,B,&C) 30 print C 40 end 100 *MAX(X,Y,&Z) 110 if X>=Y then Z=X else Z=Y 120 return At the beginning of the subroutine MAX, the values of variables A and B are passed to the different variables X and Y (call by value). As X and Y are variables valid only in the subroutine MAX (local variables), changing of their values does not affect the main routine. The variable C with "&" is regarded as the same as Z in the subroutine MAX (call by reference). So if you change the value of Z in the subroutine MAX, the value of C also changes so that you can return the result to the main routine. This condition is initialized by the RETURN in line 120. The format is different from those in QUICK BASIC and TURBO BASIC. Limitations: A simple short variable cannot be passed by reference. That is, gosub *ABC(&A%) is not allowed. A member of an array cannot be passed by reference. That is, gosub *ABC(&A(1)) is not allowed. User defined functions A function that extends to multiple lines can be defined. 10 A=1:B=2 20 C=fnMAX(A,B) 30 print C 40 end 100 fnMAX(X,Y) 110 if X32,prmdiv(P) CS. Use far returns. Do not change DS, ES, SS, BP, and the string direction flag. Ex1: This example clears the 0th through 9th elements of an array. The program name is CLR10, say. The main program contains the three lines, DIM CL%(150) BLOAD "CLR10", CL%() CALL CL%(X%(0)) When the user program is called, the address of the 0th element of the array is in CS:0080H. The source program would be as follows. MAKEUBB CLR10 makes an executable program. MASM and LINK are needed. ;SAMPLE FOR MAKING USER PROGRAM CODE SEGMENT ASSUME CS:CODE,DS:CODE ORG 100H START: CLR10 PROC FAR ;make it a PROC FAR to generate ;RETF code MOV BX,80H LES DI,CS:[BX] ;get segment:offset of 0th ;element of the array MOV CX,10 XOR AX,AX REP STOSW MOV AX,SS ;recover DS,ES,BP. MOV ES,AX ;DS,ES may be set equal to SS RET CLR10 ENDP CODE ENDS END START Ex2: To call UBASIC86's calculation routine from user programs, put necessary arguments onto the calculation stack; see UB.MAC macro definition file. PUSH(@PUSH) and POP(@POP) do not allow Short Variables. For the example let's make a program doing: "For the variables A, B, C, calculate C=A+B or C=A-B according to the 0-th element of the array." UBASIC program is: 10 'addsub 20 'sample for machine language program 30 ' 40 dim AddSub%(200) reserve user program area 50 bload "addsub",AddSub%(A,B,C) load user program and set parameters 60 A=123:B=234 70 AddSub%(0)=0 store a value to 0-array element 80 call AddSub%() call user program 90 print A,B,C 100 AddSub%(0)=1 110 call AddSub%() 120 print A,B,C 130 end Assembly program is: ;addsub.asm include UB.MAC read macro definition file mov bx,AR0 mov ax,cs:[bx] get the value of 0-th element cmp ax,1 jb addAB je subAB hlt addAB: @push v1 push 1st parameter to calc_stack @push v2 2nd @add add them getC: @pop v3 send the result to 3rd parameter mov ax,ss mov ds,ax mov es,ax retf subAB: @push v1 @push v2 @sub jmp getC code ends end start @"makeubb addsub" will tranlate this assembly program to object program. MASM and LINK are needed. For other assemblers and linkers, rewrite the makeubb.bat file.

Output Redirection

~~Redirect Output Redirection Output of PRINT/LPRINT statements can be redirected and pluralized. Ex: PRINT = PRINT + LPRINT + "ABC". This makes PRINT statements to output to the screen, printer, and file "ABC" until another such command or NEW or LOAD is executed. The PRINT#1 outputs are binary whereas the command above outputs to "ABC" in the text (ASCII) mode. Use SPC or TAB rather than LOCATE and LLOCATE when redirecting to files. The right-hand sides of "PRINT =" and "LPRINT =" must be distinct.

Automatic Execution

~~AutoExec. Automatic Execution To automatically LOAD ECMX and factorize 3^33 + 1 and 6^66 + 1, make the file "TEST": LOAD "ECMX" PRINT=PRINT+"MEMO" RUN 3^33+1 6^66+1 0 SYSTEM Then type UBI TEST1.

ASCII <-> BINARY data conversion

~~ASC<->BIN ASCII <-> BINARY data conversion ASCII from/to BINARY data conversion is done by input/output redirection. ABC(=BINARY) -> XYZ(=ASCII) 10 open"ABC" for input as #1 20 print=print+"XYZ" 30 while not eof(1) 40 input #1,A 50 print A 60 wend 70 close #1 80 print=print 90 end XYZ(=ASCII) -> ABC(=BINARY) 10 open"ABC" for output as #1 20 input="XYZ" 30 loop 40 input A 50 print #1,A 60 endloop This stops at the line 40 when this encounts the file end. But don't care. Type: close #1:input=input:end to finish the conversion safely.


~~Graphics Standard graphic commands are supported. Please refer to the sample programs if the documentation is incomplete. Commands and functions: ---------------------- circle, line, paint, pset, roll color, gcolor dot get, put gload, gsave gposx, gposy gprint, gsize, glocate screen view, window mapx, mapy copy There are 3 types of coordinates of graphic screen. (1) The original coordinate is a native coordinate from (0,0)-(639,479) or (0,0)-(799,599). (2) The screen coordinate is a simple translation of the original coordinate so that the upper left corner of the view area is (0,0). (3) The world coordinate depends on both view and window commands. Lesson ------ To draw a graph of a function, do as follows: (1) First set color mode. 23 means 640*480 16colors mode. 10 'gsample 20 screen 23 (2) Before writing strings on the graphic plane, initialize the size and color and clear the screen. 30 gsize:gcolor -7 40 cls 3 (4) Set a function. 50 F#="X*sin(X)" (5) Decide the range. 60 Vxh=560:Vx1=320-Vxh\2:Vx2=Vx1+Vxh 70 Vyh=400:Vy1=240-Vyh\2:Vy2=Vy1+Vyh (6) Display the definition of a function. 80 glocate Vx1,Vy1-18:gprint F#; (7) Set view port and window. 90 view (Vx1,Vy1)-(Vx2,Vy2),0,7 100 X1=-6*#pi:X2=6*#pi 110 Y1=-6*#pi:Y2=6*#pi 120 window (X1,Y2)-(X2,Y1) (8) Draw X- and Y- axes. 130 line (X1,0)-(X2,0),1 140 line (0,Y1)-(0,Y2),1 (9) Write scales. 150 glocate mapx(X1)+4,mapy(0):gprint using(3,1),X1; 160 glocate mapx(X2)-44,mapy(0):gprint using(3,1),X2; 170 glocate mapx(0),mapy(Y1)-20:gprint using(3,1),Y1; 180 glocate mapx(0),mapy(Y2)+4:gprint using(3,1),Y2; 190 glocate mapx(0)+4,mapy(0)+4:gprint "0"; (10) Calculate the step of increment of X. 200 Unit=(X2-X1)/Vxh (11) Convert the code of the function from string to the internal code. 210 F#=encode(F#) (12) Set the start point. 220 X=X1 230 pset (X,val(F#)),4 (13) Repeat drawing. 240 for I=1 to Vxh 250 X=X+Unit 260 line -(X,val(F#)),2 270 next 280 end Note: To return to the text mode, use CONSOLE, EDIT, LIST or LOAD commands. CONSOLE has no sideeffect. ~~! !(n) See: Factorial. ~~_X _X Represents the variable when a polynomial is entered. This is used to distinguish a polynomial from other expressions. Ex: 1+2*_X+3*_x^2 The following piece of code will convert a polynomial entered using "X" to the necessary form using "_X" in a program in which a polynomial is to be entered: 100 X=_X 110 strinput "f(x)=";W# ~~#DOWN #DOWN The key code of cursor_move_DOWN. Out: integer. ~~#E #E The base of natural logarithms, #e = exp(1). The precision is specified by the POINT command and is no more than 541 words. Assign it to a variable, rather than evaluating it many times. Out: real. Ex: print #E result: 2.7182... ~~#EPS #EPS The smallest positive number that can be represented under the current POINT setting. Use 10 or more times #eps for the convergence limit of Newton's method. Out: real. ~~#EULER #EULER Euler's constant, #euler = 0.5772... Out: real. ~~#LEFT #LEFT The key code of cursor_move_LEFT. Out: integer. ~~#PI #PI #pi = 3.14.... The precision is specified by the POINT command and is no more than 541 words. Assign it to a variable, rather than evaluating it many times. Note: Use PI(x) to get a multiple of #PI. See: PI. ~~#RIGHT #RIGHT The key code of cursor_move_RIGHT. Out: integer. ~~#SYS(x) System type of UBASIC. Inp: integer(0,1,2). Out: #sys(0) is a country code. (ex. 1 for USA, 81 for Japan) #sys(1) is a machine type. 0: reserved 1: IBM-PC/AT and compatibles 2: NEC PC-9801 3: NEC PC-H98 4: Fujitsu FM-R 5: Toshiba J-3100 6: AX 7: DOS/V #sys(2) is a number of bits of CPU calculation unit. ~~#UP #UP The key code of cursor_move_UP. Out: integer.


~~ABS ABS(x) Absolute value of x. Inp: number. Out: integer, rational, real. Ex: print abs(1+2#i) result: 2.2360... ~~ABSADD ABSADD(x) abs(Re(x)) + abs(Im(x)). Inp: number. Out: integer, rational, real. Ex: print absadd(1+2#i) result: 3 ~~ABSMAX ABSMAX(x) max{abs(Re(x)), abs(Im(x))}. Inp: number. Out: integer, rational, real. Ex: print absmax(1+2#i) result: 2 ~~ACOS ACOS(x) ArcCosine of x. Inp: real number(-1. See: LOAD, SAVE, VCHG, VLIST, VXREF. Ex: open "file_name" for APPEND as #n See: OPEN. ~~ARG ARG(x) Argument of x. Inp: number. Out: real y (-pi < y <= pi). Ex: print arg(1+2#i) result: 1.1071... ~~AS AS See: OPEN. ~~ASAVE ASAVE "filename" Saves the current program on to a disk in the standard DOS text-file form(=ASCII form). Note: A program in ASCII form can be exchanged between UBASIC and your favorite editor which is more convenient for writing a large program. As intermediate code may vary with versions, ASCII form is recommended if you want to keep a program for a long time. If no file name is give, the current date and time are used as the program name. See: SAVE. ~~ASC ASC(character/string ) ASCII code of a character/string. Note: Conversion from internal code(s) of a character/string to a value. It is the same as in BASIC if the argument is one character. Out: integer. Ex: print asc("A") result: 65 See: CHR. ~~ASIN ASIN(x) ArcSine of x. Inp: real number(-1


~~BEEP BEEP [0 or 1] 'beep' rings the bell for about 1 second. 'beep 1' starts ringing and 'beep 0' stops it. Ex: beep 1:pause 20:beep 0 result: rings the bell for about 2 seconds. ~~BESSELI BESSELI(k,x) k-th Bessel_I function of x. Inp: k is an integer larger than 0. x is a number. Out: number. Ex: print besseli(1,2.3) result: 2.0978... See: appendix B for the algorithm. ~~BESSELJ BESSELJ(k,x) k-th Bessel_J function of x. Inp: k is an integer larger than 0. x is a number. Out: number. Ex: print besselj(1,2.3) result: 0.5398... See: appendix B for the algorithm. ~~BIT BIT(n,x) n-th bit of x. Inp: n is an integer. x is any data. Out: integer (0 or 1). Ex: BIT(0, 5) = 1, BIT(1, 5) = 0, BIT(2, 5) = 1, BIT(3, 5) = 0. Note: Result has almost no meaning when x is a decimal. See: BITAND, BITCOUNT, BITOR, BITRESET, BITREVERSE, BITSET, BITXOR, LEN, SFT. ~~BITAND BITAND(x,y) bitwise logical-AND of x and y. Inp: integers (>= 0). Out: integer. Ex: BITAND(3, 5) = (0011B and 0101B = 0001B) = 1. See: BIT, BITCOUNT, BITOR, BITRESET, BITREVERSE, BITSET, BITXOR, LEN, SFT. ~~BITCOUNT BITCOUNT(x) number of 1's in the bit pattern of x. Inp: integer (>= 0). Out: integer. Ex: BITCOUNT(5) = 2 See: BIT, BITAND, BITOR, BITRESET, BITREVERSE, BITSET, BITXOR, LEN, SFT. ~~BITOR BITOR(x,y) bitwise logical-OR of x and y. Inp: integers (>= 0). Out: integer. Ex: BITOR(3, 5) = (0011B or 0101B = 0111B) = 7. See: BIT, BITAND, BITCOUNT, BITRESET, BITREVERSE, BITSET, BITXOR, LEN, SFT. ~~BITRESET BITRESET(n,x) the value given by resetting the n-th bit of x. Inp: integers (>= 0). Out: integer. Ex: BITRESET(0, 5) = 4, BITRESET(0, 5) = 5. See: BIT, BITAND, BITCOUNT, BITOR, BITREVERSE, BITSET, BITXOR, LEN, SFT. ~~BITREVERSE BITREVERSE(n,x) the value given by reversing the n-th bit of x. Inp: integers (>= 0). Out: integer. Ex: BITREVERSE(0, 5) = 4, BITREVERSE(1, 5) = 7. See: BIT, BITAND, BITCOUNT, BITOR, BITRESET, BITSET, BITXOR, LEN, SFT. ~~BITSET BITSET(n,x) the value given by setting the n-th bit of x. Inp: integers (>= 0). Out: integer. Ex: BITSET(0, 5) = 5, BITSET(1, 5) = 7. See: BIT, BITAND, BITCOUNT, BITOR, BITRESET, BITREVERSE, BITXOR, LEN, SFT. ~~BITXOR BITXOR(x,y) bitwise logical-XOR of x and y. Inp: integers (>= 0). Out: integer. Ex: BITXOR(3, 5) = (0011B xor 0101B = 0110B) = 6. See: BIT, BITAND, BITCOUNT, BITOR, BITRESET, BITREVERSE, BITSET, LEN, SFT. ~~BLOAD BLOAD "machine_language_program", short_var([arg1, arg2, ...]) See: the "User Programs" section. Arguments must be simple variables. ~~BLOCK BLOCK array(index,index...) Assigns values to the specified array members. Ex: block A(2..4, 3..6) = X assigns X to each A(i, j) for i=2,3,4 and j= 3,4,5,6. block A(*,*) = X assigns X to all the elements. block B(0..2) = block A(2, 1..3) assigns A(2, 1) to B(0), etc. swap block B(0..2), block A(2, 1..3) swaps the values. Note that a double exchange occurs when overlapping parts of one array are specified. In this case, results are unpredictable. clr block A(2..3,4..5) sets to zero (same as block A(2..3,4..5)=0). neg block B%(0..5) changes signs. You can also use expressions such as block A(2..4) += expression block A(2..4) += block B(3..5) and these with + replaced by -, *, /, \, and @. The first of these is the same as A(2)=A(2)+(expression):A(3)=A(3)+(expression) :A(4)=A(4)+(expression) Note the parenthesis in the right hand side. In the second, you cannot add any term to the right hand side. Note: When a user-defined function is called in the middle of the calculation of an index or an expression, BLOCK used in this function creates an error. When BLOCK is used on both sides of an expression, the number of the indices must be the same though the composition may vary. See: CLR, NEG, SWAP.


~~CALL CALL short_array_name([arg1,arg2,...]) Calls a user machine language program after the arguments are set. See: the "User Programs" section. ~~CANCEL CANCEL for<,for,for,...> Cancels the current for-next loop before jumping out of it. Ex: cancel for Note: Use GOTO to specify where to jump. GOTO is necessary, unlike 'break' or 'cancel' statements in other languages. See: FOR. ~~CEIL CEIL(x) The smallest integer not less than x. Inp: integer, real, rational. Out: integer. Ex: CEIL(12345/100) = 124, CEIL(-12345/100) = -123. See: FIX, FLOOR, INT, ROUND. ~~CHR CHR(ASCII code) Inp: integer. Signs are neglected. Out: character/string. Ex: print chr(65) result:A See: ASC. Note: The format of hexadecimal expression is not '&h..' but '0x..'. ~~CIRCLE CIRCLE (x,y),r,c Draws a circle with center (x,y) and radius r. CIRCLE (x,y),r,c,"f",paintcolor Also fill inside with paintcolor. CIRCLE (x,y),r,c,start_angle,end_angle Draws an arc from start_angle to end_angle. CIRCLE (x,y),r,c,start_angle,end_angle,"f",paintcolor Draws a sector from start_angle to end_angle and fill inside with paintcolor. Note: Paintcolor can be replaced by tilepattern. Tilepattern must be a string longer than 3 bytes. ~~CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE [#n] CLOSE file1[,file2,...] Closes the open files. If no file name (or file number) is given, then it closes all the open files. See: EOF, OPEN. ~~CLR CLR variable1[,variable2,...] Sets the variables to zero. "CLR A" is faster than "A = 0". Ex: clr A,B,C sets A, B, C to 0. See: DEC, INC, NEG. CLR BLOCK arrayname(index) Sets the specified members of an array to 0. Ex: clr block A(0..10) sets from A(0) to A(10) to 0. clr block A(2,1..3) sets A(2,1),A(2,2),A(2,3) to 0. See: BLOCK for details. CLR TIME Sets the clock to "00:00:00". Effective only inside UBASIC. It does not initialize the system clock, so there may be an error of up to one second. ~~CLS CLS [n] Clears the screen. Inp: none or integer 1. Note: Clears the text screen. Ex: 10 console 0,25:cls ~~CCOEFF CCOEFF(polynomial) Constant term of polynomial. Ex: A=poly(1,3,5):print ccoeff(A) result: 1 See: COEFF, LCOEFF. ~~COEFF COEFF(polynomial,degree) Coefficient of the term of specified degree of polynomial. COEFF(polynomial, degree)=expression Assigns a value to the coefficient of the term of specified degree of polynomial. Inp: argument1 is a polynomial or 0. argument2 is an integer (>= 0). Ex: A=poly(1,3,5):print coeff(A,2) result: 3 A=0:coeff(A,3)=2:coeff(A,0)=5:print A result: 2*X^3 + 5. See: CCOEFF, LCOEFF, POLY. ~~COLOR COLOR(n) Specifies text color. (0 =< n =< 7) COLOR=(palettecode, colorcode) Assigns colorcode to palettecode. Inp: 0 <= palettecode <= 15. 0 <= colorcode <=0xffffff Ex. color=(1,0xff0000) result:palette 1 becomes pure RED. ~~COMBI COMBI(n,r) Number of combinations extracting r elements from n elements. Inp: integer n (0 <= n < 65536). Out: integer. Ex: print combi(4,2) result: 6 ~~CONJ CONJ(x) Complex conjugate of x. Inp: number. Out: number. Ex: print conj(1+2#i) result: 1-2#i See: IM, RE. ~~CONSOLE CONSOLE start line,lines in console area[, function key display switch(0/1)] Declares the console window area. Note: When the second argument is '*',the number of lines is set to the maximum. Settings are initialized when no argument is given. Inp: Start_line is from 0 to 24. Lines_in_console_area is from 5 to 25. Function_key_display_switch is 1 (displays) or 0 (not displays). Ex: console 0,20,0 sets the console area to 20 lines starting from line 0 (to line 19), and displays no function keys. ~~CONT CONT See: STOP. ~~COPY COPY x Print out a display screen. Note: Shift+PrintScreen also do this. Supports only ESC/P printers. ~~COS COS(x) Cosine of x. Inp: number. Out: number. Ex: print cos(1.23) result: 0.3342... See: SIN, TAN, ACOS. Appendix B for the algorithm. ~~COSH COSH(x) Hyperbolic cosine of x. Note: (exp(x)+exp(-x))/2 Inp: number. Out: number. Ex: print cosh(1.23) result: 1.8567... See: SINH. appendix B for the algorithm. ~~CUTLSPC CUTLSPC(string) Cuts off the spaces in the left end of a string. Inp: string. Out: string. Ex: print "A":cutlspc(" B C") result:AB C ~~CUTSPC CUTSPC(string) Cuts off all the spaces in a string. Inp: string. Out: string. Ex: print "A":cutspc(" B C") result:ABC ~~CVR CVR(x) Decimal expression of the numerator of rational divided by the denominator. Inp: integer, decimal, rational. Out: real. argument ifself if it is not rational. Ex: print cvr(1//3) result: 0.3333...


~~DATA DATA expression1[,expression2,...] Data for READ statements. Note: A string must be put in " ". Commands placed after DATA in the same line are neglected. See: READ, RESTORE. ~~DATE DATE String containing current date and time. Ex: print date displays current year, month, day, hour, minute and second. Out: string. Note: CLR TIME does not affect the time represented by DATE. ~~DEC DEC variable1[,variable2,...] Decrements the variables. "DEC A" is faster than "A = A - 1." The variable must currently hold integer values. Ex: A=100:dec A:print A result: 99 See: CLR, INC, NEG. ~~DECODE DECODE(ENCODEd_string) Original string of an ENCODEd string. Tokens are separated by a space. Ex: print decode(encode("x+sin(abc)") result: X + sin( Abc ) See: ENCODE. ~~DEFSEG DEFSEG = segment Specifies the segment to be accessed by PEEK and POKE. Note: Do not put a space between DEF and SEG. See: PEEK, PEEKW, PEEKS, POKE, POKEW, POKES, VARPTR. ~~DEG DEG(polynomial) Degree of polynomial. Note: Degree of 0 is defined to be -1. Ex: A=poly(0,0,1):print deg(A) result: 2 See: LEN. ~~DELETE DELETE linenumber1 - linenumber2 Deletes the portion of the program. ~~DEN DEN(rational) Denominator of the argument. Inp: integer, rational. Ex: print den(2//3) result: 3 See: NUM. ~~DIFF DIFF(polynomial) Differential of polynomial. Ex: A=poly(1,1,1):print diff(A) result: 2*X + 1 ~~DIM DIM arrayname(bound1[,bound2[,bound3]]) Declares arrays, specifies the number of indices and sets all the members of the arrays to 0. Note: The indices start at 0. The bounds are nonnegative integers such that bound1 <= 65534, (bound2 + 1) * (bound3 + 1) <= 65535. In subroutines and functions, declarations of arrays must be placed at the beginning, not in the middle. The arrays declared in a subroutine or function are valid only in that subroutine or function and is are erased by RETURN. EMA-arrays are NOT automatically erased by RUN. So it is recommended to place EMAWORD just before DIM EMA(). See: ERASE. ~~DIR DIR ["pathname"] Displays the names of the programs on a disk. The path can contain wildcard match characters. Ex: dir "a:\bin\a*.*" displays the file names beginning with 'a' in the \bin directory of drive A. Note the following symbols: + data file * machine-language program p write protected Sizes are given in 100 bytes. DIR="path" Changes the current directory. Ex: dir="b:" Changes the object of LOAD and SAVE to drive B. Note: Do not put '\' at the end of path name. DIR gives the current drive name and directory name. Inp: nothing. Out string. Ex: DirMemo=dir:dir="b:":do something:dir=DirMemo return to the current directory after moving to some other directory. ~~DOSCMD DOSCMD string Invokes the file to execute a DOS command. Ex: DOSCMD "dir b:" temporally transfers control to MS-DOS to execute 'dir b:'. But the display is cleared at once and control is returned to UBASIC. In this case, it is recommended that is re-invoked by DOSCMD "a:\command". DOSCMD "program name" runs the specified program. Note: A program using graphic areas may destroy the work area of UBASIC. You may destroy the screen #1 of graphic RAM. ~~DOT DOT(x,y) Palette code of a point (x,y)


~~EDIT EDIT [line_number or label] Displays a screenful of the current program including the specified line. The default line is the previously specified or edited line, or the line on which the most recent error occurred. ~~ELSE ELSE See: IF. ~~ELSEIF ELSEIF See: IF. Note: Do not put a space between ELSE and IF. ~~EMA EMA([expanded_array_number];index1,index2) Specified member of an EMA-array. Ex: print ema(1;2,3) displays the member(2,3) of EMA #1. See: EMA-array. ~~EMAWORD EMAWORD expression Specifies the size of a member of an EMA-array. Note: Do not put a space between EMA and WORD. See: EMA-array. ~~ENCODE ENCODE(string) Converts a string containing an expression or command to internal codes. Note: This makes VAL faster. See: VAL, DECODE. ~~END END Closes all files and ends program execution, sends a newline character to the printer if necessary, and cancels unterminated loops. ~~ENDIF ENDIF See: IF. Note: Do not put a space between END and IF. ~~ENDLOOP ENDLOOP See: LOOP. Note: Do not put a space between END and LOOP. ~~EOF EOF(n) 1 if the content of file #n is exhausted, 0 otherwise. Inp: integer. Out: integer (0 or 1). Ex: 10 open "abc" for input as #1 20 while not eof(1) 30 input #1,a 40 print a 50 wend 60 close Continues to read until the data are exhausted. If EOF is not checked, an error occurs when the data are exhausted. ~~ERASE ERASE array1 [,array2,... ] Erases arrays. Array names must be followed by parentheses, e.g. "erase a()". If the arrays a(m) and b(n) are DIMensioned in this order, then it is faster to erase b(), then a(). ERASE should not be used in subroutines and functions. Arrays created in subroutines and functions are erased automatically by RETURN. See: DIM. ~~ERROR ERROR GOTO [line_number or label] Note: Usually, a program stops if an error occurs. However, if a routine to handle errors has been specified by ON ERROR GOTO, the execution proceeds to that routine. Ex: 10 on error goto *ErrorTrap 20 print 1/0 30 end 40 *ErrorTrap 50 print "error" 60 end A "division by zero" error occurs in line 20. Then the execution continues from line 40 as specified in line 10. Note: This statement does not work well. There is no "resume statement". And this clears all the work areas concerning control of execution, so a program will not be executed normally if the error handling routine is designed to jump back to the subroutine where error has occurred. This statement is recommendded only in programs which have a main menu and branches out of it. See: GOTO. ~~EUL EUL(n) Euler's function of n. Inp: integer n (1 <= n <= 4294967295). Out: integer. Ex: print eul(100) result: 40 ~~EVAL EVAL(string) Interprets a string as a command and executes it. Note: It is recommended to ENCODE the string if you want to evaluate it often. Ex: eval("list "+str(x)) lists the lines specified by x. See: VAL. ~~EVEN EVEN(n) 1 if n is even, 0 if odd. Ex: print even(10),even(11) result: 1 0 See: ODD. ~~EXIST EXIST("filename") 1 if the file specified by "filename" exists, 0 otherwise. Out: integer (0 or 1). Note: An error occurs if you try to OPEN a file which does not exist. The purpose of the EXIST function is to avoid that error. Note: Extension of filename cannot be ommited. Ex: if exist("abc.ubd") then open "abc.ubd" for input as #1 ~~EXP EXP(x) e to the x. Ex: print exp(1.23) result: 3.4212... See: Appendix B for the algorithm.


~~FACTORIAL FACTORIAL(n) Factorial of n. Inp: integer n (0 <= n <= 1014). Out: integer. Ex: print factorial(12) result: 479001600 ~~FILE FILE See: OPEN. ~~FILE1 FILE1(n), FILE2(n), FILE3(n) Random files declared by OPEN statements. Special elements: FILEi(-1) = number of elements FILEi(-2) = element word size FILEi(-3) = POINT WORD length See: Random files. ~~FILE2 FILE2 See: FILE1. ~~FILE3 FILE3 See: FILE1. ~~FILES FILES See: DIR. For compatibility purposes with other Basics this command is also included ~~FIND FIND(x,a(i),n) (Index - i) of the first occurrence of x in a(i), ..., a(i+n-1). A negative value is returned if none is equal to x. The array must be sorted in ascending or descending order. Binary search is used. Inp: x and a(i) are integer or real. n is an integer. Out: integer. Ex: find(3,A(2),10) if the return value is 4, a(6) is 3 (not a(4)). ~~FIX FIX(x) Integer part of x, truncating towards zero. Inp: integer, real, rational. Out: integer. Note: The result may differ from that of INT(x) when x is negative. Ex: print fix(12345/100) result: 123 print fix(-12345/100) result:-123 See: CEIL, FLOOR, INT, ROUND. ~~FLOOR FLOOR(x) The greatest integer not exceeding x.(same as INT) Inp: integer, real, rational. Out: integer. Ex: FLOOR(12345/100) = 123, FLOOR(-12345/100) = -124. See: CEIL, FIX, INT, ROUND. ~~FN FN function name (arg1, arg2, ...) Begins a user-defined function name. Ex: 100 a=fnMAX(A,B) 'Calls function ... 200 fnMAX(X,Y) 'Declaration of a function 210 local 'Definition of a local variable 220 if X>=Y then Z=X else Z=Y 230 return(Z) 'Returns a value Note: You may type '.' for 'fn'. See: "Subroutines and Functions" for details. ~~FOR FOR variable = initial_value TO final_value [STEP increment] NEXT [variable] All the values must be integers. The number of iterations is determined at the beginning of the loop as (final_value - initial_value) \ increment + 1 (see the NOTE below) which may not exceed 4294967295. If it is zero or negative, the loop is not executed, however the assignment of the initial_value to the loop variable is executed. The loop cannot be terminated by changing the value of the loop variable in it. When the loop is terminated normally, the value of the loop variable is initial_value+number_of_iterations*increment. To jump out of the for-next loop, use CANCEL FOR. Ex: 10 S=0 20 for I=1 to 100 30 S=S+I:if S>100 then cancel for:goto 50 40 next I 50 print I;S 60 end NOTE: The evaluation of the final_value is done after the assignment of the initial_value to the loop variable. Thus if the final_value is a formula containing the loop variable, the number of iterations will be different from that seems to be. Ex: X=1:for X=X-1 to X:print X:next X is executed only for X=0. Do not use this kind of parameters. ~~FREE FREE Displays the size of the available program area and stack area. Note: The available text area (=program area) shows how many more bytes of program codes you may write. The available stack area shows how many words in the 256 words of system stack have never been used (not "are not being used now"). This is to monitor the system and can usually be ignored. ~~FREEZE FREEZE ["filename"] Writes the current program, variables, and other information on to a disk. If you HALT and FREEZE the program execution, you can MELT and CONTinue it later. The size of the frozen file is 100k-300k bytes. Note: You can MELT the frozen information. The filename should not contain an extension since ".ice" is automatically added. "UB.ICE" in the current drive is used if the filename is not given. The disk must have 200k-500k bytes of free area. The latter half of UBASIC and variable areas are frozen. FREEZE does not save the area of memory used by a machine-language program that is not in a UBASIC array. MELT does not work if the arrangement of memory has been changed. This occurs when CONFIG.SYS is modified or memory resident programs are loaded. In ordinary BASIC, when you want to do another job while running a program which takes a lot of time, you have no choice but to abort the running program or to give up the new job. There is no satisfactory solution as DOS does not currently support multi-tasking. However, to FREEZE the running program is an effective solution. Ex: 1) Stop the running program by ctrl+BREAK or ctrl+c. 2) FREEZE the current status of memory on to a disk. 3) Start and finish another job. 4) MELT the frozen memory. 5) Continue the program by CONT. See: MELT.


~~GCD GCD(m,n) Greatest common divisor of m and n. Inp: integer, rational polynomial or modulo polynomial. Out: integer(>=0), rational polynomial or monic modulo polynomial. Ex: print gcd(14,21) result: 7 print gcd(_x^2-1, _x^2-2*_x+1) result: 2*x - 2 See: LCM. ~~GCOLOR GCOLOR palettecode Decides a color for GPRINT. ~~GET GET(x1,y1)-(x2,y2) Bit patterns in the specified graphic plane. Ex: A#=get(100,200)-(120,240) Note :44*44 is a maximum size. ~~GETENV GETENV("environment variable name") contents of environment variables. Inp: string. Out: string, 0 if no such name exxists. ~~GLOAD GLOAD ["filename"] Loads and displays a graphic file made by GSAVE. See: GSAVE. ~~GLOCATE GLOCATE (x,y) Moves a pointer of GPRINT to (x,y). ~~GOSUB GOSUB line_number or label Calls the subroutine. GOSUB label(parameter1,parameter2,...) Calls the subroutine with parameters. Note: The subroutine called must have the same format of arguments. If an argument is a variable or an expression, the current value of it is assigned to the corresponding variable. The previous value of the variable is pushed on to the stack and restored by the corresponding RETURN. Variables can be passed by address (use &). The corresponding variables share the same memory area. Array names must be followed by "()". Ex: 10 A=1:B=2:C=0 20 gosub *MAX(A,B,&C) :'A,B are passed by value 30 print C :'&C is passed by address 40 end :'thus in *MAX, Z is identified with C 100 *MAX(X,Y,&Z) :'X and Y are local variables in *MAX 110 if X>=Y then Z=X else Z=Y :'they do not change X and Y in the main 120 return :'routine if variables of the same name exist. Note: A simple short variable cannot be passed by address, i.e. gosub *ABC(&A%) is not allowed. An array can be passed by address, i.e. gosub *ABC(&A()) is allowed, but a member of an array cannot be passed by address, i.e. gosub *ABC(&A(1)) is not allowed. An array can be passed by value also. i.e. gosub *ABC(A()) passes all the members by value. ~~GOTO GOTO line_number or label Goes to the specified line. ~~GPOSX x-pointer of GPRINT ~~GPOSY y-pointer of GPRINT ~~GPRINT Prints numbers and strings on the graphic plane. ~~GSAVE GSAVE ["filename"] Saves a graphic to a file. ~~GSIZE GSIZE width, height, width2, height2 Decides a size of a character for GPRINT. Width2 and height2 include the blanks between next characters.


~~HEX HEX(n) Hexadecimal conversion of n. Note: Converts the internal expression of n to a string. If n is an integer or a decimal, the string begins with highest byte. Otherwise, it begins with lowest byte. Take care with rationals and complex numbers, since one byte has 2 digits and there is no separator between the bytes. Ex: print hex(65534) result:fffe print hex("abc") result:616263 Note: The format of a hexadecimal expression is not '&h..' but '0x..'.


~~IF IF 1)IF expression THEN statements [ENDIF] If the value of the expression is not zero, then the statements after THEN are executed. 2)IF expression THEN statements ELSE statements [ENDIF] If the value of the expression is not zero, then the statements after THEN are executed; otherwise the statements after ELSE are executed. 3)IF expression THEN statements ELSEIF expression THEN statements ELSEIF ... ... ELSE statements [ENDIF] This form is used for multiple branching. The expressions are evaluated in order and the statements after THEN after the first nonzero expression are executed. When all the expressions are zero, the statements after ELSE are executed. Note: ENDIF may be omitted if the next line is not a continuation. ELSE and ENDIF correspond to the nearest IF before them. A ":" between statements can be omitted before and after IF, THEN, ELSEIF, ELSE, and ENDIF. Continuation of a line: The statements can be written in multiple lines. A line beginning with a colon (:) is a continuation of the previous line. Thus, the program portion 10 if A<>1 then *ABC 20 B=1:BB=10 30 C=11:CC=110 40 *ABC is equivalent to 10 if A=1 then 20 :B=1:BB=10 30 :C=11:CC=110 Note that statements after REM (or ' ) may be regarded differently. In the following line, "B=1" is not executed as it is regarded as a comment: 10 A=1:'TEST:B=1 But in the following lines, "B=1" is executed: 10 A=1:'TEST 20 :B=1 The ENDIF in 10 if A then B else C: D endif may be omitted, but not in 10 if A then B else C endif D which is equivalent to 10 if A then B else C 20 D "If then else" may be nested. The line 10 if A then if D then E else F: C is equivalent to 10 if A then 20 :if D then E else F 30 :C whereas the line 10 if A then if D then E else F endif C is equivalent to 10 if A then 20 :if D then E else F endif 30 :C Multiple IF: 10 if A then B:C If you want to replace B by the construction "if D then E else F", do not simply insert it thus: 10 if A then if D then E else F:C because C would then be regarded as a continuation of the ELSE statement F and would be executed only when A is nonzero and D is zero. So in this example ENDIF, which was omitted in the original line, must be restored in this way:- 10 if A then if D then E else F endif C The line continuation (:) makes the above complicated line plain: 10 if A then 20 :if D then E else F endif 30 :C The following lines have a different meaning, as mentioned above: 10 if A then 20 :if D then E else F 30 :C Multiple branching: Multiple branching is realized by continuation of lines and ELSEIF. 10 input A 20 if A<=10 then print 1 30 :elseif A<=20 then print 2 40 :elseif A<=30 then print 3 50 :elseif A<=40 then print 4 60 :else print 5 displays 1, 2, 3, 4 when A<=10, 10 0 , the cursor is displayed. If n < 0 , the cursor is not displayed. If n = 0 , only the key buffer is cleared (otherwise it is not cleared). Inp: integer. Out: string. Ex: 10 A=input$(-1) waits for a keystroke without displaying the cursor. Note: Note that "$" is needed, unlike other string functions in UBASIC. ~~INPUT # INPUT #n, var1 [,var2,...] Reads the value(s) of the variable(s) from file #n (n = 1, 2, ...). Note: Multiple values can be read with one INPUT # statement. Variables must be marked off with ",". See: CLOSE, EOF, OPEN. ~~INSTR INSTR([n],string1,string2) Scans string1 starting from n-th character of string1 for the occurence of string2 and returns the location of the first character of string2. Returns 0 if string2 does not occur. Inp: n is an integer. Out: integer. Ex: print instr("abcbcacab","ca") result: 5 See: INSTR2. ~~INSTR2 INSTR2([n],string1,string2) Scans string1 starting from n-th character of string1 for the first occurence of any character contained IN string2 and returns the location of the character. Returns 0 if none of the characters occur. Inp: n is an integer. Out: integer. Ex: print instr2("abcbcacab","ca") result: 1 See: INSTR. ~~INT INT(x) The greatest integer not exceeding x.(same as FLOOR) Inp: integer, real, rational. Out: integer. Ex: INT(12345/100) = 123,INT(-12345/100) = -124. See: CEIL, FIX, FLOOR, ROUND. ~~IRND IRND Integer valued random number from -32767 to 32767. Out: integer i (0 <= i <= 32767). Note: Negative integers do not occur. Ex: 10 randomize 20 for I=1 to 100 30 print irnd; 40 next displays 100 integer valued random numbers. See: RANDOMIZE, RND. appendix B for the algorithm. ~~ISQRT ISQRT(x) Integer part of the square root of x. Note: Returns precisely the largest integer not exceeding the theoretical value. Inp: integer. Out: integer. Ex: print isqrt(10) result: 3 See: SQRT.


~~JUMP JUMP Goes to the next "**", as in 10 if a=1 then jump 20 b=1 30 **: c=1 Note: It is easy to find where to jump unlike GOTO.


~~KEY KEY key_number,string Modifies the settings of function keys, etc. Key number is as follows: 1 - 10 f1 - f10 Ex: key 1,"run "+chr(0x22)+"pi"+chr(0x22)+chr(0x0d) assigns 'run "pi"' to function key #1. ~~KILL KILL "filename" Kills a program or a data file. Note: If the filename is without extension, the file is regarded as a program with ".UB". If "+" is added in place of extension, the file is regarded as a data file with ".UBD". To specify a file without extension, add "." to the filename. See: SET. ~~KRO KRO(m,n) Extended Kronecker's symbol for m and n. Equivalent to Legendre's symbol (for quadratic residue) for odd prime n. That is, 1 if m is a quadratic residue modulo n, -1 if m is a non-quadratic residue, 0 if m can be divided by n. Also equivalent to Jacobi's symbol for odd composite n. Inp: integer. Out: integer (0, 1, or -1). Ex: print kro(3,5) result:-1.


~~LCM LCM(m,n) Least common multiple of m and n. Inp: integer, rational polynomial or modulo polynomial. Out: integer(>=0), rational polynomial or monic modulo polynomial. Ex: print lcm(14,21) result: 42 print lcm(_x^2-1, _x^2-2*_x+1) result: (1//2)*X^3 - (1//2)*X^2 - (1//2)*X + 1//2 See: GCD. ~~LCOEFF LCOEFF(polynomial) Coefficient of the term of highest degree of polynomial. Ex: A=poly(1,3,5):print lcoeff(A) result: 5 See: CCOEFF, COEFF. ~~LDIR LDIR "pathname" Outputs a list of files to the printer. Usually the pathname is simply the drive name (a:, b:, etc.). A wild card is allowed. See: the MS-DOS manual for detailed information. DIR. ~~LEFT LEFT(string[,n]) n characters at the left end of a string. It returns one character when n is not given. Ex: print left("abcdefgh",3) result:abc See: MID, RIGHT. LEFT(packet[,n]) The packet which contains the n members at the left end of the specified packet. Note: It returns a packet with one member when n is not given. Use MEMBER to get a member itself. Ex: print left(pack(1,2,3,4,5),3) result:( 1, 2, 3) See: MEMBER, MID, RIGHT, PACK. ~~LEN LEN(x) Bit length of x. LEN(0) = 0, LEN(1) = 1, LEN(5) = 3, Note: It returns byte length when argument is a string, number of data when argument is a packet, and number of terms (degree+1) when argument is a polynomial. Inp: any data. Out: integer. Ex: len(0)=0, len(1)=1, len(5)=3, len(65535)=16, len(65536)=17, len("abc")=3 A=pack(1,2,3):print len(A) result: 3 A=poly(1,2,3):print len(A) result: 3 (note deg(A)=2). ~~LINE LINE (x1,y1)-(x2,y2),c Draws a line from (x1,y1)-(x2,y2) with color c. LINE (x1,y1)-(x2,y2),c,"b" Draws a box from (x1,y1)-(x2,y2) with color c. LINE (x1,y1)-(x2,y2),c,"bf",paintcolor Also fill inside with a paintcolor. LINE (x1,y1)-(x2,y2),c,"bf",paintcolor Also fill inside with a paintcolor. ~~LIST LIST [linenumber1 or label1] [ - linenumber2 or label2] Displays the specified portion of the current program. To halt, press Control-S. To quit, press Control-C. Note: To edit a program, EDIT, and are recommended. See: EDIT. ~~LLIST LLIST [linenumber1 or label1] [ - linenumber2 or label2] Same as LIST, but outputs to both the printer and the screen. Note: To halt, press Control-S. To quit, press Control-C. Note that a printer with a buffer does not stop at once. ~~LLOCATE LLOCATE n Sends a carriage return (but not line feed) and n blanks to the printer. See: LOCATE. ~~LOAD LOAD "program_name" Reads the program into memory. LOADing a programs from standard (ASCII) text files is slower because they need to be converted to the internal code. If you do not give the program_name, the list of programs is displayed so that you may select a program using the arrow keys and and . (hit to quit) See: APPEND, SAVE. ~~LOCAL LOCAL variable1[=value],variable2[=value], ... Defines local variables and initializes them (default = 0). Note: Local variables must be defined just after the subroutine/function definition. Variables defined by LOCAL are valid until the subroutine/function RETURNs. They are distinguished from variables of the same name in the main program. Local variables are initialized to zero if the value is not specified. Do not LOCAL the arguments of the subroutine/function, since arguments are automatically defined as local variables. 100 fnABC(X,Y,Z) 110 local I,J,K,Z sets to 0 the value of Z passed by the main program. Ex: 10 for I=1 to 10 20 gosub *ABC(I) 30 next 40 end 100 *ABC(X) 110 local I :' This 'I' is not the 'I' in the main routine. 120 for I=1 to X 130 print X; 140 next 150 print 160 return The variable I is used in both the main routine and the subroutine. The value assigned by LOCAL in line 110 does not affect the value of I in the main routine. Note: Variables already passed by address using "&" cannot be initialized by LOCAL. ~~LOCATE LOCATE x, y LOCATE x LOCATE , y Specifies the cursor position on the screen. Note: Locate X changes the x-coordinate. The y-coordinate remains as it was. Locate ,Y changes the y-coordinate. The x-coordinate remains as it was. See: LLOCATE. ~~LOG LOG(x) Natural logarithm of x. Inp: number. Out: real, complex number. Ex: print log(1.23) result: 0.2070... See: appendix B for the algorithm. ~~LOOP LOOP - ENDLOOP Constructs an infinite loop. Note: You may jump out of the loop using GOTO. Ex: 10 loop 20 ... 30 ... 40 endloop is equivalent to: 10 ' 20 ... 30 ... 40 goto 10 However, the loop structure is emphasized in the former case. See: ENDLOOP. ~~LOWER LOWER(string) Translates characters to lowercase. Inp: string. Out: string. Ex: print lower("BecauseIt'sTime.") result:becauseit'stime. See: UPPER. ~~LPRINT LPRINT 1) LPRINT expression LPRINT USING(x, y), expression LPRINT "string" LPRINT CHR(n) Outputs to the printer. Note: Multiple expressions can be output with one LPRINT statement. Expressions must be marked off with ";" or ",". "LPRINT A;B" prints the values without spaces in between. "LPRINT A,B" prints the value of B on the next 8-character field. See: LLOCATE, ALEN, USING. Note: LPRINT may not function when the use of print.sys is not declared in config.sys in MS-DOS version 3.1 and later versions. Place the "print.sys" in the system disket of MS-DOS and add the "config.sys" the following line (See MS-DOS manual for details.): device = print.sys See: MS-DOS manual for details. 2) LPRINT = PRINT + LPRINT + "filename" Redirects the outputs of LPRINT statements to the screen (PRINT), the printer (LPRINT), a file ("filename"), or any combination of these. No more than one file is allowed on the right-hand side. The file must be distinct from the one specified by the "PRINT = ..." construct. The outputs are redirected to NULL if nothing is on the right-hand side. ~~LVLIST LVLIST [line_number1 or label1][-line_number2 or label2] Outputs to the printer the list of variables used in the program. See: VLIST. ~~LVXREF LVXREF [variable] Outputs to the printer the cross-reference list for all (or the specified) varialbes. Array names must be followed by a (. See: VXREF. ~~LXREF LXREF [line_number or label_1] [-line_number or label_2] Displays/prints the line numbers of the lines that reference the specified lines. Press Control-S to halt, Control-C to quit. Note: If line_number or label is not specified, all the line numbers and labels are regarded as the arguments. See: XREF.


~~MAPX MAPX(x) Converts world x-coordinates to screen x-coordinates. ~~MAPY MAPY(y) Converts world y-coordinates to screen y-coordinates. ~~MAX MAX(arg1,arg2,...) Returns the largest of the arguments. Ex: print max(1,3,2) result: 3 print max("d","abc","ef") result:ef In string comparisons, the ASCII codes of the characters are compared in order. See: MIN. ~~MELT MELT ["filename"] Melts a FREEZEd program. Note: Filename should not have an extension as ".ICE" is automatically added. If no filename is given, "UB.ICE" in the current directory is used. The MELTed program cannot be CONTinued after a fatal error has occurred. In that case, MELT it once again. Results are unpredictable if a file is modified after FREEZing the program in which it is OPENed. See: FREEZE. ~~MEMBER MEMBER 1) MEMBER(string,n) n-th member of the specified string. The members of the string are marked off by "," or a space. However, ","s or spaces between () are neglected. Ex: A="123,abcdefg,mid(B,1,2)" print member(A,1) result:123 print member(A,2) result:abcdefg print member(A,3) result:mid(B,1,2) Note: Use CUTSPC to delete the spaces if you do not want them to be regarded as delimiters. The return value is a string. Use VAL to convert it to a number. 2) MEMBER(packet,n) n-th member of the specified packet. Ex: print member(pack(11,22,33,44),3) result: 33 See: PACK. 3) MEMBER(packet,n)=expression Replaces the n-th member of the specified packet. Note: If n is more than the current number of members, 0 is assigned to the n-th member and all the members between the n-th and current members. Ex: A=pack(11,22,33,44):member(A,3)=55:print member(A,3) result: 55 See: PACK. ~~MID MID 1) MID(string,x,n) Substring which starts with the x-th character of the specified string and contains n characters. Note: To specify all the characters starting with the x-th, use "*" as n or specify a larger n than the length of the string. It returns one character if n is not given. Ex: A="abcdefg" print mid(A,2,3) result:bcd print mid(A,2,100) result:bcdefg print mid(A,2,*) result:bcdefg print mid(A,2) result:b See: LEFT, RIGHT. 2) MID(packet,x,n) The portion of the specified packet which starts with the x-th member and contains n members. Note: Returns a packet with one member when n is not given. Use MEMBER to get a member itself. Ex: print mid(pack(11,22,33,44),2,2) result: ( 22, 33) See: MEMBER, LEFT, RIGHT, PACK. 3) MID(String_variable, x, n)=string Replaces n characters starting with the x-th character of the specified string_variable by specified string. Note: If the string is shorter then n characters, the rest of the characters are not replaced. If the string is longer, the rest of the string is neglected. Ex: A="abcdefg":mid(A,3,2)="xy":print A result:abxyefg Note: There is no MID statement which replaces the members of a packet. Replace them one by one using MEMBER. ~~MIN MIN(arg1,arg2,...) Returns the smallest of the arguments. Ex: print min(1,3,2) result: 1 print min("d","abc","ef") result:abc In string comparisons, the ASCII codes of the characters are compared in order. See: MAX. ~~MOB MOB(n) See: MOEB. ~~MODINV MODINV(a,n) Gives x such that a * x mod n = 1, 0 < x < n. It returns 0 if no such x exists, i.e. if a and n are not coprime. Inp: integer (n > 0). Out: integer. Ex: print modinv(23,45) result: 2 ~~MODPOW MODPOW(a,b,n) (a to the b) mod n. Mod is taken each time a is raised in order not to overflow. b >= 0, n > 0. Note: If b = 0, it returns 1 neglecting the value of a. Inp: b must be integer b >= 0 a and n must be the same type: integer, polynomial or modpolynomial. if a is integer then n must be positive. Out: same as a Ex: print modpow(12,34,56) result: 16 ~~MODSQRT MODSQRT(a,p) Gives x such that x^2 mod p = a, 0 <= x < p. Inp: integers. a must be a square modulo p, p must be a prime number. Out: integer. ~~MODULUS MODULUS = expression Sets the modulus (which must be prime, =< 65535) used in the calculation of polynomials. Set modulus = 0 (default value) when calculating normal polynomials (with integral, rational or complex coefficients). Note: UBASIC allows polynomials whose coefficients are integers taken modulo a prime number. Ex: modulus=2:A=5*_X^2+6*_X+7:print A result: 1*X^2 + 1 Note: Do not change the modulus during calculation with polynomials. MODULUS Current value of modulus. ~~MOEB MOEB(n) Moebius' function. 0 if n has a square factor. If n has no square factor, 1 if n has an even number of prime factors, -1 if n has an odd number of prime factors. Inp: integer n (1 <= n <= 65536^2-1 = 4294967295). Out: integer. Ex: print mob(105) result: -1 ~~MONIC MONIC(polynomial) Monic polynomial obtained by dividing the argument by the coefficient of the highest degree. Ex: A=2*_x+1:print monic(A) result: X + 1//2 if modulus = 0 X + 2 if modulus = 3 X + 3 if modulus = 5.


~~NEG NEG variable1 [,variable2,... ] "NEG A" is equivalent to "A = -A", but faster. Ex: neg A,B,C changes signs of A, B, C. See: CLR, DEC, INC. NEG BLOCK array(index,index...) Changes the signs of the specified array members. Ex: neg block A(0..10) changes signs of the members from A(0) to A(10) neg block A(2,1..2) changes signs of A(2,1) and A(2,2) See: BLOCK for details. ~~NEW NEW Deletes the current program and variables. Note: A program NEWed by mistake can be REVIVEd. See: REVIVE. ~~NOP NOP No operation. When the TRON command does not function properly (e.g. in the case of multi-statements), put an NOP just before the statement to be traced. See: TRON, TROFF. ~~NOT NOT IF NOT WHILE NOT UNTIL NOT Changes logical values. Note: This is to emphasize "If .... is not true". Ex: while not eof(1) input #1,A:print A wend is easier to understand than: while eof(1)=0 input #1,A:print A wend ~~NUM NUM(argument) Numerator of the argument. Inp: integer, rational. Ex: print num(2//3) result: 2 See: DEN. ~~NXTPRM NXTPRM(x) The smallest prime greater than x. It returns 0 if either x < 0 or the result is greater than 2 to the 32nd. x may be a noninteger. Inp: integer, real. Out: integer. Ex: print nxtprm(123.45) result: 127 ~~NEXT NEXT See: FOR.


~~ODD ODD(x) 1 if x is odd, 0 if even. x must be an integer. Inp: integer. Out: integer (0 or 1). Ex: print odd(10),odd(11) result: 0 1 See: EVEN. ~~ON ON See: ERROR. ~~OPEN OPEN 1) OPEN "filename" FOR INPUT (or OUTPUT or APPEND) AS #n Opens a sequential data file to be written and read by "PRINT #n, ..." and "INPUT #n, ..." commands, where n = 1, 2, 3, 4. The filename may be with .UBD or without extension. If the POINT value is changed after the file was written, truncating or padding with zeros can occur. If the file specified in "OPEN...FOR APPEND" is not found, a new file is created. Note: 10 files (#1 ... #10) can be OPENed at the same time. When you cannot open 10 files, increase the number of open files declared in "config.sys". "files = 20" is recommended. Filename does not contain an extension. Do not add "+" to the filename even if it is a data file. See: CLOSE, EOF, INPUT #, PRINT #. 2) OPEN "filename" FOR INPUT (or OUTPUT or APPEND) AS #n Opens a file in text-file form(=ASCII form). The filename must have extension other than .UBD Note: 10 files can be OPENed at the same time. Add "." to specify a filename without extension. See: CLOSE, EOF, INPUT #, PRINT #. 3) OPEN "filename" AS FILEn(m1) [WORD m2] Uses files as an external array, where n = 1, 2, 3. The upper bound for the array index, m1, may be greater than 65535. The word size of each array element is m2 (or 8 if not specified). Protected files can be read, but not written. Ex: open "filename" as file1(n) [word x] makes a new file. open "filename" as file1 opens an existing file. See: CLOSE. "External arrays" for details. ~~OR expression1 OR expression2 0 if both arguments are zero, 1 otherwise. Inp: expressions. Out: integer (0 or 1). Ex: if A or B then Note: Both expressions are evaluated. OR{expression1,expression2,...} 0 if all the arguments are zero, 1 otherwise. Inp: expressions. Out: integer (0 or 1). Ex: if or{A,B,...} then When the expressions between {} are long, continuation of lines (:) is allowed as follows: if or{A, :B, :...} :then Note: If one of the argument is nonzero, it returns 1 at once without evaluating the following expressions. ~~OUT OUT port#,expression Outputs a value to the specified port.


~~PACK PACK(arg1,arg2,...) Makes data a packet. Note: It assigns multiple data to a variable. Use MEMBER to get a member of a packet. Ex: A=pack(1,2,3):print A result: ( 1, 2, 3) See: MEMBER, LEFT, MID, RIGHT. ~~PAINT PAINT (x,y)[,paintcolor,boundarycolor] Paints by paintcolor a region with boundary having boundary color. ~~PAUSE [period] Pauses period times 100 milliseconds. If period is not specified pauses 1 second. Note: The timing is not so accurate. ~~PEEK PEEK(address) The byte at the specified address. Note: Segment must be specified by DEFSEG. See: DEFSEG, PEEKW, PEEKS, POKE, VARPTR. ~~PEEKW PEEKW(address) The word at the specified address. Note: Segment must be specified by DEFSEG. See: DEFSEG, PEEK, PEEKS, POKEW, VARPTR. ~~PEEKS PEEKS(address,n) n bytes at the specified address. Note: Segment must be specified by DEFSEG. Out: string. See: DEFSEG, PEEK, PEEKW, POKES, VARPTR. ~~PI PI(x) PI times x. This is more precise for large x. ex. 10000*#pi contains an error in the least significant 4 digits, but pi(10000) does not. The precision depends on the current value of POINT. (maximum:541 words) Inp: number. Out: real, complex number. Ex: print pi(100) result: 314.1592... See: #pi. ~~POINT POINT expression POINT * Specifies the number of words, n (= 2, 3, ..., 525), for the decimal part of the variables. One word is about 4.8 decimal places; 100 decimal places are 21 words; 1000 decimal places are 208 words. "POINT *" sets the largest allowed value. When multiplications, divisions, or function calls are involved, n must be no more than 260, otherwise overflow can occur. When complex numbers are involved, n must be no more than 130. This statement closes all the files, so it must be placed at the beginning of the program. Do not use this statement inside a subroutine or a function, or when variables are already assigned non-integer values. No message is displayed if negative n is specified. PRINT POINT displays the current POINT value. ~~POKE POKE address,expression Stores a byte value at the specified address. Note: The segment must be specified by DEFSEG. See: DEFSEG, PEEK, POKEW, POKES, VARPTR. ~~POKEW POKEW address,expression Stores a word value at the specified address. Note: The segment must be specified by DEFSEG. See: DEFSEG, PEEK, POKEW, POKES, VARPTR. ~~POKES POKES address,string Stores a string at the specified address. Note: The segment must be specified by DEFSEG. Ex: defseg=0x8000:A="ABC":pokes 0,A stores 0x41,0x42,0x43 at the addresses 8000:0001, 0002,0003, respectively, where '0x...' indicates a hexadecimal number. See: DEFSEG, PEEK, POKEW, POKES, VARPTR. ~~POLY POLY(coeff0,coeff1,coeff2,...) A polynomial with the arguments as coefficients. Ex: A=poly(1,2,3):print A result: 3*X^2 + 2*X + 1 See: COEFF. ~~POSX POSX The x-coordinate of the current cursor position. (0 <= POSX <= 79) Ex: locate posx-1 moves the cursor 1 column to the left. ~~POSY POSY The y-coordinate of the current cursor position. (0 <= POSY <= 24) Ex: locate posy-1 moves the cursor up 1 line. ~~PRINT PRINT expression or "string" or CHR(n) or etc. Outputs the value of the expression, the string, the character whose ASCII code is n, or the current time to the screen. "PRINT A;B" prints the values without spaces in between. "PRINT A,B" prints the value of B on the next 8-character field. Press Control-S for halt/restart toggle. See: LOCATE, ALEN, USING. PRINT = PRINT + LPRINT + "filename" Redirects the output of PRINT statements. "PRINT = PRINT" cancels the redirection. Note: No more than one file is allowed on the right-hand side. The file must be distinct from the one specified by the "LPRINT = ..." construct. The output is redirected to NUL if nothing is on the right-hand side. See: LPRINT = ~~PRINT # PRINT #n,expression PRINTs to file #n. Note: Multiple expressions can be output with one PRINT # statement. Expressions must be marked off with ";" or ",". See: OPEN. ~~PRM PRM(n) n-th prime number. PRM(12251) is the greatest prime less than (2 to the 17th). Inp: integer n (0 <= n <= 12251). Out: integer. Ex: (prm(0)=1), prm(1)=2, prm(2)=3, ... prm(12251)=131071 ~~PRMDIV PRMDIV(n) The least prime divisor of n. It returns 0 if n is greater than 2^34 and has no divisor less than 2^17. Inp: integer. Out: integer. Ex: print prmdiv(105) result: 3 ~~PSET PSET (x,y),c Put a color c to a point (x,y). ~~PUT PUT (x,y)=a Puts a graphic pattern in a variable a to (x,y). See: GET.



~~RANDOMIZE RANDOMIZE [n] Initializes the random number generator with n. (0 <= n <= 65535) Note: To get a random number, use RND or IRND. The current time is used if no n is given. See: RND, IRND. ~~RE RE(x) Real part of x. Inp: number. Out: number. Ex: print re(123+456#i) result: 123 See: CONJ, IM. ~~READ READ var1 [,var2,...] Reads from the DATA statements. Ex: 10 restore 100 20 read a,b,c 30 print a;b;c 40 end 100 data 11,22,33 result: 11 22 33 See: DATA, RESTORE. ~~REDUCE REDUCE variable1,variable2 Divides two integer variables by their greatest common divisor. Note: The numerator and denominator of a rational number can be REDUCEd. Variable2 becomes positive. Inp: integer. See: GCD. ~~REM REM or ' Causes the rest of the line to be ignored. Note: REM can be replaced by "'". Note that a continued line is not ignored. Ex: 10 print 1:'test:print 2 In the above line "print 2" is not executed. However in the following lines it is executed: 10 print 1:'test 20 :print 2 ~~RENAME RENAME "old filename" to "new filename" Changes filename. If the extension is not specified, it is regarded as ".UB". ~~RENUM RENUM [start_of_new_line_numbers] [,start_of_old_line_numbers] Renumbers the lines with increments of 10. The new line numbers start with 10 if not specified. ~~REPEAT REPEAT statements UNTIL expression Repeats until is nonzero. Note: ":" between REPEAT and statements can be omitted. It can be omitted alsobetween statements and UNTIL. You may jump out of the loop using GOTO. ~~RES RES Residue (remainder) of the most recent integer division including division of complex numbers with integer components and division of polynomials. Note: Noninteger divisions and function evaluations can destroy RES. Assign it to a variable if you do not use it immediately after the integer division. Evaluation of ISQRT(x) (when x is an integer) sets RES to x - ISQRT(x)^2, which is zero if x is a square number. Ex: A=35:A1=A\10:A0=res assigns 3 to A1 and 5 to A0. Out: integer, complex number, polynomial. ~~RESTORE RESTORE line_number or label The next READ statement reads from the first DATA statements below the specified line. See: DATA, READ. ~~RESTORE # RESTORE #n Equivalent to "CLOSE #n: OPEN #n". See: EOF, OPEN. ~~RETURN RETURN Returns from the subroutine. See: GOSUB. ~~RETURN RETURN(return_value) Returns from the subroutine with a return value. See: FN. ~~REVIVE REVIVE Undeletes the program just NEWed. See: NEW. ~~RIGHT RIGHT(string[,n]) n characters at the rignt end of a string. It returns one character when n is not given. See: LEFT, MID. ~~RIGHT RIGHT(packet[,n]) Packet which contains n members at the right end of specified packet. Note: Returns a packet with one member when n is not given. Use MEMBER to get a member itself. See: MEMBER, LEFT, MID, PACK. ~~RND RND Real-valued random number between 0 and 1. The precision is determined by the current POINT. To change the sequence, use RANDOMIZE. Out: decimal number x (0 <= x < 1). Ex: 10 randomize 20 for I=1 to 100 30 print rnd; 40 next displays 100 random numbers. See: RANDOMIZE, IRND. appendix B for the algorithm. ~~ROLL ROLL [y][,x] Scrolls a view area with y dots up and x dots left. ~~ROUND ROUND(x) Integer nearest to x. Inp: integer, real, rational. Out: integer. Ex: round(1.3)=1,round(-1.7)=-2,round(0.5)=1,round(-0.5)=-1 See: CEIL, FIX, FLOOR, INT. ~~RUN RUN ["program_name"] [Loads and] runs the program. When a program name is not given, a list of programs is displayed so that you may select a program using arrow keys and .


~~SAVE SAVE "program_name" Stores the current program on to a disk in intermediate-code form. Note: If no file name is given, the current date and time are used as the program name. Use ASAVE to save a program in text-file form. See: APPEND, ASAVE, LOAD. ~~SCREEN SCREEN n[,activeplane][,displayplane] Changes a graphic screen mode and initializes graphics. n= 20 : 640*480 mono color mode. 23 : 640*480 16 color mode. 820 : 800*600 mono color mode. 823 : 800*600 16 color mode. Activeplane and displayplane are available only on the mono color mode. Set the bits corrsponding to the target planes. ~~SET SET "filename","P" SET "filename"," " Sets and resets the write protection flag of the file, respectively. A data file's filename requires a "+" after it. Note: The extension is regarded as ".UB" if not given (".UBD" when "+" is added). To specify a file with no extension, add "." to the filename. See: DIR, KILL. ~~SFT SFT(x,b) x is shifted left (or right if b < 0) by b bits. SFT(x, 1) = x * 2, SFT(1, -1) = 0, SFT(1.0, -1) = 0.5. Inp: x is an integer or a real, b is an integer. Out: same type as x. Ex: print sft(123,1) result: 246 print sft(123.0,1) result: 246.0 print sft(123,-1) result: 61 print sft(123.0,-1) result: 61.5 ~~SGN SGN(x) 1, 0, -1 for x > 0, x = 0, x < 0, respectively. Inp: integer, real, rational. Out: integer (-1, 0, 1). ~~SIN SIN(x) Sine of x. Inp: number. Out: number. Ex: print sin(1.23) result: 0.9424... See: COS, TAN, ASIN. appendix B for the algorithm. ~~SINH SINH(x) Hyperbolic sine of x. (exp(x)-exp(-x))/2. Inp: number. Out: number. Ex: print sinh(1.23) result: 1.5644... See: COSH. appendix B for the algorithm. ~~SKIP SKIP See: TRON. ~~SPC SPC(n) Equivalent to n blanks. Use with PRINT or LPRINT. Inp: integer. Out: string. Ex: print spc(20); displays 20 blanks. See: LOCATE, LLOCATE, TAB. ~~SQRT SQRT(x) Square root of x. SQRT(2) = SQRT(2.0) = 1.4142.... If x is not a nonnegative real number then the solution which has nonnegative real part is given. SQRT(4) is 2.0 not 2 (same value but different type). Inp: number. Out: number. Ex: Both sqrt(2) and sqrt(2.0) are 1.4142.... See: ISQRT. appendix B for the algorithm. ~~STEP STEP See: FOR. ~~STOP STOP 1) Stops running. Note: Program halts at a STOP statement. Control-C also halts the execution. The execution can be continued by CONT. However, CONT may not work if non-syntax errors have occurred while the program is halted. Changing the values of variables affects the results after the execution is CONTinued. Be careful alsoabout the value of RES. 2) Stops tracing. Note: When STOP is used with TRON, the program halts before the execution of each line. See: TRON. ~~STR STR(n) Decimal expression of n. Inp: number. Out: string. Ex: A=1+#i:print right(str(A),3) result:+#i ~~STRINPUT 1) STRINPUT ["message"] variable Inputs a string from the keyboard to the specified variable. Note: Unlike INPUT, the string must not be put between "". Do not delete the prompt "?". If it is deleted, add "?" at the beginning of the string. When only is hit, INPUT prompts you to re-enter, but STRINPUT assigns a null string. See: INPUT. 2) STRINPUT = "filename" Redirects the input to the specified ASCII file. STRINPUT = STRINPUT cancels the redirection. See: INPUT. ~~SWAP SWAP var1,var2 Swaps the contents of the two variables of the same type. Ex: A=1:B=2:swap A,B:print A;B result: 2 1 SWAP BLOCK array1(index, index, ...), [BLOCK] array2(index, index, ...) Swaps the contents of the two arrays of the same type. Note: It swaps all the members if the indices are not specifed. The number of specified members must be the same but the composition may vary. If overlapping areas of one array are specified, double exchanging occurs and results are unpredictable. Ex: swap block A(0..9),block B(1..10) swaps A(0) ... A(9) with B(1) ... B(10). swap block A(2,1..3),block B(2..4) swaps A(2,1),A(2,2),A(2,3) with B(2),B(3),B(4). See: BLOCK. ~~SYSTEM SYSTEM Returns to DOS.


~~TAB TAB(n) Specifies the column for PRINT and LPRINT. It is ignored when n is less than the current column position on the screen. Note: It outputs blanks between the current cursor position and the specified x-coordinate. It just moves the cursor if n is negative. Inp: integer. Out: none. See: LOCATE, LLOCATE. ~~TAN TAN(x) Tangent of x. Inp: number. Out: number. Ex: print tan(1.23) result: 2.8198... See: COS, SIN, ATAN. appendix B for the algorithm. ~~THEN THEN See: IF. ~~TIME CLR TIME CLR TIME sets the time to 00:00:00 and TIME1000 to 0. TIME Inp: none. Out: string. Ex: print TIME displays the current time. See: TIME1000. ~~TIME1000 TIME1000 Gives the current time by milli-seconds. Inp: none. Out: integer. Note: Needs additional time. Ex: 10 clr time 20 gosub *A 30 print time1000 measures an execution time of *A. See: TIME ~~TO TO See: FOR. ~~TROFF TROFF Cancels TRON. You may restart the program by CONT or TRON. ~~TRON TRON [STOP] [SKIP] Displays each line number before execution. If STOP is specified, the line number is displayed, and the program is halted until is pressed. If SKIP is specified, deeper subroutine calls are not traced. TRONs and TROFFs may be specified in the program to debug a portion of the program. Tracing may be hindered by a GOTO, GOSUB or a preceding FOR, WHILE or REPEAT. For example, line 20 of the following program may not be traced. 10 for I=0 to 10 20 print I 30 next If line 20 is not traced, rewrite it as 20 nop: print I Note: Any statement which does not modify the program may be executed while the program is halted. You may place TRON and TROFF in the middle of the program to check the specified part. Ex: 10 gosub *A 20 end 30 *A 40 tron skip 50 gosub *B 60 return 70 *B 80 print "now in line 80" 90 return result: $ 50 now in line 80 $ 60 $ 20 OK (*B is not traced.) ~~TYPE TYPE(argument) Type of the argument. Integer=1, rational=2, real=3, complex number=4, string=5, packet=6, polynomial=7, mod polynomial=8. See: ATTRIB.


~~UNTIL UNTIL See: REPEAT. ~~UPPER UPPER(string) Translates characters to uppercase. Inp: string. Out: string. Ex: print upper("This is a pen.") result:THIS IS A PEN. See: LOWER. ~~USEEMA USEEMA Declares the use of EMA-arrays. Note: Do not put a space between USE and EMA. See: EMA-array. ~~USING USING PRINT USING(x, y), expression LPRINT USING(x, y), expression The parameters x and y specify the numbers of digits for the integer and fractional parts to be output, respectively. The output is rounded. Sign is included in the integer part. Ex: print using(3, 2), 9.999 result: 10.00 print using(3, 5),1.234567 result: 1.23457 Note: Do not put a space between "using" and "(", or "using" will be regarded as the name of variable.


~~VAL VAL(string) Value expressed by the specified string. Note: The argument may be a function or a variable. It is recommended that the string should be ENCODEd when the same string is being specified several times. Inp: string. Out: number, string. Ex: X=2:print val("X+X^2") result: 6 See: DECODE, ENCODE, EVAL. VAL(polynomial,x) Value of the polynomial as evaluated for the given x. Inp: x is a number or a polynomial. Out: number, polynomial. Ex: A=poly(0,1,1):print val(A,2) result: 6 VAL(modpolynomial,x) Value of the polynomial modulo a prime as evaluated for the given x. Inp: x is an integer. Out: integer. Ex: modulus=5:A=poly(0,1,1):print val(A,2) result: 1 ~~VARPTR VARPTR(variable) Address of the specified variable. Note: It returns a 32 bit value. The upper 16 bits are the segment address while the lower 16 bits are the offset address. See: DEFSEG, PEEK, POKE. ~~VCHG VCHG [start_line_number or label ,] old_var_name to new_var_name Replaces variable or array names from the specified line to the end of the program. Note: Ordinary variables cannot be changed into arrays, or vice versa. Arrays cannot be specified with indices. "vchg ABCD to ABcd" does not change the name as "ABCD" and "Abcd" are regarded as the same. In this case, execute "vchg ABCD to AAAA" and "vchg AAAA to ABcd" for example. Ex: VCHG A,A# VCHG A%,B# VCHG A(),B#() The following usages are invalid: VCHG A,A() VCHG A(),A VCHG A(1),B(1) ~~VIEW VIEW (x1,y1)-(x2,y2)[,paintcolor][,boundarycolor] Limits the graphic area. ~~VLIST VLIST [line_number1 or label1][-line_number2 or label2] Displays/prints the list of variables. See: LVLIST. ~~VXREF VXREF [variable] Displays/prints the cross-reference list for all (or the specified) variables. Array names must be followed by a (. APPEND, VLIST, VXREF and VCHG are introduced to facilitate modular coding in the framework of BASIC. LOAD the first module and APPEND the next. Then use VXREF to see if variable names coincide, in which case use VCHG to change the names. See: LVXREF.


~~WEND WEND See: WHILE. ~~WHILE WHILE expression statements WEND Executes while is nonzero. Note: You may jump out of the loop using GOTO. Ex: 10 A=input$(1) 20 while and{A<>"N",A<>"n"} 30 print A; 40 A=input$(1) 50 wend inputs a character from the keyboard and displays it until "N" or "n" is entered. ~~WIDTH Do not use. >WIDTH 80,number_of_lines > Specifies the number of lines displayed in the text > screen. >Note: The number_of_lines must be 20 or 25. > The number of characters in one line is fixed at 80. ~~WINDOW WINDOW (x1,y1)-(x2,y2) Assigns word coordinates to the view area. Ex: 10 view (100,150)-(200,250) 20 window (-1.0,-0.5)-(0.5,1.0) After do these, (100,150) corresponds to (-1.0,-0.5) and (200,250) corresponds to (0.5,1.0). ~~WORD WORD expression WORD * Specifies the length (in words) of a long variable. Note: The maximum length is 542 words unless the system notifies otherwise (when the memory is scarce). WORD also closes all open files and clears the variables except simple short ones. WORD does not change execution speed because calculations are always done in 542 words. WORD must be placed at the beginning of the program. "WORD *" specifies the maximum length allowed. No message is displayed if a negative value is pecified. PRINT WORD displays the current value set by WORD. WORD cannot be used in subroutines/functions. open ... as ... WORD Specifies the length (in words) of a member of an external array. See: OPEN.


~~XREF XREF [line_number or label_1] [-line_number or label_2] Displays/prints the line numbers of the lines that reference the specified lines (or all the lines). Press Control-S to halt, Control-C to quit. See: LXREF.

Lesson 1

~~Lesson 1. Lesson 1. To display a message, write print "test" Here means 'hit RETURN key' Then it will be displayed as test OK Next, try the calculation print 123*456 will result in 56088 OK Now let's make a program. The easiest program may be 10 print "This is the 1st program." It is stored and is waiting for the execution command. Write run then the program will run and it will display: This is the 1st program. OK

Lesson 2

~~Lesson 2. Lesson 2. We will make a longer program. Compute the sum from 1 to 100. 10 Sum=0 20 for I=1 to 100 30 Sum=Sum+I 40 next I 50 print Sum The 'for' in the line 20 and the 'next' in line 40 are connected and are force the repetition of the commands between them. Let's write run then the result 5050 OK will be shown.

Lesson 3

~~Lesson 3. Lesson 3. Big Number Arithmetic Lessons 1 and 2 can be done by any other computer language. UBASIC can handle very big numbers. For example, let's compute the product from 1 to 100. 10 Product=1 20 for I=1 to 100 30 Product=Product*I 40 next 50 print Product run 93326215443944152681699238856266700490715968264381621468592963 895217599993229915608941463976156518286253697920827223758251185 210916864000000000000000000000000 OK If one wants to calculate this by usual BASIC language, one must make a long and complicated program.

Lesson 4

~~Lesson 4. Lesson 4. User Defined Functions Compute a sum of powers, namely 1^3+2^3+...+100^3 or 11^4+12^4+...+50^4 etc. Write the power by 'Power', the start number by 'Start' and the final number by 'Final', then the program may be 10 Power=3:Start=1:Final=20 20 Sum=0 30 for I=Start to Final 40 Sum=Sum+I^Power 50 next 60 print Sum Let's execute this. 1^3 + 2^3 + ... + 20^3 will be computed and the result will be displayed: run 44100 OK We transform it into a function to reusable. 5 fnPowerSum(Power,Start,Final) 10 local Sum,I 20 Sum=0 30 for I=Start to Final 40 Sum=Sum+I^Power 50 next 60 return(Sum) Rewrite the lines 10 and 60, and add the line 5. The returned value is given as the argument of RETURN. Now we got our function PowerSum. To try it, write print fnPowerSum(22,1,100) then 1^22 + 2^22 + ... + 100^22 will be computed and the result is 486614659739941950597622922368810419475443850 OK We can use user-functions from the direct mode if it is in the memory. Store this to the disk. save "PowerSum" OK Exit from UBASIC is done by. system This will return us to MS-DOS. Imagine that some days later you need to compute the sum of the 1-st, 2-nd,... 10-th powers of from 1 to 100. Since you already have the function PowerSum, you can easily complete the work like this: Write the main program as follows: 10 for I=1 to 10 20 print I,fnPowerSum(I,1,100) 30 next 40 end Now we use the 'append' command. append "PowerSum" OK Then the 'PowerSum' function is loaded from the disk and linked to the last of the main program like this: list 10 for I=1 to 10 20 print I,fnPowerSum(I,1,100) 30 next 40 end 1040 fnPowerSum(Power,Start,Final) 1050 local Sum,I 1060 Sum=0 1070 for I=Start to Final 1080 Sum=Sum+I^Power 1090 next 1100 return(Sum) OK Please note that the line numbers are automatically renumbered. You need not care about the line numbers. run 1 5050 2 338350 3 25502500 4 2050333330 5 171708332500 6 14790714119050 7 1300583304167500 8 116177773111333330 9 10507499300049998500 10 959924142434241924250 OK One who is familiar with some kind of BASIC languages will be confused by the usage of the variable 'I'. Some BASICs will run abnormally by such a program. But UBASIC has local variables, the 'local' command in line 1050 preserves the value of 'I' in the main program and generates a new 'I' and initializes it to 0. The 'return' command will reset the original value to 'I'.

Lesson 5

~~Lesson 5. Lesson 5. Calculation of Real numbers To use real numbers, one must set the precison by the 'POINT' command. point numerical_expression is the command format. The number of decimal digits used is about 4.8 times the value of the numeric expression. point 10 will set the precision to 48 decimal digits. OK print 11/12 0.916666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 OK Calculate sin(X) from X=1degree,...,45degrees by 20 decimals. Let's take POINT to be 5. 10 point 5 20 for I=0 to 45 30 X=pi(I/180):' pi(I/180)=#pi*I/180 40 print using(3),I;using(2,20),sin(X) 50 next run 0 0 1 0.01745240643728351282 2 0.03489949670250097165 3 0.05233595624294383272 4 0.06975647374412530078 5 0.08715574274765817356 6 0.10452846326765347140 7 0.12186934340514748111 8 0.13917310096006544411 9 0.15643446504023086901 10 0.17364817766693034885 ... OK Here 'print using(p1,p2)' assigns the display length of integer and fractional parts.

Lesson 6

~~Lesson 6. Lesson 6. High Precision Arithmetic Theoretically, (1+1/N)^N converges to 'e' as N goes to infinity. Let's see this numerically. 10 point 20 20 N=100:print (1+1/N)^N 30 N=10^10:print (1+1/N)^N 40 N=10^50:print (1+1/N)^N run 2.704813829421526093267194710807530833677938382781002776890201 049117101514306739279439456014346584 2.718281828323131143949794001297229499885179933883965470815866 244433899270751441490494848853547347 2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093625082984984087 392709574135039719662542902843924865 OK The exact value of 'e' is ? #e 2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959574966967 627724076630353547594571382178525165 OK Thus we can see that this sequence converges very slowly but steadily to 'e'. Note when you try with larger N's, you must set POINT to be larger than 1/3 of the decimal digits of N.

Lesson 7

~~Lesson 7. Lesson 7. Output Redirection @There are two ways to store the calculation results to the disk. Here we use one of them, 'output redirection'. @print=print+"file name" assigns the output device of the print command to CRT and the file. For example, let's use the program in the Lesson5. Write before 'run' print=print+"sin" OK run OK Note that this time the disk will work. print=print OK restores the normal mode. Let's return to MS-DOS. system A>dir You will find the file 'sin.ub', and you will be able to edit it with your editor and print it beautifully. Variations are: print=lprint print=print+lprint+"xyz" lprint=print etc.

Lesson 8

~~Lesson 8. Lesson 8. Arithmetic of Complex Numbers UBASIC version 8 can treat complex numbers like real numbers. The unit of the imaginary number(square root of -1) is denoted by #i. Let's make a function which answers one of the solutions of a quadratic equation. The well-known formula tells: 10 fnQuadraEq(A,B,C) 20 local D,Sol 30 D=B^2-4*A*C 40 Sol=(-B+sqrt(D))/(2*A) 50 return(Sol) ? .QuadraEq(1,2,3) -1.0+1.4142135623730950487#i OK Here ? is the shortened form of 'print' and . is that of 'fn'. Complex numbers can be used for the power arithmetic. Let's see what is 'i' to the 'i'-th power? ? #i^#i 0.2078795763507619085 OK is the answer. Since 'i' is the 'e' to the 'pi'/2*'i'-th power, 'i' to the 'i'-th power must be the 'e' to the -'pi'/2-th power. ? exp(-pi(1/2)) 0.2078795763507619085 OK Surely! (You can use other expressions for exp(-pi(1/2)) such as exp(-#pi/2), #e^(-pi(1/2)) or #e^(-#pi/2), but I recommend exp(-pi(1/2)) most.) Since a power function is multivalued, we must determine what branch UBASIC uses. First UBASIC interprets #i^#i = exp(log(#i)*#i). And log(#i) = atan(1,0)*#i. Finally two variable arctangent takes its value larger than -pi less or equal to pi.

Lesson 9

~~Lesson 9. Lesson 9. Passing functions as parameters Suppose you are making a function or a subroutine which is applicable to various functions or subroutines. You cannot use the exact function name in the program. It may be convenient to use an abstract function name in your subroutine and get the exact function name as a parameter from the main routine. See the following example. The function fnSimpson defined in the lines 140-230 gives an integration of the function fnF from A to B by N steps. Lines 10-20 show the usage. You can do this only for user defined functions. The built-in functions cannot be passed as parameters. 10 print fnSimpson(&fnA,0,1,1/10^6) 20 print fnSimpson(&fnB,0,1,1/10^6) 30 end 40 ' 50 fnA(X) 60 return(1/(1+X^2)) 70 ' 80 fnB(X) 90 return(sqrt(1-X^2)) 100 ' 110 'Simpson's Rule (Numerical Integration) 120 ' program from the book: 125 ' S.Moriguchi Suuchi Keisan Jutu (Kyoritu Syuppan) 130 ' 140 fnSimpson(&fnF(),X1,X2,E1) 150 local Dy,H,M,N,S0,S1,S2,Y1,Y2 160 N=2:H=(X2-X1)/N 170 S0=fnF(X1)+fnF(X2):S1=fnF(X1+H):S2=0 180 Y1=(S0+4*S1)*H/3 190 repeat 200 N=N*2:H=H/2:S2=S1+S2:S1=0 210 for M=1 to N step 2:S1=S1+fnF(X1+M*H):next 220 Y2=(S0+4*S1+2*S2)*H/3:Dy=Y2-Y1:Y1=Y2 230 until absmax(Dy)

Lesson 10

~~Lesson 10. Lesson 10. Arithmetic of Rational Numbers UBASIC version 8 can treat rational numbers. Write the numerator first, next the operator // and the denominator. For example, 2//3 denotes the rational '2 over 3'. This is not the same as 2/3(=0.666...) or 2\3 (=0). The rational number is stored in the reduced form. For example, 2//4 is stored as 1//2, 3//1 is stored as 3(=integer). The following program will give the rational approximation of 'e', the error will be smaller than 655536^(-21). 10 'rational calculation of E 20 point 21 30 E#=0:I=1:W#=1 40 while cvr(W#) 50 E#=E#+W#:W#=W#//I:I=I+1 60 wend 70 print num(E#) 80 print "/" 90 print den(E#) 100 print 110 print cvr(E#) 120 end

Lesson 11

~~Lesson 11. Lesson 11. Arithmetic of one variable polynomials UBASIC version 8 can treat polynomials of one variable. For example the polynomial 1+x+2*x^3 is denoted in UBASIC by F#=poly(1,1,0,2) or F#=1+_x+2*_x^3 or F#=poly(1):coeff(F#,1)=1:coeff(F#,3)=2 Either will produce the same result. The following program will give the differential of the polynomial. 10 'differential 20 input F# 30 DF#=0 40 for I=1 to deg(F#) 50 coeff(DF#,I-1)=I*coeff(F#,I) 60 next 70 print DF# 80 end

Lesson 12

~~Lesson 12. Lesson 12. Packing multiple data When you have to treat the data which consists of multiple sub_data, what do you do? If you are a user of Pascal, you can use the 'record type' but you cannot make a function which returns this data type. If you are a user of an ANSI C, you can define a function which returns the 'struct'ured data. UBASIC has no such data structure but can treat a set of data usually called a 'list' (in UBASIC called a 'pack') and can return that as the value of the functions. The following program will give the prime factorization of natural numbers. 10 'prime factorization 20 input "Integer <= 100000 =";N 30 if N>100000 then beep:goto 20 40 W#=fnFactor(N) 50 for I=1 to len(W#) 60 Ww#=member(W#,I) 70 print member(Ww#,1); 80 Power=member(Ww#,2) 90 if Power>1 then print "^";Power; 100 if I

Lesson 13

~~Lesson 13. Lesson 13. Manipulation of strings You can use almost all commands and functions which are equipped by the usual BASIC languages such as RIGHT(),MID(), LEFT(),... One advantage was added to UBASIC version 8. That is, you can compute the string if it represents a mathematical formula. Moreover, you can execute the string if it represents a UBASIC command. The following program will make a table of the function which you assigned from the keyboard. 10 'table of a function 20 print "Input a function using x as a variable (ex. sin(x), x+cos(x),...)" 30 strinput F# 40 F#=encode(F#) 50 for I=0 to 20 60 X=I/20 70 print using(4,4),X,using(4,6),val(F#) 80 next 90 end


~~PrimeTests Primality tests and factorization of integers are discussed, e.g., in S. S. Wagstaff, Jr. and J. W. Smith: Methods of Factoring Large Integers. Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics, No. 1240, pp. 281-303 Hideo Wada: Suugaku 38 (1986), pp. 345-350 (in Japanese). PRTEST1 is an implementation of Lenstra's version of the Adleman-Pomerance-Rumely primality test algorithm. It is faster than simple-minded ones for integers of more than 12 to 13 figures. A 70-figure number can be tested in an hour. A present implementation can handle integers of up to 137 figures. See L. M. Adleman, C.Pomerance and R. S. Rumely: On Distinguishing Prime Numbers from Composite Numbers. Ann. of Math. 117(1983), pp.173-206. H. W. Lenstra, Jr.: Primality Testing Algorithm. Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics No. 901, pp. 243-257. Hideo Wada: Kousoku Jousan Hou to Sosuu Hantei Hou. Sophia University Mathematics Lecture Note No. 15, pp. 131-153 (in Japanese). PRTEST1 follows Wada's presentation (but does not replace his Condition 2 by Condition 7). Cohen and Lenstra have improved the algorithm by using Jacobi sums: H. Cohen and H. W. Lenstra, Jr.: Primality Testing and Jacobi Sums. Mathematics of Computation 42 (1984), 297-330. H. Cohen and A. K. Lenstra: Implementation of a New Primality Test. Mathematics of Computation 48 (1987), 103-121. APRT-CL implements their algorithm. It is faster than PRTEST1 and can test numbers of up to 300 figures. ~~Factorize ECM, ECMX -- ECM factors integers using the Elliptic Curve Method. In a reasonable time, it can handle integers of more than 200 figures, but with a factor of at most 20 figures. ECMX, which uses a machine language routine, is faster by a few per cent. The original account of the algorithm is given by H. W. Lenstra, Jr.: Factoring Integers with Elliptic Curves. Annals of Mathematics 126 (1987), 649-673. The following is handy when implementing the method. P. L. Montgomery: Speeding the Pollard and Elliptic Curve Methods of Factorization. Mathematics of Computation 48 (1987), 243-264. MPQSX uses the Multiple Polynomial Quadratic Sieve method. It can factor integers of up to about 45 figures. Increase the multiple of 16 on line 880 as far as the memory allows: 16*30: 40 figures can be factored 16*50: 45 figures can be factored A 30-figure number takes 4 minutes; 35-figure, 9 minutes; 40-figure, 20 minutes; 45-figure, an hour. This routine uses machine language. Its source listing is in the MPQS#10.ASM file. See: R. D. Silverman: The Multiple Polynomial Quadratic Sieve. Mathematics of Computation 48 (1987), 329-339. If you have 32-bit machines(CPU=386DX,386SX,486) with more than 1MBytes extended memories and 10-100MBytes Hard Disk free area, try MPQSHD in the MPQS32-subdirectory, which will decompose up to 80 digits(it will take more than 1000hours). MPQS and ECM are the newest and fastest integer factoring methods. But they work quite differently. MPQS is more predictable but cannot handle large numbers. It would take several months to factor a 100-figure number even with a supercomputer. ECM is quite fast when the number has a small factor: A 100-figure number with factors of no more than 20 figures can be factored in a reasonable time. If the number has more than 55 figures, use ECM and hope for luck! There's no way to tell beforehand how long it will take. For smaller numbers, use MPQS. Recently a new factorization method was invented, which was named the Number Field Sieve method. This method can be applied only for the special kind of integers until now. A.K.Lenstra, H.W.Lenstra,Jr., M.S.Manasse and J.M.Pollard: The number field sieve (preprint). They decomposed C148 of 2^(2^9)+1 into P49*P99. POLFACT -- Factorize one variable polynomial in rational numbers. POLFACT1, POLFACT2 -- Both decompose a one-variable polynomial into a product of irreducible ones modulo a prime number. POLFACT1 reports only the decomposition type and the number of factors with multiplicities for each degree. POLFACT2 finds a complete set of irreducible factors but runs slower. ~~NumTheory UNITR2, REALQF, REALQF2 -- UNITR2 computes fundamental units of real quadratic fields, i.e., solutions of Pell equations. It will suffice if class numbers are not needed. REALQF is a straightforward implementation of the flowchart in H. Wada: Table of Class Numbers of Real Quadratic Fields. Sophia University Mathematics Lecture Note No. 10 with an added routine to compute fundamental units. It is much faster and more reliable than REALQF2. REALQF2 determines class numbers by an analytic formula. It is only approximate; the results are rounded to the nearest integer. When the discriminant is large, increase the POINT value to cope with error. IMAGQF, IMQF -- IMAGQF finds the class numbers of imaginary quadratic fields analytically as character sums: 110 D=4*N:if N@4=3 then D=D\4 115 H=0 120 for X=1 to D\2 130 H=H+kro(-D,X) 140 next X 150 H=H\(2-kro(-D,2)) 160 print "Class Number is ";H IMQF counts points in the fundamental region on the complex plane. It is much faster than IMAGQF. GENSHI, GENSHIP -- These compute minimum primitive roots and minimum prime primitive roots modulo P. 10 'GENSHI version 1.2 20 print "Primitive Root modulo P" 30 input "Prime = ";P 40 if P<3 then print "Too small":goto 30 50 if P>=65536^2 then print "Too big":goto 30 60 if prmdiv(P)

1 then goto 90 130 print G;"is the smallest primitive root MOD";P 140 end KAIJOU (factorial) -- An example program to illustrate UBASIC86's output formatting. 10 'KAIJOU version 1.1 20 word 510 30 print "Factorials" 40 F=1 50 for N=1 to 20 60 F=F*N 70 print using(5),N;"! =";using(25),F 80 next N 90 end ~~AppendixA Code of Numbers. Short Variables -- The most significant bit represents the sign, and the remaining 15 bits represent the absolute value. There is no -32768. Long and EXTRA Variables -- In the least significant word: 0 - 8th bits : number of effective words 9th bit : fraction flag 10th bit : multiple data flag 11th bit : string flag 12th bit : rational number flag 13th bit : complex number flag 14th bit : real number flag 15th bit : sign The absolute value begins with the next word. The actual length is one plus the length specified by WORD; thus an EXTRA Variable occupies 543 words. For example, 1.5 is represented as follows when POINT = 2. 4003H, 0000H, 8000H, 0001H <- less significant more significant -> Also , 1.5+2#i is represented as follows. 2006h,4003H, 0000H, 8000H, 0001H, 0001H, 0002H (1)(2) (3) (4) (1) complex flg on(sign flg and fraction flag must be off) (2) effective words (3) start of real part (4) start of imaginary part Files -- Numbers in files are formatted as Long and EXTRA Variables represented as above. The first 8 words of a file contains various information. Arrays -- 0000H(WORD) Dimension. 0002H(WORD) Not Used. 0004H(WORD) Size of the 1st dimension. 0006H(WORD) Number of elements per each 1st index. 0008H(WORD) Size of the 2nd dimension. 000AH(WORD) Number of elements per each combination of 1st & 2nd indices ... 001CH(WORD) Size of the 7th dimension. 001EH(WORD) Must be 1. The current version supports only 3 dimensons. ~~AppendixB Built-In Functions Note that divisions are truncated, not rounded. POWER -- X^Y If Y=0 then answer=1. Otherwise if X=0 then answer=0. If Y is a positive integer, the repeated squaring method is used. If Y is a negative integer, (1/X)^(-Y) is calculated as above. If Y is a real number, it is done as above for the integer part and for the rest is done by the combination of EXP and LOG. If Y is a complex number, EXP(LOG(X)*Y) is calculated. ISQRT -- Uses Newton's algorithm: Set t to the argument x. Then repeat replacing t with (t + x \ t) \ 2 until t does not decrease. This gives the integer part of the square root of x. SQRT -- Same as above, with \ replaced by /. If X is negative then calculates the square root of -x and multiplies #i. If X is complex(X=A+B*#i) then if A>=0 then Real part =sqrt{(abs(X)+A)/2} Imag part = B/(2*Real part) else Imag part =sqrt{(abs(X)-A)/2} Real part = B/(2*Imag part) SIN, COS -- Adds the Taylor series until the summand vanishes. The parameter X is reduced in 0<=x<#pi/4 before calculating the series. If X is complex(X=A+B*#i) then sin(X)=sin(A)*cosh(B)+cos(A)*sinh(b)*#i cos(X)=cos(A)*cosh(B)+sin(A)*sinh(b)*#i TAN = SIN/COS ATAN -- sum of {(-1)^n}X^(2n+1)/(2n+1) The parameter X is reduced to less than 1/8 by using following formulas: pi/2-atan(1/X) atan(X)=atan(1/2)+atan(2X-1/X+2) atan(X)=atan(1/4)+atan(4X-1/X+4) atan(X)=atan(1/4)-atan(1-4X/X+4) UBASIC has atan(1/2) and atan(1/4) as system constants. If X is complex then use atan(X)=log{(#i-X)/(#i+X)}/2#i COSH -- (exp(x)+1/exp(x))/2 if Real part of x >= 0 (exp(-x)+1/exp(-x))/2 otherwise. SINH -- (exp(x)-1/exp(x))/2 if Real part of x >= 0, -(exp(-x)-1/exp(-x))/2 otherwise. EXP -- Adds the Taylor series until the summand vanishes for 0<= x 0 = atan(B/A)+pi if B>=0>A = atan(B/A)-pi if A,B<0 . Thus atan(B,A) takes its value larger than -pi less or equal to pi. ABS --- Absolute value of the complex number z is by definition sqrt(Re(z)^2+Im(z)^2). To minimize error, we shift-up z by POINT words and shift- down the result when Re(z) and Im(z) are both less than 1, RND --- Set a = 41a7h, m = 7fffffffh repeat{ seed = (a*seed) mod m RND = seed/m } IRND --- Set a = 41a7h, m = 7fffffffh repeat{ seed = (a*seed) mod m IRND = seed & 7fffh } BESSEL --- using simply their power series: BesselI(k,x)=sum of (x/2)^(2*n+k)/(n!*(n+k)!) BesselJ(k,x)=sum of (-1)^n*(x/2)^(2*n+k)/(n!*(n+k)!) ~~aboutUB about UBASIC UBASIC was written by Prof. Yuji Kida Department of Mathematics Rikkyo University Nishi-Ikebukuro 3, Tokyo 171, JAPAN. (e-mail: If you find any bug, please inform me at the address above. Application programs written in UBASIC are also welcome. I welcome your copying and distributing this software, magnetically or otherwise. This software is distributed as is. I disclaim all warranties, expressed or implied. I assume no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of this software. Here I express my hearty thanks to the users who told me the bugs and suggested me the improvements, especially, Prof.s Shigeki Egami, Mituo Morimoto in Japan, Dr. Frank O'Hara in England and Prof. Walter Neumann in USA. This manual was written, translated and revised by Prof. Yuji Kida, Prof. Haruhiko Okumura, Mrs. Yoko Iwase in Japan, Dr. Frank O'Hara in England and Prof. Walter Neumann in USA. Also Prof. Willem L. van der Poel in the Netherlands pointed out some mistakes. This on-line manual system was created by Prof. Yoichi Koyama in Japan. Version 8.74. May 5, 1994.