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Friday June 22,

Friday June 22 Joe Feng sent this e-mail of his PowerPoint presentation of the results of his reading and saving the data contents of the RAMAC in Computer History Museum


Attached is a PowerPoint summary of the readback waveform activity. The scope pictures are supposed to be movies. On my computer, the movies do not start automatically. I need to put my cursor over the picture and click once or twice to get them started.

I want to add a slide showing the envelopes from the tracks that I mm interpreting as "unformatted, poorly written, bad envelopes". I also think I want to re-take the movies so the camera is more square to the oscilloscope face.

Let me know of any additions or other changes I need to make to the list of acknowledgements. Also, let me know if you have any questions.

You will note that there is pretty strong evidence that at least three sectors were written after October 14, 1965.


The e-mail attachment: Joe Feng's PowerPoint of data on the RAMAC